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Dec 19, 2016
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
In case somebody was unaware of this (like I was), the current Cyberpunk offline installers are corrupt since their release a couple of weeks ago, and GOG refuses to even acknowledge the issue:


Install parts 17, 18, and 19 are corrupt on GOG's end and distributed that way. Some user posted a fix that repairs those files.

Edit: made a thread about this: https://af.gog.com/forum/general/go...are_still_corrupted_for_a_month?as=1649904300
Update: after I made that thread yesterday and GOG staff responded:
Hey there, thanks for raising this issue. Our Team is currently working on a fix, we'll let you know once a proper build has been deployed. Apologies for the delay!
today GOG has silently updated the installers for Cyberpunk.

These new files pass all MD5 checks, unlike the previous version.


May 19, 2019
Okie Land
There was a time when I believed that gog was made up of grizzled old gamers who were desperate to honor gaming's history by providing gaming software to retail for their forever collections. It's quite clear now that it's now made up of transgendered neo-pagan smooth brains who get their knowledge of the past from wikipedia and their technical skills from reading reddit threads on web3 programming. And I don't know what happened to Judas, but to me it's no coincidence that the site started sucking around the time he disappeared.

This recent data storage issue is a sign that everyone should be backing up their installers. Who the hell knows what dark twisted depths the goglords are gonna take it down next.
Jan 21, 2023
There was a time when I believed that gog was made up of grizzled old gamers who were desperate to honor gaming's history by providing gaming software to retail for their forever collections. It's quite clear now that it's now made up of transgendered neo-pagan smooth brains who get their knowledge of the past from wikipedia and their technical skills from reading reddit threads on web3 programming. And I don't know what happened to Judas, but to me it's no coincidence that the site started sucking around the time he disappeared.

This recent data storage issue is a sign that everyone should be backing up their installers. Who the hell knows what dark twisted depths the goglords are gonna take it down next.
It's more like the same oldfags from before got a taste of that sweet dosh that Geralt and co. brought and got addicted to it. And you know how addictions go.


Jul 12, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
There was a time when I believed that gog was made up of grizzled old gamers who were desperate to honor gaming's history by providing gaming software to retail for their forever collections. It's quite clear now that it's now made up of transgendered neo-pagan smooth brains who get their knowledge of the past from wikipedia and their technical skills from reading reddit threads on web3 programming. And I don't know what happened to Judas, but to me it's no coincidence that the site started sucking around the time he disappeared.

This recent data storage issue is a sign that everyone should be backing up their installers. Who the hell knows what dark twisted depths the goglords are gonna take it down next.


Oct 23, 2017
Like a Dragon caught my eye since it still has Denuvo on the Steam version of the game. Haven't been paying attention for about a year but based on the state of the Galaxy client still being shit and the past couple pages, doesn't seem like things are in a good place. At this point I regret having a substantial GOG library.

DRM/DRM-free I don't give a crap anymore, at least Steam works and doesn't get in the way meanwhile every time I launch GOG it takes thirty minutes to sync my library.
Jan 21, 2023
Like a Dragon caught my eye since it still has Denuvo on the Steam version of the game. Haven't been paying attention for about a year but based on the state of the Galaxy client still being shit and the past couple pages, doesn't seem like things are in a good place. At this point I regret having a substantial GOG library.

DRM/DRM-free I don't give a crap anymore, at least Steam works and doesn't get in the way meanwhile every time I launch GOG it takes thirty minutes to sync my library.
Exactly my thoughts. Every time I buy a game on GOG, I'm always left wondering if they are going to update it on time, if it's not going to fuck up, etc etc etc. Too many ifs. I don't feel as confident as I did before. I do have some stuff that they took off their store on my account, but I'm just considering if I should just back up those installers and simply ask them to delete my account.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
New releases are always updated on time as far as I've seen. The problem is older games. There's a huge list of games which have a worse track record on GOG.
Jan 21, 2023
New releases are always updated on time as far as I've seen. The problem is older games. There's a huge list of games which have a worse track record on GOG.
New releases being updated on time is not a given, it reall depends on devs and publishers. Some update their gog releases hours later, but others take some days, weeks, even months to do so. And then you have the games that haven't been updated in like 3 or 4 years.
Jan 21, 2023
Which is why one should only purchase complete games, after all DLC and most significant patches are out.

Better prices as well.
But then that "complete" game has features taken out, and you never know if there's going to be further updates that will be released, but not on GOG. Like the updates for KOTOR2, Dragon's Dogma, Deadly Premonition, etc


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Features taken out? I thought that was exclusive to Steam with their forced update system.
Last edited:

Jason Bright

Mar 14, 2023
Which is why one should only purchase complete games, after all DLC and most significant patches are out.

Better prices as well.
But then that "complete" game has features taken out, and you never know if there's going to be further updates that will be released, but not on GOG. Like the updates for KOTOR2, Dragon's Dogma, Deadly Premonition, etc
So those games got updates on Steam? Are they significant or not?


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Which is why one should only purchase complete games, after all DLC and most significant patches are out.

Better prices as well.
But then that "complete" game has features taken out, and you never know if there's going to be further updates that will be released, but not on GOG. Like the updates for KOTOR2, Dragon's Dogma, Deadly Premonition, etc

Kotor2 GOG was recently updated to the Aspyr version though.

El Presidente

Nov 3, 2018
Oval Office
Too much doomsday ITT - but then again, with few exceptions, I don't buy modern games on GOG, only the classics.

My GOG account is almost 14 years old and across these many years I honestly haven't had much to complain. I get exactly what I want from it, a place to have my classic PC games library for reasonably cheap prices on sales. I think Galaxy is pretty serviceable, the library looks very good over there (so much so Steam now copies its look), the download speed is alright, I haven't had any technical problems. I don't get what's so awful about it, I assume maybe people downloaded it way back in the early versions and it must've sucked back then (during the time I was using offline installers exclusively), but now I can't see the issue.

Both Steam and GOG have their strengths and weaknesses, the ideal scenario is to have an account in both and play to each's strengths. You might not like it but it's definitely not optimal to have only one of them, that's the harsh truth. Steam is the safer ecosystem: you know for a fact with 100% certainty that Steam will still be around in 10 years, but the same can't be said about GOG unfortunately. Steam also tends to always be more up-to-date and receive updates/patches faster - it's the dominant PC store after all, devs might prioritize it, especially when they look at graphs saying 90% of the game's PC playerbase is on Steam, 9% on GOG and 1% elsewhere. On the other hand, do you reeeeally own your purchases on Steam or are you permanently at the risk of losing your entire library if some purple haired Seattle landwhale dislikes your profile/forum posts/etc? Under Gabe, Valve seems pretty chill when it comes to these things, but company cultures change over time (just look at Blizzard) and he won't live forever, especially with that body.

GOG on the other hand allows you to download the offline backups, so even if Treespirit Kowalski xe/xhem decides to fuck you up you can still have your library. The classics library is far more complete and I find them to be generally far easier to run on W10 without hassles than the Steam versions. They also provide AAA/modern games because they don't want to be forever trapped on the classics corner. They don't want to restrict themselves to be only a digital antique dealer, and I understand that decision. But... You know what they say about not ordering steak on a seafood restaurant?
Jan 21, 2023
A lot of the offline installers aren't up to date. The updates come to Galaxy first. And I did have a problem with Galaxy, and with Pathfinder Kingmaker in particular. The install will corrupt no matter what I do. I provided all the necessary info and their reply was "just don't use Galaxy bro" :M

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
based on the state of the Galaxy client still being shit and the past couple pages, doesn't seem like things are in a good place

IMO Galaxy is a pointless money sink that they should drop and put all that effort on improving the site and perhaps making a downloader like they used to for those who want to keep their games up to date - but without all the other pointless Steam-wannabe stuff. GOG should focus on what Steam *doesn't* do.
Jan 21, 2023
based on the state of the Galaxy client still being shit and the past couple pages, doesn't seem like things are in a good place

IMO Galaxy is a pointless money sink that they should drop and put all that effort on improving the site and perhaps making a downloader like they used to for those who want to keep their games up to date - but without all the other pointless Steam-wannabe stuff. GOG should focus on what Steam *doesn't* do.
Galaxy was the result of the top voted wish from the community wishlist and was actively asked for in the forums. Plus, a launcher is a demand that publishers make to have their games released in that platform.
Although it seems hard to believe, indies are much more distrustful of GOG than bigger developers.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Galaxy was the result of the top voted wish from the community wishlist and was actively asked for in the forums.

Assuming you refer to this, i don't think it was ever a top voted wish - and IMO it is a case where it should have been ignored, people can ask for unicorns all they like but that doesn't mean they should all everything asked, some stuff are just bad ideas regardless of their popularity.

And besides that link refers mainly to a downloader that can autoupdate the games, which is what i also wrote, not all the extra stuff they did. At the time they had a downloader that only downloaded the same files you downloaded from the site. They already tracked which files you downloaded (even from the site) and marked any games with updates (which they still do) with full changelogs (which they don't do anymore), all they needed to do would be to put a notification in their downloader (that already had the ability to stay in the background even if it was kinda useless) that "a game you have got an update since you downloaded last time, here is a changelog if you care, do you want to download the new version?". They could even allow downloading only the version-to-version patch, after all they do keep track of the version you downloaded and have the ability to make installers that patch previous versions.

Plus, a launcher is a demand that publishers make to have their games released in that platform.

I haven't heard that before and i find weird that a publisher that releases a game on a DRM-free game will have some need for a *launcher*. Where did you read that?


Apr 8, 2018
I haven't heard that before and i find weird that a publisher that releases a game on a DRM-free game will have some need for a *launcher*. Where did you read that?
I don't know if this is true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. Game companies, like most companies nowadays, are hungry for two things: money and data. Launchers, particularly launchers connected to a store, make prompting people to buy DLC easier. They're also useful platforms for advertising upcoming games.

From the data angle, launchers can keep track of who's playing what for how long, along with what a storefront might offer (purchases/wishlists/views/ratings). Launchers won't just do this for a particular dev's games, either, so that gives them better insights into current gameplay trends (while nicely avoiding anti-collusion laws and having to pay for that development maintenance yourself).

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