Whenever I see a mention of a roadmap it means I will be putting the game on hold for a year.
Early Access, so might as well not exist until it's actually released.
I sometimes buy early access juat to support them. I think of it like late kickstarter pledge. To my surprise, blood west which i bougbt few months ago actually gonna get released in the end of the year.Early Access, so might as well not exist until it's actually released.
Yeah, I'll do that with developers I trust and who have delivered in the past. That's pretty much it for early access though.I sometimes buy early access juat to support them. I think of it like late kickstarter pledge. To my surprise, blood west which i bougbt few months ago actually gonna get released in the end of the year.
Too many times I have seen early access games announce full 1.0 release and then still kick you with a post launch roadmap.To my surprise, blood west which i bougbt few months ago actually gonna get released in the end of the year.Early Access, so might as well not exist until it's actually released.
Me too, when it's a combination of game I want to play for a bit before release, with a discount and devs are stating there will be a price increase when it releases... but when they flat out say the price will be the same after early access release like this game then there's really no incentive to get it early.. Also like to check to see how often they have been updating it and what the updates consist of.I sometimes buy early access juat to support them. I think of it like late kickstarter pledge. To my surprise, blood west which i bougbt few months ago actually gonna get released in the end of the year.Early Access, so might as well not exist until it's actually released.
Imo the lens you have to see it is not "it's playable/i can get hours of fun" but "it's a promising project that i am willing to risk the rest of the game sucking or the project halted so i can support ongoing development and give feedback"
Your attitude in general is right, but sometimes i just feel like if a project is promising enough and dev has good track record enough then it's worth the risk.
Your mom.Who isn't a tranny these days?
Be Kind Rewind thoroughly defeatedIt seems that both devs are trans
That explains why they are trans and why they felt the need to include fucking sexual drama in a FPS. The two were abused in their childhood and became trannies as a consequence.It seems that both devs are trans
It also explains why the combat in the game is an unfun clusterfuck.That explains why they are trans and why they felt the need to include fucking sexual drama in a FPS. The two were abused in their childhood and became trannies as a consequence.It seems that both devs are trans
You mean the pre-release drama? The devs got into a scrap with Steam about the tags for the game, because Steam playtesters (no, I didn't know Steam actually playtested the shit on their platform either) failed to beat the tutorial, and also objected to the content warning on the store page for some arcane reason. The devs relayed this story in a confusing blog post in which nobody could quite tell exactly what had happened or what Steam's alleged problem was. They claimed these issues may lead to the game's EA release being delayed.Ugh, what was the drama about, again?
Thank you for the explanation, but I meant the sexual abuse controversy, as I'm out of the loop.You mean the pre-release drama? The devs got into a scrap with Steam about the tags for the game, because Steam playtesters (no, I didn't know Steam actually playtested the shit on their platform either) failed to beat the tutorial, and also objected to the content warning on the store page for some arcane reason. The devs relayed this story in a confusing blog post in which nobody could quite tell exactly what had happened or what Steam's alleged problem was. They claimed these issues may lead to the game's EA release being delayed.Ugh, what was the drama about, again?
People started questioning the devs to try and tease apart what had actually happened, and one person asking questions was Dave Oshry. The devs were a bit snappy with him in response. Since Dave Oshry is a LIVING LEGEND having made like two mediocre games, his fanbase all rallied round him and said they'd boycott Fortune's Run, for the devs were now guilty of Crimes Against Dave. Dave himself was actually very reasonable about it and told people there was no reason for a boycott.
Oh - there's going to be a depiction of sexual violence at some point in the game, and it forms a "core part of the story" (devs' own words), and the protagonist's backstory. It's hinted at right from the start, with the mentor in the tutorial suggesting that something terrible has happened to your character, which you can't quite recall or confront.Thank you for the explanation, but I meant the sexual abuse controversy, as I'm out of the loop.