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Jun 17, 2012
Got the beat all expert AI + 100 wins achievements at once, was swimming in gold. Blowing it all now on some god damn atrocious drafts. Fuck that dude who said the warrior was the best arena champion, seriously. (Though not getting anything resembling a bomb certainly did help)

What do you people do when you know you need more 1/2 drops but the one and two drops you see are really bad? How bad cards do you pick just to get some early drops?

Also whats the kodex konsensus on strong arena heroes? My best run was with a druid and that looked strong though getting Ysera helped a lot there. Second best was with ranger. Worst ever was with paladin :M

Edit: And now my best run for today is with an utterly retarded warlock deck that has almost no warlock speshul cards and a curve that looks like a kwans belly. This shit is so random


And yes, one of if not the best players in the world has a 33% loserate in arena. This is pretty insane, and points up the randomness of the whole thing. Even if you play perfectly, 1/3 your tries are going to die.


May 14, 2008
Got the beat all expert AI + 100 wins achievements at once, was swimming in gold. Blowing it all now on some god damn atrocious drafts. Fuck that dude who said the warrior was the best arena champion, seriously. (Though not getting anything resembling a bomb certainly did help)

What do you people do when you know you need more 1/2 drops but the one and two drops you see are really bad? How bad cards do you pick just to get some early drops?

Also whats the kodex konsensus on strong arena heroes? My best run was with a druid and that looked strong though getting Ysera helped a lot there. Second best was with ranger. Worst ever was with paladin :M

Edit: And now my best run for today is with an utterly retarded warlock deck that has almost no warlock speshul cards and a curve that looks like a kwans belly. This shit is so random
I hate playing against mages and priests in arena, but I am terrible when I play them.

My best arena heroes are paladin, warrior, druid, and warlock.
Last edited:


Jun 17, 2012
And this is news how? Its a fucking card game, not chess

Well, I know people in other card games who go 90% against the top tier of players, so a 33% loss rate against a pool of random players strikes me as a little crazy. Then again, I suppose that's just the way drafting is when... well, no, that's not the way drafting is, that's the way arena is. At least in MTG drafting, you all pick from the same pool of predetermined cards, so skill plays a much higher role.

Multi-headed Cow

I'm 4-0 in an arena run as a mage, and 3 out of the 4 games have been against priests. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MY DOUBLE SPELLBENDERS FOR EATING MANY MANY SHADOW WORDS OVER THESE GAMES.

Edit: Also one double life buff that was intended for a lightspawn. That was a-ok too.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Isn't the whole point of arena introducing an element of randomness, when if you want more skilled level play you go into Ranked or the inevitably future tournaments?


May 14, 2008
And this is news how? Its a fucking card game, not chess

Well, I know people in other card games who go 90% against the top tier of players, so a 33% loss rate against a pool of random players strikes me as a little crazy. Then again, I suppose that's just the way drafting is when... well, no, that's not the way drafting is, that's the way arena is. At least in MTG drafting, you all pick from the same pool of predetermined cards, so skill plays a much higher role.
No, you don't. I also suspect you are bad at math in general.

Multi-headed Cow

Went 6-3 as mage. Got 80 gold, 45 dust, and a booster. The booster contained.... Magic~ :dance:



Especially happy since paladin is possibly my favorite class. One of the commons was a second kitten (Venture co merc) which I wanted too.


Jun 17, 2012
And this is news how? Its a fucking card game, not chess

Well, I know people in other card games who go 90% against the top tier of players, so a 33% loss rate against a pool of random players strikes me as a little crazy. Then again, I suppose that's just the way drafting is when... well, no, that's not the way drafting is, that's the way arena is. At least in MTG drafting, you all pick from the same pool of predetermined cards, so skill plays a much higher role.
No, you don't. I also suspect you are bad at math in general.

Okay, I don't. I'm lying. I suspect you are bad at making arguments without insulting people, incidentally, but I guess we all have flaws!

ETA: I know people on Duel of Champions who go in 30-0 win streaks at the top of the ladder. ELO means they only face other (relatively) good players. So I was actually exaggerating in the other direction, I guess.

Isn't the whole point of arena introducing an element of randomness, when if you want more skilled level play you go into Ranked or the inevitably future tournaments?

Actually the opposite. Arena and drafted in general are supposed to put people on "equal footing". Constructed is notorious for shitting on players who haven't spent thousands of dollars on making the perfect deck with all the cards available in the game. The main flaw with arena as compared to normal drafted is the players don't pick from the same pool.
Dec 10, 2009
I find it interesting that Blizzard has made Hearthstone so non-esporty by nature. No constructed events, no premier events, no limited events, no chat, no trading, no ladder, no guilds, etc. They have pushed competitive e-sport with everything else so perhaps it is in the pipeline for the future if the game picks off. Since the gameplay and mechanics are in, and the game is working, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to add more playmodes and events with prizes.

I'm sure WotC is delighted at Hearthstone as it will make more people try out Magic Online, but only to be put off by their horrendous client. Even the new client in public beta is horrendous. They've been working on THAT for like 6-7 years IIRC.


Jun 17, 2012
They haven't pushed esports with everything. If anything, they've leaned away with it with everything but Starcraft, which is sort of just locked into Esports because of how the first one blew up so much in Korea. They axed arena in WoW as the premier PVP, they specifically took a dump on PVP in Diablo 3 (said "Shutup PVP guy!" before release, have yet to release any real PVP a year after release, et cetera). Modern Blizzard is very consistent in their worship of the casual market, and avoiding any form of real competition.


May 14, 2008
I find it interesting that Blizzard has made Hearthstone so non-esporty by nature. No constructed events, no premier events, no limited events, no chat, no trading, no ladder, no guilds, etc. They have pushed competitive e-sport with everything else so perhaps it is in the pipeline for the future if the game picks off. Since the gameplay and mechanics are in, and the game is working, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to add more playmodes and events with prizes.

I'm sure WotC is delighted at Hearthstone as it will make more people try out Magic Online, but only to be put off by their horrendous client. Even the new client in public beta is horrendous. They've been working on THAT for like 6-7 years IIRC.
They had a super small team working on Hearthstone. It was basically an experiment. All of the people who would do that sort of esports support are probably tied up with their real-time tactics game, Heroes of the Storm.
Dec 31, 2009

Here's my druid draft with not-so-pro commentary. Discuss!!! if you like. Note how much better the quality of the pics is compared to Zeds, you can even make out what it says on the cards!


I don't see the point in coldlight, violet teacher is good but I don't know whether I'll get many spells or not, starfall is good, flexible removal so I take that one. Maybe this is an erroneous instict from MtG but I value removal very highly in this mode.


Bluegill is meh at best, tiger is good but expensive for what it does, especially considering that Druid has some big class creatures available. Claw on the other hand is cheap and decent removal.


Grimscale: I don't think murloc decks are good in the arena, too hard to gather all murlocs. Shit 1-drop. Raid leader vs farseer: I assumed I'd get a decent amount of ++ stat cards, which could make a fairly large farseer with windfury. Idk if this theory held true, farseer attracts removal like a magnet.


Patriarch: shit. Argent squire: Meh at best. Raid leader works under certain conditions, sometimes even great.


Elven archer: One T drops are usually quite bad and this ones ability doesn't make up for it. Crocolisk is a decent dude with a decent body but I feel like the extra card from loot hoarder makes him better, since I'm not looking for beasts and suspect that my main strength will come from mid game.


I hear tauren warrior is a p cool guy, but ultimately I picked wrath because of the flexibility + potential for 2 for 1.


Dire wolf Alpha is a cool guy who supports his friends. An overall BRO.


Pondered the farseer vs, uh, farseer for a while but ultimately ended up drafting a farseer. I ended up very satisfied with my choice. If you ever get to choose between these two, definitely go for the farseer.


To the left we got a meh card, to the right an OK-ish, in the middle we get one that is pretty good. I mostly ended up using it for the +1+1 effect which made many swings go in my favour.

Here there was a choice I forgot to screenshot. I got the choice between hill giant, sea monster and the dude that costs 3 that removes divine shields for large stat boosts. Ended up with sea monster as the other two are too inconsistent. Sea giant pictured on the right

As for this slide, I went with starfire for OP removal+card advantage. I generally value gnomish inventor fairly low. Es right or es wrong judgement?


This one was fairly tricky for me. I see frostwolf as being a win more card, so I ruled him out. But both left and right card is good. I ended up picking the Alpha but I think if I were to choose again I'd gone for the other one.


Lord of the Arena: Doesn't do nearly enough for his cost. Stormwind knight: OK card but the 4-cost slot is highly contested and this one doesn't go above decent. Murloc tidehunter isn't the best card around but its decent and decent two drops are hard to come by.


Corsair is ruled out immediately. Swordsmith is good but a bit slow, keeper of the grove has nice utility. Picked keeper.
In hindsight I'm less certain about this choice but we'll see.


Left card: Shit, as it doesn't trigger battlecries. Right: Shit, as druid doesn't have secrets. That leaves young priestess, which is a decent card in its own right in spite of low survivability.


MEH. Picked Murloc because pirates are massively gay. Core hound is only good if you got some way of hasting it IMO.


This one was surprisingly hard for me as well. I generally favour crocolisk over raptor, as for lisk vs wrath - wrath does have that potential for a 2 for one and it's removal. Picked wrath.


Roar: Leaves you with a dead card if you got few creatures. Healing touch lØl. Silvermoon guardian is potentially a 2 for 1 tho realistically the opponent manages to play around that. Still picked him for trolling power.


Bite: good removal, if a bit pricy. Can also work as a finisher. Auctioneer is a tad slow, and also I was unsure if I would get all that many spells. Mana wraith will hit me as much as it hits them. Picked bite. In hindsight auctioneer might have been better but not certain of it.


Sunfury protector: decent but eh. Coldlight seer: gtfo. questing adventurer is an amusing fellow on the other hand. If nothing else he works as lightning rod for removal.


I ain't got no weapons lØl. Swipe all the way.


Naturalize is fucking shit. Warrior meh. Brewmaster decent to great, depending on whether there is something good to bounce. If nothing else he's a beefy guy.


Ended up picking raging worgen as I hear so much good about these guys. Still haven't really seen them in action though, they all just die on me.


Dark Iron d0rf! The volourn pick of choice! I have heard so much good about you. In hindsight I wish I had taken mark of the wild or wrath instead.


Ah, my purple pick. BGH is too situational IMO, usually he'll just be a 4/2 for 3. Force of nature is 6 power for 6, that lasts.... One turn. Ancient of war best pick IMO. Not regretting this, each time he shows up he puts a huge speed bump in the opponents plans.


I really like flesheating ghoul but I also really like cleric. Ended up picking cleric. Which was better and why? Discuss.


Picked owl for silence trolling. I mean wrath is good but do I really need 3 of them? I hear it's against the rules!


Worgen vs Crusader. Ended up doing worgen for OP windfury potential. Dunno if that was the right choice really.


Tiger quite expensive, didn't feel like I had a slot for him. Rager too squishy. Swamp ooze decent stats for a passive that sometimes can piss off the opponent. Got ooze.


Lastly, there is no choice here. Seer 2 shit, savagery useless when I have only 2 cards that pumps my attack. Assassin isn't great but it works, I guess, and it helped me finish off my first opponent.

So there's that. Discuss!!!


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I'll usually pick crusader over worgen, and I don't agree with " IMO, usually he'll just be a 4/2 for 3.". 4/2 is quite decent for 3 mana. Still, ancient of war was probably the better pick.
Cleric is usually better than flesheating. Flesheating is really nice in paladin or warlock decks.
I would have picked darkiron over mark of the wild too.

Besides not having a taunt, I think that deck is nice. Could have used some 2/3 2mana cards for increased chances of early board control though.


Jun 17, 2012
Worgen is insane if you have some way to manually pop his effect. Will readily admit that is not really druid's bag, though.


May 14, 2008
Most of the time the that card only serves to eat up a removal card.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Overall I agree with your picks. My only objection is gorilla being bad. He isn't. Especially in hunter decks :M
Dec 31, 2009
I got to 5 wins with it, so I'm satisfied enough. However... My fucking reward packs sux :/ This time I got my third sunwalker, before that I got angry chicken. HUEHUEHEEU I troll u.

Got good gold though. This time I got 120 so I almost earned it all back.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
I disagree with you on Elven Archer. She's good in the event you play second and if you don't can always use her battlecry to pop your worgens cheap.


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
Played some more. So far my best are two 3-3 runs. I suck at the game but that won't stop me from opining -- I think the game is way, way, way, way, way too dependent on how lucky you are with your starting cards. I'd say 75% of my losses come from my opponent getting perfect starting cards and me getting sub-optimal starting cards and then it's literally impossible to turn it around without getting real lucky going forward.


Sep 15, 2012
Played some more. So far my best are two 3-3 runs. I suck at the game but that won't stop me from opining -- I think the game is way, way, way, way, way too dependent on how lucky you are with your starting cards. I'd say 75% of my losses come from my opponent getting perfect starting cards and me getting sub-optimal starting cards and then it's literally impossible to turn it around without getting real lucky going forward.
You are just shit m8. My opponent always gets godlike cards and i get nothing wAAAah T_T. If you drafted correctly you would get good cards to play more often.

Anyway this game is boring as shit. Maybe i'm just burnt out on card games after grinding DoC for a while but there is like 0 interesting stuff to pull off. There isn't even a graveyard in this game ffs. And because of the way arena works I find myself ending up with a similar deck every run because putting together some synergies is risky as hell.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Was p. lucky and drafted Cairne, Tirion and Truesilver Champion as a Paladin...guaranteed win when all three showed up in a game, ended 6/3 because I'm bad and also went against two luckier fuckers (warrior with frothing berserker winning with like 6 mana crystals and a similar paladin that had better draws).

My reward was a molten giant and some fucking shitty warlock card:


How is this epic?

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