I tried revisiting "Plutonia 2" as my last playthrough ended half-way through due to a problem on my end.
I shouldn't have bothered.
"Back to Saturn" was dickish in how it created traps and filled them with enemies, but at least it stopped at that. Plutonia 2 is dickish about that and so much more. Like doors. It loves to have doors that require a switch to be opened... but only on one side. That same door can be opened perfectly fine on the other side.* A pointless nuisance. It gets worse when the switch to the door is purposefully not located in the same room (bonus point if there's a door seperating those two rooms) and there are a skrillion monsters waiting beyond the door... who for some reason refuse to pass through the door to come to you, let alone open it themselves. So it boils down to a constant running back-and-forth to slowly bleed out that other room of monsters. There are also doors there that require one key to get through, but another key to get back through the door. Clever, but used horribly in this wad.
Another major problem is damaging floors. Doom has four liquid floors: Water, Blood, Toxic Waste and Lava. Water is always safe, Blood is often safe, while Toxic Waste and Lava are always harmful. Plutonia 2 can't seem to make up its mind about Blood and Toxic Waste, though. One map may have all toxic waste be harmful, but in the next one it's safe to walk on... and then it's back to harmful in the next map after! So when it comes to those two you never know what to expect... and in one notable case (MAP23) the entire western part of the map is one gigantic blood lake that starts out safe, but then switches over to being harmful as you move further south. Consistency is actually a valuable trait in a game, not that the modders here give a shit about that.
But are the maps any good? I was not amused by how often maps had to be solved by abusing the game mechanics. Like how one Cyberdemon encounter can be resolved by entering that tiny room and fight him head-on, or enter a storage room and crawl through a vent to reach the room from behind, where the exit is conveniently (and purposefully) designed so that the player can shoot Cybie, but he can't shoot back. Then there are the various forms of monster closets. Sometimes it's the classic version, but Plutonia 2 mostly enjoyes using invisible monster pits, where the monsters are located underneath the floor and are then instantly raised to ground level as the player crosses a trigger. This doesn't always work properly, as monsters sometimes refuse to exit from their pits. I enjoyed MAP17 and MAP20, but the rest just started to feel annoying real quick. I gave up at MAP28, but took a minute to hop over to MAP30 to see what it was like. Nope.avi, not having that. MAP32 ("Go 4 It") is supposed to be an upgraded version of Plutonia's infamous MAP32 ("Go 2 It") but somehow manages to feel weaker than the original.
On top of all of this, Plutonia 2 isn't 100% compatible with Brutal Doom as the BD Cyberdemon is slightly taller than the normal one, meaning that several Cyberdemon-based traps fail to work as they can't fit into the teleporter. Even more hilariously is when Cybies are placed into floor pits and their heads comically stick out of the floor, so they can be killed in a round of Whack-A-Mole.
The original Plutonia tried to be ball-breakingly tough, but Plutonia 2 is only trying to troll the player. I can't recommend it, though I'm certain someone reading this will enjoy it nevertheless.
* EDIT: This point needs clarifying. The 'switch' side of the door is the one you start on. The opposite makes perfect sense to lay out a trap room, but when the switch is on your side it becomes pointless.