Let me guess real property prices reached Kwan Potato modern level too? Makes sense for Whiterun home to cost more than 5000 Septims... Seriously would kill for Drakensang monetary system for Skyrim; and btw noticed Gold being back as Septims 

About the damage, heavy armor protect you more than enough from arrows as it should and on light armor, arrows hit like a truck as it should. About the precision of the archers, again, something to balance the gameplay, if there was a reallistic accuracy, archers would only really be able to shoot you at close range, where you can just murder them anyway, that is what happens in vanilla Skyrim.
I use a single barrel in Whiterun for storing everything so i don't have a problem with gold weight. You don't need those 5k in your pocket if you are just going to a next bandit cave.
The player home in Whiterun costs 3000.Let me guess real property prices reachedKwanPotato modern level too? Makes sense for Whiterun home to cost more than 5000 Septims... Seriously would kill for Drakensang monetary system for Skyrim; and btw noticed Gold being back as Septims![]()
If you go away for too long (30 days to be accurate) the barrel will reset its contents.I use a single barrel in Whiterun for storing everything so i don't have a problem with gold weight. You don't need those 5k in your pocket if you are just going to a next bandit cave.
Yeah, sure. But if Requiem's goal is to increase immersion and add some amount of "semi-realistic roleplaying experience" then having to leave your shit in some rain-barrel in the next town sure sounds a bit counter-productive. Not to get larpy here, but somehow that seems stupid...
Dont be a smart ass, we are talking bout bows. Plus ranged weapon evolution and proliferation stems from the fact that you get to not-be-where-the-psycho-with-the-knife-is...
You are not holding a sniper in your hands, you are holding a curved stick that shoots straight sticks with a pointy end, it should reflect on gameplay, it should not, under any circumstance, be deadlier than a 300 pound hammer just "because of balance". That is weak, that is ugly. If you want to make the bow better, then you give it precision attacks, feet, legs, hands, arms, heart, throat, head, eyes, you give it different effects depending on location, and then the best archers will actually use that to their advantage and it will be good.
Is it possible to add locational damage to Skyrim? The original surely doesn't have it. People here in the Codex have this discussion about realism/abstracted gameplay all the time in the end what really matters is if make sense on the context of the game with it's limitations. Making the arrows deadly is a way to balance the game. Things like location damage and hit and run tactics and more complex stuff sound cool but the AI of Skyrim can't do it, you have an advantage and they don't when the general objective of Requiem is to up the difficulty and remove popamole. Let's say bows are, at best, situational weapons and you are supposedly only able to hit 1 or 2 times before an enemy closing in, in that example you gave, then those hits must hit really hard or bows are useless, if your window of opportunity to use ranged weapons is tiny, the damage they do must be big to compensate, not lower.
About the damage, heavy armor protect you more than enough from arrows as it should and on light armor, arrows hit like a truck as it should. About the precision of the archers, again, something to balance the gameplay, if there was a reallistic accuracy, archers would only really be able to shoot you at close range, where you can just murder them anyway, that is what happens in vanilla Skyrim. Bows were made to hit someone in huge masses of men/shoot individuals at close range while on a horse/ambushes, things that don't happen in the game or are very limited, to argue for a realistic use for them is the same to make them almost useless on the context of Skyrim. If you were talking about a game where ambushes, decent horseback fighting, complex AI, bigger scale fights were implemented... okay... on the context of Skyrim, you are talking about a lone man that slaugther whole camps of enemies that only know to charge at him or stay in one place shooting. If it makes sense or not that bows are sniper weapons, that is not applicable.
Actually there is such a thing as training in armor, being able to handle yourself better in it does have a huge impact on how well it will defend you: how much it will tire you to wear it, how much it will get damaged, how well you move while wearing it, how fast you can put it on or take it off. Its just the stupid perks based on it that are... uh, stupid.
Also, there is such a thing as getting better with t-shirts, there are techniques that allow you to take advantage of what you or your enemies are wearing. Jackie chan shows us this often.![]()
Actually there is such a thing as training in armor, being able to handle yourself better in it does have a huge impact on how well it will defend you: how much it will tire you to wear it, how much it will get damaged, how well you move while wearing it, how fast you can put it on or take it off. Its just the stupid perks based on it that are... uh, stupid.
Also, there is such a thing as getting better with t-shirts, there are techniques that allow you to take advantage of what you or your enemies are wearing. Jackie chan shows us this often.![]()
So that is:
1. Improving your physique with the weight of the armor
2. Identifying the weakness/uses in combat of clothing or what, using it as a weapon? Like a whip maybe?
This is nothing like the armor skills in skyrim. I simply see no logic in them either way.
WTF - Random Encounter Zones - (by T3nd0, author of SkyRe) Lets player assign the range of encounter levels (min and max) for each encounter zone. Highly configurable/customizable.
Enemies are still leveled but much more difficult. To compensate, enemies don't attack on sight. Loot is unleveled but rare items are VERY rare and VERY expensive. Eating meat gives bonus to weapon dmg, Sweets give bonus to Magicka regen rate. Much more. Designed to work with several other popular mods.
An arrow is more than a stick with pointy end.You are not holding a sniper in your hands, you are holding a curved stick that shoots straight sticks with a pointy end, it should reflect on gameplay
Unblocked power attack with huge ass hammer will usually end you in Requiem even if you're a tincan. I once was steamrolling a bandit camp with a tincan, then some noob in barely a fur skirt to cover his ass managed to get a good swing with a shitty 2h iron axe at me and game over man.it should reflect on gameplay, it should not, under any circumstance, be deadlier than a 300 pound hammer just "because of balance".
Is it possible to add locational damage to Skyrim? The original surely doesn't have it.
Requiem fixes this as well by making most projectiles (except those whirly icestorms - they get fucking deadly instead) 2x as fast as in vanilla.the ai arrows are easy to dodge/take cover from.
Actually that's horribly shitty because it forces player to choose between tedium and nerfing their character.In skyRe they did the same thing, and actually the seems to like separating convenience threes from bonus threes.
True.Actually that's horribly shitty because it forces player to choose between tedium and nerfing their character.In skyRe they did the same thing, and actually the seems to like separating convenience threes from bonus threes.
Convenience perks should be merged into actually useful ones you'll take anyway if you want to use the skill.
That removes the shitty dilemma between gameplay and fun and increases perceived impact of building up your skill.
Unblocked power attack with huge ass hammer will usually end you in Requiem even if you're a tincan. I once was steamrolling a bandit camp with a tincan, then some noob in barely a fur skirt to cover his ass managed to get a good swing with a shitty 2h iron axe at me and game over man.it should reflect on gameplay, it should not, under any circumstance, be deadlier than a 300 pound hammer just "because of balance".
Your point?