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Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Jan 21, 2023
I haven't heard that before and i find weird that a publisher that releases a game on a DRM-free game will have some need for a *launcher*. Where did you read that?
I don't know if this is true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. Game companies, like most companies nowadays, are hungry for two things: money and data. Launchers, particularly launchers connected to a store, make prompting people to buy DLC easier. They're also useful platforms for advertising upcoming games.

From the data angle, launchers can keep track of who's playing what for how long, along with what a storefront might offer (purchases/wishlists/views/ratings). Launchers won't just do this for a particular dev's games, either, so that gives them better insights into current gameplay trends (while nicely avoiding anti-collusion laws and having to pay for that development maintenance yourself).
Galaxy opened the doors for several companies of different sizes to see GOG as "trustworthy". Even if they don't know what a launcher does, companies will want it because they love "ecosystems".
Jan 21, 2023
Even then, Yakuza games aren't indie nor anime and arguably not shitty. So it's a good thing they release them there. The issue with living off old games is that you eventually run out of abandonware sites to delete.


Jun 10, 2018
Not sure, if this is a problem with the GOG version of Yakuza 0, or of the game in general:

I noticed, that the Save Game function is a little bit buggy.
About once every 6th or 7th try, the game wont save, even if you pressed all the correct buttons.

You can notice this, that the phrase "Save complete" doesn't appear, although it disappears quickly anyway.
Also the date and time is saved together with the game, so you can check that.

In the first chapters, I lost some game time because of this bug, because I noticed this way too late.
Now I verify the time each time after having saved the game. So if it didn't save, I just try a second time, which normally works fine.
Only one time, I had so "save" three times, until the game finally was saved to disc.

Other than that, the game runs perfectly fine.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Is there a better way to backup my gog library than to just go trough the library manually? I‘m not to savvy with these kinds of things.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Is there a better way to backup my gog library than to just go trough the library manually? I‘m not to savvy with these kinds of things.
Two choices (command line only):
  • gogrepo - requires Python, works on Windows or Linux;
  • lgogdownloader - Linux only, but works on Windows with WSL.
I know of some wrappers that added a GUI to gogrepo but I've never used them. Way too messy and lacks several options.

I prefer and use lgogdownloader on Windows with WSL. It's way more robust than gogrepo, rarely requires updates to continue working, and it uses the Galaxy API to fetch downloads unlike gogrepo that parses the GOG website.
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Is there a better way to backup my gog library than to just go trough the library manually? I‘m not to savvy with these kinds of things.
Two choices (command line only):
  • gogrepo - requires Python, works on Windows or Linux;
  • lgogdownloader - Linux only, but works on Windows with WSL.
I known of some wrappers that added a GUI to gogrepo but I've never used them. Way too messy and lacks several options.

I prefer and use lgogdownloader on Windows with WSL. It's way more robust than gogrepo, rarely requires updates to continue working, and it uses the Galaxy API to fetch downloads unlike gogrepo that parses the GOG website.
Awesome, thank you! Sorry for what maybe is a pointless/confused question, but is there a difference in which files both downloaders fetch? Like gogrepo downloads the offline installers that I see in my library while lgog gets the galaxy files (if there‘s any difference at all, I think someone mentioned Galaxy has more up to date versions)? Or both get the backup installers that I would get when going trough my library manually?


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Is there a better way to backup my gog library than to just go trough the library manually? I‘m not to savvy with these kinds of things.
Two choices (command line only):
  • gogrepo - requires Python, works on Windows or Linux;
  • lgogdownloader - Linux only, but works on Windows with WSL.
I known of some wrappers that added a GUI to gogrepo but I've never used them. Way too messy and lacks several options.

I prefer and use lgogdownloader on Windows with WSL. It's way more robust than gogrepo, rarely requires updates to continue working, and it uses the Galaxy API to fetch downloads unlike gogrepo that parses the GOG website.
Awesome, thank you! Sorry for what maybe is a pointless/confused question, but is there a difference in which files both downloaders fetch? Like gogrepo downloads the offline installers that I see in my library while lgog gets the galaxy files (if there‘s any difference at all, I think someone mentioned Galaxy has more up to date versions)? Or both get the backup installers that I would get when going trough my library manually?
Both get the offline installers.
Jan 21, 2023
It should be "can we get more old games?"

I agree.
Personally, I am sick of all the new shit releases.

A drink of a water is a rare smorgasbord to a man dying of thirst. Gog's so far behind the times that even AAA titles from 2014 come across as amazing releases to get excited about.

But being behind the times is GOG's thing. They backpedalled in trying to be a current gaming storefront when it became apparent they just couldn't measure up to Steam.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Is it my imagination or does this look boring as all fuck?

Sexy Mystic Survivors

Oh how can Kagura or any of these simp games ever compete with the Bear Fucking + crazy insane pervo shit in Baldur’s Gate III?
Jan 21, 2023
Is it my imagination or does this look boring as all fuck?

Sexy Mystic Survivors

Oh how can Kagura or any of these simp games ever compete with the Bear Fucking + crazy insane pervo shit in Baldur’s Gate III?

These are low effort indie games. I mean, anime porn games are the nichest niche in Japan, but in that context, this is something you'd make in an afternoon, more or less. Kagura publishes games that are of a better quality, and I think this is the "we have japanese games at home" move from GOG given that japanese publishers do not believe in DRM free gaming at all, the only jap games you see in gog are indies like Ys and the like.


Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
Is it my imagination or does this look boring as all fuck?

Sexy Mystic Survivors

Oh how can Kagura or any of these simp games ever compete with the Bear Fucking + crazy insane pervo shit in Baldur’s Gate III?

These are low effort indie games. I mean, anime porn games are the nichest niche in Japan, but in that context, this is something you'd make in an afternoon, more or less. Kagura publishes games that are of a better quality, and I think this is the "we have japanese games at home" move from GOG given that japanese publishers do not believe in DRM free gaming at all,

Yeah, jap DRM is crazy. For example if you buy games from J*hren you can only install the game once because that game's license will be bound to the HDD/SDD that you've installed it on. It is essentially hardware level DRM. If you uninstall the game then you can reinstall it on another disk later but if your disk crashes while you have games installed on it then sux2bu, sucker! Go and buy the games again!

the only jap games you see in gog are indies like Ys and the like.
There are plenty of DRM free jap games on GOG, as well as other platforms like MangaGamer, JAST, etc. Just recently Sh*ravune released a bunch of titles DRM-free on JAST for example.
Jan 21, 2023
I know, but those titles are still within the indie japanese sphere. Capcom, Sega or Square Enix aren't rushing to get their current flagpole titles on GOG. Not even the Final Fantasy Pixel Collection.

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Every owner of Quake2 gets Enhanced edtion for free


Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Neat. Though the size went from snugly fitting in a 650MB CD with audio tracks to a compressed 3.5GB on GOG. I wonder how much of that is the new cinematics.

I saw Gman's video and the new version seems nice, though GOG's naming kinda messed things up - the original Quake is called "Quake" and the enhanced edition "Quake Enhanced" but the original Quake II is called "Quake II (original)" and the enhanced edition "Quake II" (i was afraid for a moment that they replaced Quake II with the enhanced edition - as neat as it might be, i see it more as an official version of those engine mods that added a bunch of extra lighting effects that may or may not fit the original game, with the latter being more often the case, than something i'd like to replace the original game).

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