Yes, I'm aware that reviews should be based on in-game experience only. However, my in-game experience was hampered by the fact that the developer is so malicious and hateful that it made me not want to continue playing this game at all.
First, let's talk about the game itself. It is an ambitious game with lots of content and an homage to Wizardry 7 and similar games of old. However, the UI is very clunky, the itemization is mediocre at best, and the gameplay is terribly unbalanced. If you manage to get past the clunky UI, prepare to breeze past certain monsters and then get one-shot by others. There is still some fun to be had despite all of this, but you'll have a better time revisiting those classics or playing some of the amazing, well-balanced gems available on this website (Tower of Time, anyone?).
Unfortunately, the developer chooses to ridicule and insult paying customers who paid upwards of $40 for this game. He also bans anyone on the Steam forums who speak negatively about the game, or complains about things like the poor balance or UI. Even people who complained about things like the guide not being released when it was promised were met with bans, insults, and had their posts deleted. Anyone who dislikes the game he calls names like "snowflakes" or "homosexuals", or goes off on a borderline non-sensical rants usually about how he is right and you are an idiot. He seems to be very proud of being (what he even refers to himself as) an "internet bully," and he makes blog posts with hateful rants about homosexuality, black people, women and even "charlatans" like Stephen Hawking (nobody's safe from this looney!).
If this type of behavior and outright bigotry doesn't bother you, and you can look past the massive flaws of the game - you may find some enjoyment in this. I personally do not want to support someone like this. Luckily, he can't ban me or remove my review from GOG, so I thought I'd spread the word to those who care about who gets their money.