Skimmed the Wikipedia page for this game and...
Following the release of the first gameplay trailer in March 2022, the game received criticism for basing it in the Goblin Rebellion era of the Wizarding World history with the game's story-line focusing on the player suppressing a goblin rebellion. The Wizarding World lore surrounding goblins has often been accused of being based on known
antisemitic tropes.
[25][26] The criticism spurred from the beliefs that the game's core message was that the minority goblin group should be considered the enemy for rebelling against their oppressor and fighting for freedom and equal rights.
Talk about special snowflakes being easily triggered by absolute nonsense.
Good comrade, would circumstance allow it I'd like to be to you what Virgil was unto Dante and shew you both the inferno and purgatory that is the West in its full character. This being unfeasible I will instead tell you to know this, your stance, that this is nonsense, is the
conservative knee-jerk reaction here. You're 30 or 40 years out of date and
power itself, that is in part those bankers, in part their goons, do not agree with it. Nor do their genuine opposition. This is not just retrograde but presuming past conditions which are now changed, hence crowning it in the pathetic dunce cap of conservatives who desperately cling to steps of progress so far gone in their antiquity that they have forgotten their insincerity. Goblin bankers are antisemtic, unless you work for a centre-right thinktank or foundation, then they aren't. Now I know you do not, but due to being of the hinterlands those conditions they appeal to remain there and so this is the position you find yourself taking. But it is not nonsense, I assure you, it is the death of those narratives foundational to liberal-capitalism. The new æon is coming, in one way or another, with it these things will be shed. So kindly consider these words before you indulge in
reactionary thinking.
I write with words that are not laced with poyson, but in the spirit of comradery. Reading posts of yours involving 'triggering' and 'snowflakes' give me the same sad vibes I get when reading 'Russophobia'. It's not that the sentiment is a bad one, but that it reminds me of those conservatives fruitlessly borrowing terminology and ideas from the marching progressives, misunderstanding power. American would-be culture has dehumanised people with genetics close to the Russian's for over a century. People not accepting of American imperial state ideology, that is state homosexuality, have been branded with a medicalised language but it was never the language which gave power to those wielding it. You'll never get around that by aping it, especially not its past iterations. And so the Marxist, if he wants a place in the future, must reinvent himself, coin new words, think new thoughts, forge new ideas, commit heresies and above all be ahead of the thundering storm to come.
It is sad that the Codex is such barren ground, this very thread is fertile for a case against the consequences of capitalism. Its impact on regional culture, the materialist causes for the inevitable fate of metropolis, &c. Before the greatest points could be made some internal contradictions would have to be sorted out as it relates to ethnos and capital.