I wrote up some thoughts about it. I'd be interested in some proper codex
trolling opinions.
I should probably declare that Firaxis have paid off my mortgage in return for the review.
Nice review, can agree with most points.
I think there are a few things that work a little bit differently than what you wrote, but honestly I'm not 100% sure about them myself:
Armor does add to hitpoints, but it seems that armor hitpoints and body hitpoints are treated differently internally. At least my heavy armor guys didn't need hospitalization after losing only a few measly hitpoints.
While I would prefer a threshold mechanic (possibly with modifiers against different attack types), it's at least better than only increasing the soldiers hitpoints directly.
Some weapons also give an aim bonus (yeah, boring, I know).
It's a bit sad that they have cut the ammo/damage categories from the old ones. OTOH, different ammo types became largely useless in the old one after you had laser and plasma weapons. Why keep on using the conventional shit when you have the new shiny laser/plasma weapons. But YMMV.
Are you sure about static damage? I thought it was randomized (but within a very small range).
I'm a little bit concerned about replayability, as well.
What I'd like to see is a DLC that adds some more different aliens (although the ones they have are largely well done, imho) and maps and then randomizes which aliens are going to appear in a campaign. Say in a given play-through you get to meet 10/15 different types of aliens.
By the way, I didn't feel overly forced by the game to follow the story. I took several breaks to improve my squads and research new tech before continuing with the current story mission.
In the end, the old one wasn't that different, I think, at least if you already knew what you had to do. At some point you would need to do a specific task to further the story. Of course, nuXCOM is much more "in your face" about it, so I understand if some feel restricted by that.