I've always had this idea kicking around in my mind for a multiplayer game based on Jack Vance's Dying Earth series of hybrid s-f/fantasy stories (which partly inspired Gary Gygax with D&D, particularly the magic system, but also the atmosphere and lore).
In that lore, it's millions of years in the future, the Sun is dying, even the galaxy is starting to fade out. The history of Earth stretches aeons into the past, with all sorts of stellar empires, cultures and civilizations having risen and fallen, both science-based and magic-based. It's basically a bucolic world with a more or less mediaeval general level of culture, with strange creatures wandering the forests, and a handful of notable magicians living off snippets of magic lore from a bygone era.
So the idea is that there are vaults, caches, ancient museums, ruins, etc., all over this world, with artifacts from all those past eras (so either s-f or fantasy themed, sometimes both). The basic MMO would be standard, but for the endgame player guilds would compete to "discover" new vaults by following clues left around the world by developers, and the way the leading guild followed clues (the conclusions they'd come to about what the vault is going to be like) would enable the developers to shape ad-hoc (partly procedural) mini-expansions that enabled the winning guild to open one of these vaults, museums, ruins, etc., with each having a different theme, some guarded by monsters, some with puzzles and traps, etc. The winning guild then keeps the best goodies and sells the rest to one of the big NPC magicians for the magician's collection. Once a vault is opened it becomes a permanent fixture in the game, and other guilds can enter the vaults and pick over the increasingly slimmer pickings that are left, with the dregs of its goodies stlill available to newer players who stumble across it, with weaker monsters still wandering around. Each "season" would be a kind of treasure hunt with different clues delivered in different ways (might be an item in the world here, a conversation with an NPC there).
In that lore, it's millions of years in the future, the Sun is dying, even the galaxy is starting to fade out. The history of Earth stretches aeons into the past, with all sorts of stellar empires, cultures and civilizations having risen and fallen, both science-based and magic-based. It's basically a bucolic world with a more or less mediaeval general level of culture, with strange creatures wandering the forests, and a handful of notable magicians living off snippets of magic lore from a bygone era.
So the idea is that there are vaults, caches, ancient museums, ruins, etc., all over this world, with artifacts from all those past eras (so either s-f or fantasy themed, sometimes both). The basic MMO would be standard, but for the endgame player guilds would compete to "discover" new vaults by following clues left around the world by developers, and the way the leading guild followed clues (the conclusions they'd come to about what the vault is going to be like) would enable the developers to shape ad-hoc (partly procedural) mini-expansions that enabled the winning guild to open one of these vaults, museums, ruins, etc., with each having a different theme, some guarded by monsters, some with puzzles and traps, etc. The winning guild then keeps the best goodies and sells the rest to one of the big NPC magicians for the magician's collection. Once a vault is opened it becomes a permanent fixture in the game, and other guilds can enter the vaults and pick over the increasingly slimmer pickings that are left, with the dregs of its goodies stlill available to newer players who stumble across it, with weaker monsters still wandering around. Each "season" would be a kind of treasure hunt with different clues delivered in different ways (might be an item in the world here, a conversation with an NPC there).
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