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Giving Caesar 3 a whirl, amusing n00b mistakes

Jan 7, 2012
Well, if you are sure on that then I won't argue since I haven't really played Pharaoh (couldn't get into the artstyle). I have played Caesar 3 and Emperor extensively and walkers work like I've described in both. There's definitely no actual randomness to walkers, its deterministic and the 4 paths will always have the same 4 routes consistently.

I did check though and they can walk through roadblocks in Emperor on their return leg. Not sure WHY you would ever put a roadblock on the path of a walker since it would seem to just be a bad idea that lowers their coverage most of the time. Though I'm sure if you used really complex intersections you might be able to keep making guesses at where to place roadblocks so that the resulting path distribution managed to cover more area. But, y'know, when you have roadblocks you should really just be making loops for your inspectors to walk around.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice


Dec 15, 2019
Started playing Emperor and the "instant workers everywhere" is terrible. I place the whole town in the first moments of the game on a pause. Disable all industries but security and let it run and enable industries as people move in.
Since you dont need house access for buildings, all security buildings get manned instantly. No walkers required.
You can literally build everything you need to win a map out of the gate. If you have the money and the frist 10 non-tutorial maps give you enough.

Houses being 2x2 feels bad. They also look all the same...

The whole look of the game feels like 3D... really. Rocks especially stand out.

Pharaoh still best Ceasar game :>


Apr 18, 2008
I used to think that the global worker pool from Zeus and Emperor was a good addition. Now after finishing Pharaoh and close to finishing Cleopatra, I'm not that sure anymore. Figuring out how to suck out workers from your housing blocks makes laying out the city a pretty interesting challenge.

I do plan to go back to the Emperor and Zeus maybe at some point and I'll see what I think then. Still, Emperor has that Feng Shui thing, which is cool. The missions I finished I did them all with perfect Feng Shui. Sure, it's not required, but it's there if you want to put some more thought into the design of your city.


Antiquity Studio
Aug 24, 2013
Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Ceasar 2 had better combat than ceasar 3. This announcement is complete, carry on.
But have you tried the "Caesar 1 combat" that is actually played in a separate game, Cohort II?

Hmm interesting, I never bothered with the first one. I got the sequel when it came out and enjoyed watching the battles (which looked really good for the era). When I saw they "forgot" to implement a proper battle system in Caesar 3 I immediately disregarded it.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
Really curious about that large temple rework.

EDIT: from discord

Large Temples will be a bit of both. Players will use resources (timber, marble & clay) to construct them in phases, like Pharaoh's monuments, but the completed temple will still provide religious bonuses, like the Temple Complexes. There will also be a module system, similar to the addons for the Temple Complexes.
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Apr 18, 2008
With all these changes you might as well play Pharaoh. :troll:

Speaking of which, I recently stumbled upon this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1157220/Nebuchadnezzar/

Most likely vaporware, but in the trailer it shows an interesting feature, that is the ability to set the paths for the walkers. Which means no need for roadblocks and you can have cities that are not made out of self-contained loops.
Now that would be an interesting feature for that C3 mod. It would offer a completely different way of building your cities.


Dec 15, 2019
I played Emperor a little bit more and its really close the Pharaoh, maybe even a little better...! The ability to water farms and working walls pull it up. Though the "trade negotiation" dance pulls it down...
The first 2 campaigns are just terrible examples, but so are Pharaoh campaigns. The following Emperor campaigns are better than Pharaoh.

One thing that Emperor has are maps that you continue to build on in subsequent missions, which is nice on one hand but I dont like because I cheat-skip missions that I deem boring by goals or map look. You skip such a map with a cheat,
and then the same map appear in a mission I want to play but its completely empty since i didnt build on it...

The game has some things over Pharaoh, like the industries require more workers so that you have a tougher popuation start.
And the housing of them takes more place, though this is mostly a perception thing. Its not really constraint on area, maps are big enough.

One major negative that I overlooked in the beginning is that housing looks all the same. You build a block and it looks like a clone army...
Pharaoh has 2 pictures for each housing level when your 1x1 merge to 2x2. Those pictures look differnt too so your hyper optimal blocks still look a little bit d i v e r s e.
Emperor housing levels also look same-ish, so your natural blcok with different levels of houseing also looks same-ish.

I also dont like how gardens look either...

Iron ore is blue in the game. :>>>

I dont like the ability to micro buldings, you can individually disable farms etc, it feels too easy to control stuff, you can even disable industries.
AND you can modulate working population by raising or lowering taxes, wchih also makes things a bit easier.

Disease is not a major mechanic in the game...

Pleasing heroes feels pretty pointless too...just like a chore...

The doube pressing of 123456789 to get to the Advisor of a particular industry is pretty bad UI design imo and a step back from earlier games.

Having said that, you can still pretend that housing walkers are required and build those huts where needed... and not disable individual buildings... which I started doing...
Still the clone housing blocks remain and make my cities look bad...


Jul 5, 2013
Augustus 1.4.0 released



  • Expand the limits of buildings, walkers, etc. five times.
  • Getting warehouses will now keep getting goods if partial storage is set higher than 8.
  • Zooming in and out.
  • You can now specify how many goods you want to import, Pharaoh-style.
  • Roadblocks can now allow certain walkers to pass through, like Emperor's gates.
  • You can now individually restrict access to warehouses/granaries to market buyers, traders and trading ships.-
  • Allow individual buildings to be mothballed.
  • 3 extra forts option changed to 4 extra forts.
  • Added scrolling to military advisor screen, so extra forts are not displayed over or outside the interface.
  • Add priority button to barracks, letting you choose if they should focus on manning the towers or forts.
  • Added 3/4 option to granaries and warehouses.
  • Partial storages now displayed as number of units stored instead of F/H/Q letters.
  • Add dock special orders, letting you select which ships will visit certain docks. A ship won't go to a dock unless that dock accepts all the goods that the ship trades.
  • Save file extension changes from .sav to .svx to make it more clear it's not compatible.
New options for changed gameplay:

  • Double getting granaries cart pushers capacity.
  • Tower sentries don't need road access.
  • Food from wharves/farms is only delivered to close granaries.
  • Food from wharves/farms isn't delivered to getting granaries.
  • All houses merge to 2x2 if they have the space.
  • Trade routes need only to be open instead of importing to count their wine as different type to a city.
  • Random event of collapsing clay pits and iron mines take 250dn instead of destroying the respective buildings.
  • Allow multiple barracks.
Bug fixes:

  • Immediate destroy buildings option now works properly on roadblocks, plazas, towers, and arches.
  • Prevent distant battle overflow, where sending too many or too strong soldiers would cause you to lose the distant battle.
  • Fixed an issue where warehouses storing food would destroy it while transporting it to a granary which partially accepted it.
  • Angry natives will now not attack roadblocks.
  • Adjusted certain walkers so they are no longer invincible to enemies.
Plus all the changes from Julius.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
Gonna do a peaceful mission campaign play-through after I'm done with Pharaoh. Hopefully by that time they will have added in those temple projects that they've been teasing us with.


Dec 14, 2010
Strap Yourselves In
Does anyone know how? Mouse wheel or keys don't do anything :/

Edit: Nevermind. Had to manually enable the option in augustus.ini which was created after the game was started.

Edit 2: I'm an idiot. There is an in-game option menu
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