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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

Guido Fawkes (aka FretRider) should not be banned

FretRider should not be banned

  • Indeed, he should not be banned, I love him and his stalinistic antics

    Votes: 41 21.2%
  • (LIBRUL) Ban him

    Votes: 38 19.7%
  • (MILDLY LIBRUL) Exile him to RPGWatch

    Votes: 29 15.0%
  • (STRONGLY LIBRUL) Ban him and Moribund

    Votes: 47 24.4%
  • (ANARCHIST) Free Jim Profit!

    Votes: 38 19.7%

  • Total voters


Jun 29, 2007
When one feels he is part of the Codex, that is alright.
When one feels the Codex is not the Codex without him, then I think there's a problem.
It's a line that after it is crossed is very difficult to go back to and that clearly marks a visible change in behaviour.

I think DU is the only one we can't do without, he's like the glue that keeps everything together like in a gigantic disgusting ball of crap filled with all sort of things we so much hate and adore.

I think the Codex is more than a few users.
It is all its users, its owner, its moderators and also all who crawl and read without having an account.
The Codex will live on without a few of its users, the Codex will live on because those who crawl will make account and start contributing in the future, the Codex will live on because the Decline exists.

If something happens to DU however then fuck, the Codex is gone for sure. It won't feel the same.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
wtf's goin' on itt

I'm not absoutely sure... but I believe that's the main theme:


Spot on :lol:


Trash is an innocent victim of mean old FretRider. :roll: DarkUnderlord is also a victim. They are merely protecting themselves. :roll:

Let's all gather in a circle and cry ourselves a river, in honor of poor, helpless, abused Trash and DarkUnderlord.


Oct 12, 2011
Trash is an innocent victim of mean old FretRider. :roll: DarkUnderlord is also a victim. They are merely protecting themselves. :roll:

Let's all gather in a circle and cry ourselves a river, in honor of poor, helpless, abused Trash and DarkUnderlord.

Some days, you're just not very good at this. :(


Let's look at it another way! You're between three and four people (Bryce, Chefe, and yourself) and you're trying to dictate how everyone should behave, for your benefit.

For shame!

For shame!


Oct 12, 2011
I haven't the slightest idea what you just said.

You must accept the truth, Glyphwright!

Look into the meaning of the words before you. Try to remember what you wrote, but one page ago:

There really should be a law limiting what moderators can and cannot do to the users of their internet forum. I know, I know, it's your site, you own it and make the rules - but the issue of owning the web server is only one side of the coin. An internet forum is not defined by its server, webspace, engine, software, or DNS - it is defined by the set of users who create content by interacting with one another. In this sense, we (Glyphwrights, FretRiders, Leftists, racists and trannies) are the RPGCodex, and rpgcodex.net is merely the access point of our virtual meeting place. And this goes for any other forum. This is the difference between a blog and a forum - a blog is defined primarily by the content created by the owner of the blog - other members' comments are merely an optional addition, I've read a few interesting blogs that were essentially devoid of comments for one reason or the other, and most of them are being updated regularly. A forum who has no posters aside from its owner and staff, however, is an absurdity on the verge of obsolescence. So basically, moderators have absolutely no right to exclude a certain member of the forum from participating in the discussion on the basis of personal feelings, divergent views, disagreements, or private information. This is not your playpen. This is our playpen. You're simply here because you volunteered to sustain this virtual meeting place, and members' donations are your reward.

And yet, most if not all forums maintain a bizarre culture of moderator elitism, indirectly maintaining moderators as "forum nobility" whose actions may not be questioned or challenged (many forums blatantly state "Anyone who questions a moderator's actions will be banned"), who must be respected to a degree far above any "regular" posters, and whose views on a topic may not be disagreed with. RPGCodex is far better than most forums in this respect, of course, but it's not flawless.

The only way to battle the culture of forum totalitarianism and moderator entitlement is by enacting legislation that puts forum moderation under law enforcement scrutiny. When I got stealth-banned at Dragonmount for politely, calmly and rationally explaining that, in my opinion, the Wheel of Time is a horrible fantasy series and that the final volume was an incoherent mess that can be barely called a novel, there had to be a way for me to complain about unfair treatment on part of the Dragonmount administration. You can't ban people for having a different opinion. It's a violation of inalienable human rights. Inalienable, as in, they are in full effect regardless of what you wrote in your forum rules.

By the by . . . that comic isn't about defense. That comic is about sweet revenge on an annoying little, hypocritical, twit.

There's no "poor DU" or "poor Trash."


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The guy has a point. While the rape analogy is of course exagerated, what happens everyday on internet forums is indeed illegal.

On logging IP: Under EU laws (and probably US too), websites, forums, etc... are not allowed to keep that information indefinitly. A few years at maximum, depending on jurisdiction. So yeah, the fact that the Codex still has the old IP adresses of Bryce (and all the other users) is illegal.
IANAL, but wikipedia says US doesn't have any laws about it.



Oct 12, 2011
And, it's not like the EU law (apparently) says forum members aren't allowed to have memorized someone's IP. ;)


Nov 3, 2011
IANAL, but wikipedia says US doesn't have any laws about it.


Not relevant. This deals with the information that ISPs and alike are required to keep, not what they have to delete.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_privacy_law seems more like it. I skimmed through it and saw nothing about required deletion, except maybe this (EU only):
The directive contains a number of key principles with which member states must comply. Anyone processing personal data must comply with the eight enforceable principles of good practice. They state that the data must be:
Fairly and lawfully processed.
Processed for limited purposes.
Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
Kept no longer than necessary.
Processed in accordance with the data subject's rights.
Transferred only to countries with adequate protection.
Well, that doesn't say much... :(


Nov 3, 2011
So now I'm illegally storing personal data when someone send me a letter with their address in the back? o_O
I'm no lawyer, but in that case I think it falls under fair use or something like that. As long as there's no harm, nobody can sue you. And you're a private individual not a company or organisation or internet forum so who cares.
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
He talked to me on Good Friday, and after having a look to this topic, felt compelled to address some of the points raised. I decided to reproduce them here so as to set the record straight:

I feel compelled to respond to certain false points raised about me in
this thread and try one last attempt at reason.

My percentage of posts in the gaming section of the forums is irrelevant.
Fact of the matter is that I have contributed more to the gaming sections
of the forum than most. I made the AT let's play(the only one in the web
and with dialogue and texts transcribed), I convinced Matthew to release
the design documents of the game to the public, I got some information
about the game background from from Rich Guy, I took the initiative to
interview Arnold Hendricks after it surfaced that he was interested in
coming to kickstarter, I got the developer of Nicholas Eymerich: The Plague
to come and answer questions about the game on the adventure forums and
else. I also announced here that Doug Tennapel was coming to kickstarter
months before it became official. I contributed to the adventure gaming
forum an raised some very good topics in the library, wether you want to
admit it or not.

Shitposters might have most of their posts in the gaming section, but their
posts are null and contentless shit(mostly one-liners). If anything you
should thank me for posting in the gaming forums only when I have something
interesting to say.

Lastly, if I was such a "shitposter" and persona non grata as my detractors
claim I wouldn't have dozens of people asking for me to remain active in
the forums. Even after this poll was edited and I was given the losing
option(the one that claims to love Trash and his stalisnitic ways), 53,6%
of the votes(options 1, 3 and 5) are for not having me banned. Clearly my
posts in politcs and gd are appreciated or at least tolerated by the

I would like to post again and there are many people who would like me to
post again. I suggest the administration turns over a new leaf and unban my
account. Clearly my banning was the culmination of unresolved butthurt in
the part of some people. Darkunderlord has admitted that he allowed Trash
to edit my posts and his claims that I should have contacted him through
PMs is frankly false. I have contacted him through pms before about Trash
editing my posts and he didn't do anything. Having my posts edited and my
account redirected to the watch was effectively the same as being banned,
hence my request was redundant. Besides if I was actually at fault, I have
already been punished by being kept away for several weeks.

Andhaira and Moribund also contributed and should be allowed back.
Specially Andhaira. He has promised not to repeat what happened in the
Dicksmoker affair.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In

That is some prime, Grade A Certified butthurt right there.

What bryce has never seemed to be able to grasp is that no matter how hard he tries, no matter what lengths of the earth he goes to to try to appease DU and to get himself unbanned, or allowed to do this, or that, or to win an argument, or ANYTHING he does here, DU will always laugh heartlessly and hit the ban button on him once again. The more that upsets bryce, the more DU is amused.

Bryce, you must learn to let go. Use the Force!


Lost in Space
Jul 11, 2008
:lol:Is this shit still going? I think that this thread gave all what it could (in LULz, tears, butthurt and gay love among a pair of conservative bros). Now it has become FartRider personal blog. Please just retardo this thread, ban all those who participated in it and nuke the FartRider/Gay Fakes account forever.


Jun 29, 2007
Can't you guys see his suffering?
He's alone and sad.

Who volunteers to give the guy some well deserved man love?


Jul 7, 2011
He talked to me on Good Friday, and after having a look to this topic, felt compelled to address some of the points raised. I decided to reproduce them here so as to set the record straight:
I doubt DU even reads this thread anymore, he will probably never see any of this. But who knows, maybe after all this time he has changed his mind. Maybe you should notify him about it.
Dec 28, 2012
Ban the entire WCDS, let them be butthurt together in HELL!
Fucking Librul cunt.

You faggots are driving away the only entertaining posters. Soon the 'dex will be a lifeless husk patrolled by homosex librul gestapo mods without HHR, without Cleve, without Glyphwright. Moribund and Fret have already been driven off.


Apr 30, 2008
Ban the entire WCDS, let them be butthurt together in HELL!

You should keep that trendy attitude in mind while dragging a fifty-thousand-units long congoid apocalypse train with your a*shole, an event coming shortly to enrich your life with one last ironic experience.


comrade troglodyte :M
Mar 31, 2004
Corona regni Bohemiae
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Fucking Librul cunt.

You faggots are driving away the only entertaining posters. Soon the 'dex will be a lifeless husk patrolled by homosex librul gestapo mods without HHR, without Cleve, without Glyphwright. Moribund and Fret have already been driven off.

Because their series of diverse alts does in no way suggest that they'll pull an Arnie on us.


May 28, 2008
Ban the entire WCDS, let them be butthurt together in HELL!
Fucking Librul cunt.

You faggots are driving away the only entertaining posters. Soon the 'dex will be a lifeless husk patrolled by homosex librul gestapo mods without HHR, without Cleve, without Glyphwright. Moribund and Fret have already been driven off.

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