Ph.D. in World Saving
No, I'm baffled by how disconnected and seemingly out of the blue your remarks were and I am wondering if you're having a stroke or if there is something coherent behind it. When I say that Tolkien was probably influenced by the cultural memory of the fall of Constantinople and such, and you say that this is "whitewashed racism" then I earnestly don't know what to make of that. Are you saying Islam versus Christianity was a race war? Are you saying that both cultures were actually racist and even if not expressed? Or that Tolkien secretly was a racialist but only used his faith as a cover but that what came before was not racist?
Disconnected? I wrote that Tolkien was a bloke of his time. Projecting the then contemporary racial and cultural stereotypes onto his Middle-earth history and bestiary was to him likely as uncontroversial as executing Indian rebels overseas. Why the image of fantasy that has remained practically unaltered is still being so uncritically gobbled up to this day by the very people that otherwise pretend to be Anti-Imperial guardians is the actual hypocrisy. Vidya journos are unthinking sheep, News at 11.
So genocidal people like Arabs and the Chinese are racist no matter what form their culture takes, even if race is never brought to attention? There is no difference between Han Chinese exterminating Uyghurs and early Chinese imperialist conquests when the modern conception of race did not even exist?
(Han) Chinese are racist as fuck, in fact.