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I have a counter-proposal (Crispy vs. Kalin TO THE DEATH)

Your choice in this poll could be historic

  • I choose the Scenario listed as Option 1 in the first post of this thread (De-mod Crispy)

  • I choose the Scenario listed as Option 2 in the first post of this thread (Kalin stays in GD)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Today, dawcio and Ontopoly joined with me in mortal combat. As usual, we're too dumb to figure out how to start our own server so that it actually appears so others can join it, and so we joined some random public server.

At first, the scores were evenly matched in a Last Man Standing where all weapons were available with unlimited ammo.
Round #1 went to Dawcio by 1 point, with DU being knocked out just before the final kill.
Round #2 went to Ontopoly by a spread of 4, with dawcio knocked out first.
Round #3 went to Ontopoly again by 1 point, with DU knocked out first. As is custom, DU spent most of the match finding every part of the map that kills you, falling into the lava several times.
Round #4 went to Ontpoly by 1 again, with DU knocked out again before the final kill.

At this point, we realised ping may be a factor. With the scores closely matching ping.
DU on 340
Dawcio on 183
Ontopoly on 68.

And so the decision was made to improve the odds in my favour make the match fairer by finding another server. And so we joined some other random server. Gibblets something MU AU #1 something.

There, a regular deathmatch round where players had to find weapons was fought. At this point, 2 randoms joined as is the nature of public battle, with the final score as far as we care:
DU scoring 56, Ontopoly despite being a n00b, coming in not far behind with 46, and dawcio with 32.

Then voting started happening and no-one knew what was going on. We ended up in a 3 vs 2 team instagib deathmatch because I saw instagib and voted HARD, but missed the "team" part. And so Round #6 was a bit of a slaughter with DU, Dawcio, and Random Pro defeating Ontopoly and not so good Pro.

Round #7 ended up being an instagib deathmatch, because we figured out where that option was. But I forgot to write the score down. And the demo doesn't seem to keep score like WTF? I'm not manually counting, but it was Random Pro, DU on half that, Ontopoly, with dawcio bringing up the rear.

At this point both the pros and Ontopoly left us and so Dawcio and I were left to fight mano-a-mano. With the final tally coming in at DU on 11, to dawcio's 10.

For his efforts and fair fighting, Ontopoly has had his tags removed. And Dawcio has made up for completely faking horse therapy by taking screenshots from a YouTube video failing to post a screenshot of him on the dance floor.

And so, with all Kalinites having completed rehab, Kalin too has been released from the ways of Kalinism.


Disco Hitler
Jan 28, 2020
Fairy land
And with the removal of my tags, all you cunts can stop taking a picture of my tags and using that as an argument against me instead of actually having to type words. No more 'dumbfuck!' No more 'possibly retarded' No more 'village idiot' Just Ontopoly

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
And with the removal of my tags, all you cunts can stop taking a picture of my tags and using that as an argument against me instead of actually having to type words. No more 'dumbfuck!' No more 'possibly retarded' No more 'village idiot' Just Ontopoly
You can be all of those things without the tags. Not say that you are, though.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
And with the removal of my tags, all you cunts can stop taking a picture of my tags and using that as an argument against me instead of actually having to type words. No more 'dumbfuck!' No more 'possibly retarded' No more 'village idiot' Just Ontopoly
Nobody ever used it as an argument. Sometimes it was a joke, sometimes it was a "stop spamming the same Larian Bad post every single time". I'm sure you can understand that, now that you no longer are a dumbfuck.

Anyways, your username looks much better now! This is the Ontopoly I fell in love with! :brodex:

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