Pretty much. I lost two campaigns on classic ironman, then played and won a normal ironman campaign and normal ironman was so easy it was a slog to get myself to finish it. Haven't started a new game since finishing that, which is a damn shame because I actually really enjoyed my two attempts at classic.Normal difficulty is well and truly easy enough as is. Don't know why they'd bother making easy difficulty even easier.. Hope they rename it to "toddler difficulty".
I'll probably get back to classic ironman at some point and hopefully it'll reignite my alien killing boner. Blows my mind when I hear people talking about playing on normal and savescumming, much less normal, savescumming, and finding it hard. I guess it shouldn't freak me out, but it does.
Exactly this. I've heard people talking about how hard it is on normal and congratulating eachother about holy hell, you beat it on normal ironman!?
Normal is mindnumbingly boring it's so easy, I was playing on normal ironman and just abandoned the game for that reason. I don't mind playing on classic ironman and can have a good time, but seeing too much of it on normal revealed just how shallow the game is. It really killed it for me.