Consoles bring endless divide due to exclusives.
Consoles limit hardware due to their limitations.
Consoles also perpetuate many retarded rent-seeking behaviors like having to pay for the ability to use the multiplayer side of your games.
Consoles are also against game preservation, as 99% of all games released on consoles are abandoned or lost or sit on copyright limbo forever. There would literally be no videogame history if PCs weren't a thing.
Dividing the devs attention between multiple platforms will inevitably force them into choosing one over the other, hence all the endless shit ports we have.
There's no argument about it, consoles need to die for the good of videogames and gamers as a whole.
I think Division is good as it creates competition. Peak gaming was when many companies and platforms offered the player something different and unique. Hell, in some cases you had the same titles offer completely different experiences on different platforms such was the desire to stand out (e.g. Aladdin on the SEGA Mega Drive & SNES are both completely different games)
I don't think consoles need to die, I think they need to return to what they once were - simplified physical-media based plug & play devices which offer an easy-access, bite sized, more popamole focused approach to gaming. This way they not only offer something different, but that draws the console-only mongs further away from PC gaming, and creates more space for PC games to be proper PC games with devs not trying to appease everyone.
Pipe dream I know, can't see it happening, but with modern consoles just being shit PCs the sooner there's more gaming racism and the divide between tribes is strengthened the better.