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Development Info InXile consults academics to create Wasteland authenticity



Lost in Space
Jul 11, 2008
The Turdlicker is back!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I'm not being negative, I'm stating a fact. The Eternity Kickstarter only recently ended. We don't know yet whether they will go dormant like Wasteland 2 did after that first "screenshot" or whether they will continue providing regular updates.
So far, they've told us a lot more about the game in 30 days than Fargo did in 6 months. So, far they've been very open about pretty much everything. Unlike Fargo. So far, they've already done post-KS updates and promised specific info in the next one - "Next week, we'll be talking about system design and how we're approaching mechanics like class design, advancement, and the role of equipment"

So, saying "well, but what if they stop..." to make a hypothetical point is kind of silly. Like saying "well, what if they spend all the moneys on drugs and hookers?". What? It can happen.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
What we're talking about, what that consultant is talking about in that interview, is something else: making the gameworld science-approved,
Oh sure he does.

"GamesBeat: How do you strike that balance between realism and fantasy and being scientifically accurate or plausible without inundating the player with minute details?

Alvarado: While some may think we are out to achieve “realism” in gaming fiction, we are actually out to help shape plausibility and logic of a fictional world."

And what do you think plausibility and logic of a fictional world mean?


I dont know... looks like plausability and logic of a fictional world to me. How about you?

How about you read more and then get back to me?
There are several links to a lot of material at the bottom of that wasteland forum page.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I dont know... looks like plausability and logic of a fictional world to me. How about you?
I.e. science! approved world. Questions?

How about you read more and then get back to me?
There are several links to a lot of material at the bottom of that wasteland forum page.
We did. We all read the stuff about Bioshock and laughed and laughed...

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Oh, curry. The loveable retard. Whatever would we do without your insightful comments? Always trying so hard to troll like a big boy...


I see why you are confused.
It seems you are confused.

no, that sentence does not mean "i.e. science approved world". It means they enhance plausibility and logic of a fictional world.
its two different things. really.

and there is more about specifics in that same article on venturebeat.
but it requires reading.

We did. We all read the stuff about Bioshock and laughed and laughed...
We? You started speaking in royal we now? And what... one very short article?
Did IQ of codex got a sudden boost recently?


im not going to quote it for you


Researching for your games: Scientific black boxes in video game narrative


Feb 11, 2012
United States of America
Get a room fags.

What is your opinion on this?

On what, the thread? Already posted it a few pages back. I'll also add that it's pretty goddamn dense to immediately get a negative reaction to this particular news, like hiring a professional consultant to gather scientific data in certain setting-relevent fields is going to automatically make the game hard science and no fun in the absolute. :roll:

I mean, I guess if I was struggling to finish a game it took gods know how long to complete, to the point where I quit my job to live off of Dead State Kickstarter funds in desperation to reach the finish line, I'd be pretty blasting towards other peoples projects to, even if it does get very fucking old and lose it's value at some point.



Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012
Assuming the cost is low, it's hard to get too worked up about this. Still, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Generally speaking, games with pulpy settings should be more about adhering to the logic of pulp, not the logic of reality. In other words, Wasteland should feel like a pulp science fiction setting (like the 2000 AD comic, or A Canticle for Liebowitz, or A Boy and His Dog, or pick your more modern equivalents) rather than like a scientific setting. If the point is simply to dress the pulp up with technobabble, I have no objection to it, since good pulp does have technobabble in it.

My concern is that the science folks come in and say things like, "Radiation might make mutations in the sense of, like, your sperm will be crooked and your kids will have bad kidneys, but it's not going to make green-skinned cannibals." Or "the aftermath of nuclear fallout is really pretty mild in the long term, if you check out the area around Chernobyl." I mean, maybe they're right! But they suck all the fun out of things. Just like people who think that space operas should try to give a logical, scientific framework for space ships fighting each other. It's not just futile (because there really will never be a good framework), it's actually counterproductive because it takes a lot of the fun out of space operas. The only framework that should matter is one that creates a fun setting for players to experience an interactive pulp space opera.

Obviously, I'm not saying every game has to be pulp. I'm just saying that if your game is pulp, and Wasteland plainly is, you need to embrace it and not be self-conscious.

But I imagine all this is really just a marketing thing that is costing them very little.


In My Safe Space
Feb 3, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
This potentially reminds me of those dull writers that do fantasy settings just so they can copy paste a 'real world' contemporary character/problem/mentality into them.

You know, people who do 15th century 100 years war setting just so they can have Jeanne d'Arc buying shoes in Orleans.

I've always admired authors that can make a alien society come alive into it's own rules, even if the rest of the writing is subpar (for instance Michelle West sunsword, or most of CJ Cherryh).

Then again, considering most of gaming is a wasteland of invincible obnoxious 'cool dudes' shooting stuff with impunity, maybe a bit of grounding won't be so bad.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
My concern is that the science folks come in and say things like, "Radiation might make mutations in the sense of, like, your sperm will be crooked and your kids will have bad kidneys, but it's not going to make green-skinned cannibals." Or "the aftermath of nuclear fallout is really pretty mild in the long term, if you check out the area around Chernobyl."

Unlikely, since they'll know it's for a game. I expect it'll be more along the lines of "Assuming a giant irradiated mutant guy existed, he would move this fast" and "Assuming nuclear fallout lasted that long, the world would look more or less like this"

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
If it means the game won't have glaring errors high school dropout outside KWA will spot I am all for it. things like correct method of gunpowder production, basic tanery and metal working, etc... Well I hope the crafting will be implemented and used either by PCs or NPCs at Ranger Base Camp.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
You're being a philistine, VD. Yes, fictional worlds absolutely can use logic, plausibility and internal consistency.

So far, they've told us a lot more about the game in 30 days than Fargo did in 6 months. So, far they've been very open about pretty much everything. Unlike Fargo. So far, they've already done post-KS updates and promised specific info in the next one - "Next week, we'll be talking about system design and how we're approaching mechanics like class design, advancement, and the role of equipment"

So, saying "well, but what if they stop..." to make a hypothetical point is kind of silly. Like saying "well, what if they spend all the moneys on drugs and hookers?". What? It can happen.

Whatever. We'll talk again in two months.

I mean, I guess if I was struggling to finish a game it took gods know how long to complete, to the point where I quit my job to live off of Dead State Kickstarter funds in desperation to reach the finish line



P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
You can't say anything remotely negative about Wasteland 2 without angering the horde.

The Codex is the place to be critical about things, if you can't handle the heat then stay in the respective circlejerk threads.

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
They should hire some religious consultants to counteract the science and logic and enhance the fantasy aspect.

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