You're all shills
To be honest, this focus on single detail doesn't really capture the problem with early 3D. Like, i don't think games like Quake 2 actually count, or stuff like stretched out textures on low poly models in and of itself.
My biggest pet peeve when 3D games first started rolling out is how obviously limited the technology was in the way the enviorments were generally stripped and devoid of actual complexity, just some flat or curved terrain with a single texture stretched over it with sparse low poly assets haphazardly placed on top in a way that barely seemed natural. I rember the first time i was "shocked" by early 3D was Dark Reign 2, which is funny because Total Annihilation, despite also being very early 3D, didn't have this problem.
Just look at this shit:
Early 3D also stood out to me if it was visibly worse than whatever 2D antecedent it came to replace, which Dark Reign 2 also did as the first game just looked better to me than the texture filtered blob above. Example of this include stuff like Neverwinter Nights vis the Baldur's Gate games.
2D > 3D in any era except current, but that kinda looks nice