I frequently send letters to devs and publishers asking them to make their games more simple and streamlined. An idiot should be able to play a cRPG like Fallout 4 and Diablo 3!
Play? Yes. Fell immersed? No... Faggout 4 and Diablo 3 are the biggest pieces of trash ever. Seriously. Fallout new vegas, you start with a improvised rusty bolt action rifle in 556 cal, then get a semi auto in the same caliber and in the final game, can use LMG and marksman carbine in that caliber, you have a great progression curve without making a 556 round dealing 666 times more damage on end game than on beginning. And you have so much options on weapon usage. 12 gauge can be dragon breath, flechette, slugs(...)
On faggout 4, you get a freaking minigun in the first hour and a power armor and **** the logic if power armor requires training since every fallout game. You learned how to use it from nothing.
Diablo 3 is a generic gear farming cooldown management boring work that has less RPG element than 99% of survival games AKA generic wow clone. Is so retarded that the size and sharpness of your axe determines how strong your monk can punch.
About Dark Sun : Wake of the Ravager, is the most brutal game which I had played from a long time. After a ultra complex frustrating maze on mines, they lock your way back and force you to face army and army of mindflayers with no way back and no place to rest and regain spells/hp, throw gimmicky boss after gimmicky boss, respawning monsters and when you pick 3 pieces of a key and open a door, you need to fight a army of mindflayers, intellect devourer and powerful half giant slaves.
I confess that I had to save scum a lot, if I lose control over my party member, reload. If i took too much damage in a encounter, reload and so on to beat and even considered lower the difficulty to "balanced".
And I forgot to mention, after you destroy this army, you can't rest yet and when you attack the elder brain, more mindflayers appears from nothing and attack you. After you defeat then, now you can loot key and open a place to rest before you need to fight lv 25 earth drakes in a game where you can't go above lv 15.
Honestly, IDK why the first Dark Sun appears on the list of best RPG's on codex but the second doesn't appear. The game is much better on every aspect. Including encounter design and story. If I ever replay this game, I will play with 4 half giants, One Gladiator, one Fighter/Preserver, one Fighter/Cleric and one Fighter/Psion. It would made the game far easier.