Misread the title as "flurry". Was looking forward to talking about monks being a dumb class.
Instead I will point out that D&D 6e floated a new celestial race called Ardlings where you can play as a humanoid with an animal head.
Can I be a gelatinous cube though?
Gelatinous cubes were already protected from thief back stabs in AD&D 1st edition. From the DMG: "Back Stabbing: Opponents aware of the thief will be able to negate the attack form. Certain creatures (otyughs, slimes, molds, etc.) either negate surprise or have no definable "back", thus negating this ability." The Gold Box games could have included a flag for each enemy type indicating whether they were susceptible to thief back stabbing, and then checked for the flag in combat to determine if a back stab occurs.Can I be a gelatinous cube though?
You think a gelatinous cube would be safe from being backstabbed?
Well furries started as horny fantasy/sci fi fans and cartoonists. There were furfags in sci-fi conventions in the 80s who came there to discuss Erma Felna. I see why it would be a problem now that there's more of us, but I also see why wotc wouldn't be ashamed to pander to us. There's already plenty of degeneracy in these fantasy nerd circles, so we might as well join the party. Like the guy said, when everyone is a pervert, noone is.I guess they have tons of furries now, but it's not like furries where nowhere to be seen in fantasy back in the 80s and 90s too. Furries as the group we know them today alreasy existed back then as well, and there were some examples of creatures like that in mainstream fantasy. You could point Chewie as an example, then the little bears from Endor... then the puppets from The Dark Crystal... didn't Ultima had furries too at one point? You didn't had a thousand flavors of furries, yeah, but they were kinda there.
All in all, you could add worse things to games I suppose.
Were Echo & the Bunnymen embroiled in some controversy that I missed?Just make sure you call them bunny people or bunnyfolk and not bunnymen. That would be white supremacy.
I would say these are not furries, even if they have fur, because they're aliens, and not things presented as something people should attempt to either fuck, or focus on the fucking thereof, and they are not anthro-versions of any specific animal.You could point Chewie as an example, then the little bears from Endor...