Back to the game.Version
Upon returning from a savegame, a cascade of floor pointers I put into the 3rd coil of Bahomet about ten years ago anticipating a feature that never materialized are set to zero, effectively blocking further progress to the top of Bahomet altogether. Massive bug.
I had originally planned for these floors to have animated twinkling lights under them guiding you through the darkness from one pullchain to another to sort of show you what you would be doing next to progress. Never implemented, instead these floor pointers remained set to zero waiting on an animation graphic that never arrived.
I think these floor pointers were put in there back in 1999 and never touched again after that, just sitting there innocuously.
Anyway they are fixed now, my apologies, progress should be possible from any savegame or current game state, now the floors will be present instead of pits under these pullchains.
No idea why this happened... I always was supportive of the game and even defended it from trolls many times. My post today was "I'll probably gift grimoire this Christmas and will be happy to do it at full price"
Sorry, my time was limited and I was blasting SJWs with shotgun bans rapid-fire and you got struck in the crossfire. Will reinstate you.
You have to understand I was still in shock from losing my arm and replacing it with a chainsaw. The only difference is that SJWs are more terrifying entities than the evil dead.
If Cleve would've simply put in in-game mouseover tooltips with stat and skill descriptions, we'd have no cries for manual, for example.
But some things...
I have a guy at 70+ INT casting a fireball and it still backfires nearly every third time.
Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
Historical note: when it came out, Wizardry VII was the computer game record holder for animation frames per opponent. It was pretty much the best of the best.I mean personally killing off the fucking Rattkin Rogues and Munks is a damn good time for me. The animations are fucking bollocks well... it's DOS... but I'm just saying its not a Pixar Film. That said do you play it to see the animations... heh... go watch fucking Finding Dory if that's your problem.
Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Better yet: I bought your game on steam but with every patch you release I reinstall, copy the Grimoire folder to somewhere else and start the game from there. That way the steam clock is frozen at my 26 minutes and I still get to profit from your upcoming week's update efforts before I hit the refund button.Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Are you a registered Steam user of Grimoire? I have a feeling you're not. I also have a feeling you're somebody trying to justify your piracy of Grimoire with a little series of character assaults against the author.
Better yet: I bought your game on steam but with every patch you release I reinstall, copy the Grimoire folder to somewhere else and start the game from there. That way the steam clock is frozen at my 26 minutes and I still get to profit from your upcoming week's update efforts before I hit the refund button.Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Are you a registered Steam user of Grimoire? I have a feeling you're not. I also have a feeling you're somebody trying to justify your piracy of Grimoire with a little series of character assaults against the author.
very consumer-friendly <3
Second paragraph:Better yet: I bought your game on steam but with every patch you release I reinstall, copy the Grimoire folder to somewhere else and start the game from there. That way the steam clock is frozen at my 26 minutes and I still get to profit from your upcoming week's update efforts before I hit the refund button.Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Are you a registered Steam user of Grimoire? I have a feeling you're not. I also have a feeling you're somebody trying to justify your piracy of Grimoire with a little series of character assaults against the author.
very consumer-friendly <3
Steam refunds have a two week window, regardless of playtime according to
Is Cleve racist against Russian malware?Version worked better than a code wheel
Second paragraph:Better yet: I bought your game on steam but with every patch you release I reinstall, copy the Grimoire folder to somewhere else and start the game from there. That way the steam clock is frozen at my 26 minutes and I still get to profit from your upcoming week's update efforts before I hit the refund button.Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Are you a registered Steam user of Grimoire? I have a feeling you're not. I also have a feeling you're somebody trying to justify your piracy of Grimoire with a little series of character assaults against the author.
very consumer-friendly <3
Steam refunds have a two week window, regardless of playtime according to
...if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours...
Or what passage are you referring to?
I'll happily pay the man full price again as soon as the Early Access period is over. But I neither like him nor do I believe in him enough to forward him any money.Anyway, pay the man if you enjoy his product so much.
Second paragraph:Better yet: I bought your game on steam but with every patch you release I reinstall, copy the Grimoire folder to somewhere else and start the game from there. That way the steam clock is frozen at my 26 minutes and I still get to profit from your upcoming week's update efforts before I hit the refund button.Great to see you find the time to throw some serious kitchen psychology at me.What will never be fixable: There is a huge gap in quality and style of the writing in Grimoire between the original Sirtech writers' work and what cleve added to the game. So if you value writing and immersion a great deal, stay away... but then you shouldn't play blobbers anyway.
Edgy. Now something I know about you is that you are desperate to be liked and you will not hesitate to slur a complete stranger on the internet without any risk to you and zero evidence if it presents the potential of gaining you some attention.
So, according to you ... Max Phipps, a man who needed a prompter in his last ten years in the theatre because he couldn't remember his lines, a nobody dinner theatre never-was actor who died without ever having a box office hit to his name ... this Z-Grade movie actor camp follower was secretly a superior writer to Cleve Blakemore. Realistic. It is amazing Max was starving without a decent role in over ten years when I met him and yet he refused to write with this amazing gift of his for the craft. I guess like you, he chose not to run.
That means you're finished with the manual, I assume?
Are you a registered Steam user of Grimoire? I have a feeling you're not. I also have a feeling you're somebody trying to justify your piracy of Grimoire with a little series of character assaults against the author.
very consumer-friendly <3
Steam refunds have a two week window, regardless of playtime according to
...if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours...
Or what passage are you referring to?
I mean you can only keep up this charade for another 5 days if you bought it on release, before you refund it, if I understand it right. There's a lot more patching to go.
Anyway, pay the man if you enjoy his product so much.
If there is such a massive split about the complexity of the UI then why doesn't someone simply make a video tutorial on how to use it in the different contexts?
Problem solved!
If there is such a massive split about the complexity of the UI then why doesn't someone simply make a video tutorial on how to use it in the different contexts?
Problem solved!
It isn't the complexity of it, it is the moronic, inconsistent, mouse focussed, contextual, lack of planning patheticness of it. Count the number of clicks it takes to do even the simplest of tasks, (compare two weapons, compare stats, change from melee to spell et al) mutiply that by a bazillion.
Is that Mr Dunning speaking, or Mr Kruger?
If there is such a massive split about the complexity of the UI then why doesn't someone simply make a video tutorial on how to use it in the different contexts?
Problem solved!
It isn't the complexity of it, it is the moronic, inconsistent, mouse focussed, contextual, lack of planning patheticness of it. Count the number of clicks it takes to do even the simplest of tasks, (compare two weapons, compare stats, change from melee to spell et al) mutiply that by a bazillion.
Is that Mr Dunning speaking, or Mr Kruger?
I agree it's not the complexity, but I also think a small number of changes would go a long way to remedying its deficiencies. I was going to say it's a matter of dogfooding but Cleve has been eating that stuff for 20 years and instead of making him fix it, maybe it warped him instead.
The absent of some basic UI options like ESC opening the menu screen / redefining keys or an actual load game option from within the game is just beyond me
Mouthbreathing idiot? Hey, it's not me who thinks that DRM is okay now, and that banning users with dissenting opinions is just fair enough, and releasing a game with a buggy and a crappy UI that would have been shat on even back in '93 is the best thing since sliced bread and breaking savegames on a daily,... ah nevermind.SSH! Let the mouth-breathing idiot who doesn't know the difference between "and" and "or" keep doing his thing.
I might be wrong, but I think Cleve added the ESC feature in one of the last few patches.