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Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
You're probably in the same spot as me...started playing a month ago.

Problem for s new player is - you just don't play as much as you'd like to. You can't meaningfully climb the ladder without investing at least 100 bucks (preferably 200, with 2 expansions and 2 adventures out). And going F2P you can reasonably expect doing one Arena run every two days, on average.

So you do your dailies, that's 2-4 Casual matches, or about half-hour gameplay, a day. And one Arena per 2 days, that's about 5-6 matches on average. When I got into HS I was on a sick leave for 2 weeks and I really wanted to play most of the day but couldn't. Sadness.
I thought about how much I would need to play without getting out my wallet and it was semi-depressing. For a casual game, it has more of a time commitment than I realized due to the expansions. Still, I am enjoying myself with the game, which is rare (getting old and boring).

I am going to see how fast/far I can get through Naxx before I get out my wallet, but I think I am just kidding myself.

Thanks for the advice.


Sep 15, 2012
Best way to earn cards without spending bux is playing arena. Or at least used to be, because of the random pack shit. But that shouldn't matter for new players anyway. Assuming you are not a retard and willing to learn the game you should be able to "go infinite" in arena in a month of playtime. Then you are just limited by how much you are playing.

Also arena is mode where you don't need cards to play so if you enjoy it, you can just play that, like I did. Earning cards is a nice side effect if for whatever reason you want to participate in the shitfest that is Hearthstone ladder.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Best way to earn cards without spending bux is playing arena. Or at least used to be, because of the random pack shit. But that shouldn't matter for new players anyway. Assuming you are not a retard and willing to learn the game you should be able to "go infinite" in arena in a month of playtime. Then you are just limited by how much you are playing.

Also arena is mode where you don't need cards to play so if you enjoy it, you can just play that, like I did. Earning cards is a nice side effect if for whatever reason you want to participate in the shitfest that is Hearthstone ladder.
I have not touched arena yet. I will give that a shot, thanks.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Assuming you are not a retard and willing to learn the game you should be able to "go infinite" in arena in a month of playtime.

Wat. To go reliably infinite Arena you'd have to average 6 wins which I doubt is an easy thing to do even for veterans, let alone a month-old beginner. Without being Kripp-level min-maxing demigod you could reasonably expect to average 2-3 wins in Arena. That's a haul about 50 gold a run. You'll need 2 days worth of dailies or grinding Casual all day to pay for another ticket.

I thought about how much I would need to play without getting out my wallet and it was semi-depressing. For a casual game, it has more of a time commitment than I realized due to the expansions.

I don't mind paying even full price (60 euro) for games I really enjoy but HS in reality is way more than that and that's the biggest drawback of this game imo.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
I have not even bothered to calculate what premium route would look like and I think I am better off not knowing.

Hopefully there is a balance I can strike, but fuck me if they release a third expansion in the next few months.


Sep 15, 2012
Wat. To go reliably infinite Arena you'd have to average 6 wins which I doubt is an easy thing to do even for veterans, let alone a month-old beginner. Without being Kripp-level min-maxing demigod you could reasonably expect to average 2-3 wins in Arena. That's a haul about 50 gold a run. You'll need 2 days worth of dailies or grinding Casual all day to pay for another ticket.
Of course a month is just a ballpark, you can play 3 games a month or you can play 3 games daily a month. When I got into HS beta I read some guide on arena drafting and watched some streams for a couple of hours and that was enough to make me not run out of gold except like twice or thrice. Of course how often you will run out, depends on how much you want to play. Month later I was earning gold instead of spending it. And no, I'm not a card game guru, I played like one simillar game and wasn't even good at it. If you even vaguely know what you are doing then getting less than 3 wins is almost impossible and that already pays you 50 extra gold back, so there is no reason not to try. Unless you want a specific pack, that change is really retarded.

Also as I said, you may just find that you enjoy arena and can be content playing that, safe from Blizzards jewlords once you git gud enough. And believe me, it's not hard. It's basically pick creatures with best stats plus spells that kill stuff. There are even online tools that pick a card for you and 99% of the time they are right. That should tell everything about how difficult it is.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
It's a different game now with more savvy players in Arena. Back in vanilla you probably had half or more of people playing Arena who didn't know how to draft.


Nov 25, 2007
Assuming you are not a retard and willing to learn the game you should be able to "go infinite" in arena in a month of playtime.

lol no.

Maybe in EU, but def. not on the NA servers.

However, consistently playing arena will make you good at it and eventually you will be able to crank out more 6+ win runs than not. So in the long run arena is indeed the most profitable.

However many people prefer constructed play because it allows them to craft their own decks. Point is to have fun, not to be the best. Though yes, in order to craft your own decks you need to have the cards first. So just keep doing your dailies (read up on how to maximize gold from daily quests) and after a couple of months of playing you should have a respectable collection of cards without spending any money.


Jun 17, 2012
Arena rewards are also very swingy. You can get a run that will reward 300 gold sometimes and 130 gold other times at the exact same number of wins.


Mar 10, 2011
This is probably the least user-friendly brawl yet when it comes to new players.


Jan 10, 2012
True, this brawl is all about sweet sequencing to get ridiculous plays and newbs have no chance. I made a fun warlock deck that has double Mal'Ganis on the board turn 5. Here's how it plays out:

Turn 1: play Voidwalker
Turn 2: play Demonfire on Voidwalker or their minion (versatile!)
Turn 3: play Sense Demons, fetches Voidcaller and Mal'Ganis (only two demons in deck)
Turn 4: draw Imp-losion, play Voidcaller
Turn 5: draw Faceless Manipulator, trade Voidcaller into enemy minion to kill both (hopefully) and bring Mal'Ganis onto the board from hand. Play Faceless and copy Mal'Ganis

If you can't kill off your Voidcaller by trading, finish it off with the Imp-losion and now you'll have Mal'Ganis with a bunch of beefed up imps (instead of double Mal'Ganis).

I've played against quite a few Hunters and Druids. Hunter has a nice turn 4-6 lineup with Houndmaster>Ram Wrangler>Savannah Highmane and it seems like every druid is playing turn 3 Acolyte of Pain into turn 4 Astral Communion and then trade the acolyte into a minion for card draw (actually had an opponent get Deathwing off of this).


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I thought about how much I would need to play without getting out my wallet and it was semi-depressing. For a casual game, it has more of a time commitment than I realized due to the expansions. Still, I am enjoying myself with the game, which is rare (getting old and boring).

I am going to see how fast/far I can get through Naxx before I get out my wallet, but I think I am just kidding myself.

Thanks for the advice.
It's pretty absurd. Having played since beta without spending money I finally have around... oh... 95% of the cards excluding legendaries although I have almost all of the key ones. I could not imagine picking up the game now. Not only because of the massive paywall/timesink ahead but because it's a completely different game from when it started. Used to be much slower paced. Today most new players are going to face a bunch of shitty/broken aggro net decks like Face Hunter and Secret Paladin.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Used to be much slower paced. Today most new players are going to face a bunch of shitty/broken aggro net decks like Face Hunter and Secret Paladin.

Does Face Hunter run rampant even on Legend? I haven't seen many pro/tourney matches with Face Hunter. And watching Youtube Face Hunter on higher levels is regularly destroyed by skilled CWs, Patrons, Paladins or Handlocks.

So far I looked at Face Hunter as a cheap option for beginners/suckers but really good players usually don't run it. At least that's my perception.


Nov 25, 2007
opened Deathwing

It's just dust right ?

No. It's a great card, though the increasing prevalence of sticky/deathrattle minions has reduced it's power, aside form it's other drawbacks.

Still, aside form being fun it works very well in Dragon Druid, and also Dragon Pally.


May 3, 2013
Kripp has more than 200k of worth of dust in duplicates. I get angry everytime I see that button


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Does Face Hunter run rampant even on Legend? I haven't seen many pro/tourney matches with Face Hunter. And watching Youtube Face Hunter on higher levels is regularly destroyed by skilled CWs, Patrons, Paladins or Handlocks.

So far I looked at Face Hunter as a cheap option for beginners/suckers but really good players usually don't run it. At least that's my perception.
There are a few at Legend but not nearly as many as you'll find ranks 20-5.


Oct 12, 2006
Tournament and ladder meta differ since they know what they'll face, mainly because everyone brings patron.
Ladder is a lot more varied so hunter has more favourable matchups.
But face is currently being outclassed by hybrid, which curves into shredders, savannahs, boom.
It's still pretty meh, thou.


Oct 12, 2006
Mang, patrons are being utterly destroyed in the current World Champ, if anyone's watching. Handlocks and Ramp Druids rule the event.

Exactly. Lifecoach even tried teching a Big Game Hunter into his patron to be able to put up a fight r00fles

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