Sphere of Many Eyes
After all that hyping up... they basically made Bully. yawn, snooze, etc
Bully 2 would be pretty incline tbhAfter all that hyping up... they basically made Bully. yawn, snooze, etc
agreed but not like this!Bully 2 would be pretty incline tbhAfter all that hyping up... they basically made Bully. yawn, snooze, etc
For fuck's sake, there's elemental barrels all over the place in combat.
frankly the big issue for me is that sometimes enemies looked like they were waiting for your animations to finishThe combat to be honest looks a lot different from how it works in the books/movies and that's a big disappointment. If you get hit without a shield charm in the canon world, that's the end for you not a reduction of your Hotpoint. Even just the disarming spell knocks you off your feet and unless you're Voldemort or Dumbledore himself you wouldn't want to duel more than one wizard at a time
Give me cute wifes!
I do know the krokodil anon! I do!
There you go, fitting to the game.
from what i understand of the harry potter universe this game is actually about putting down a rebellion against an ethno-supremacist state. also the rebellion consists of an alliance between the (unintended?) jewish allegory and the very much intended nazi allegory.
such incredible world building.
The combat to be honest looks a lot different from how it works in the books/movies and that's a big disappointment. If you get hit without a shield charm in the canon world, that's the end for you not a reduction of your Hotpoint. Even just the disarming spell knocks you off your feet and unless you're Voldemort or Dumbledore himself you wouldn't want to duel more than one wizard at a time
Dobby has seen better days.Give me cute wifes!
There you go, fitting to the game.
You don't have to let her recent transphobia taint the magic of Harry Potter mate.Yes JK Derpling is a hack who is creatively bankrupt.
Listen mate, if you see razor toothed greedy banker goblins and call them anti-Semitic then you're probably the anti-Semite. You must be one of them fellas that think orcs are obviously black people. Tolkien, who popularized them wouldn't agree. You could make the case that the wizards in Harry Potter are an allegory for Jewish people, but that wasn't intended either. Sometimes a wizard is just a wizard and a goblin is just a goblin.Erm Harry Potter was never very creative and has plenty of borderline to outright anti semitic and racist under tones. Like making an entire race of "bankers" tiny, hunchbacked hooknosed whiteys.
Listen mate, if you see razor toothed greedy banker goblins and call them anti-Semitic then you're probably the anti-Semite. You must be one of them fellas that think orcs are obviously black people. Tolkien, who popularized them wouldn't agree.Erm Harry Potter was never very creative and has plenty of borderline to outright anti semitic and racist under tones. Like making an entire race of "bankers" tiny, hunchbacked hooknosed whiteys.
doubt theres going to be whores in the gameI still don't know if the game will let us fuck a time-traveling Hermione. Can someone clarify this issue for me? I just need a Hermione sex trailer to preorder this.