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Is Cyberpunk 2077 an RPG?

Is Cyberpunk 2077 an RPG™?

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Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
As we already know that defining a genre is already problematic in itself the defining factor for me would be that what I perceive as RPG mechanics simply do not have enough impact in the game.

CP is for me a FP-Action game with RPG elements because of that.

Is Deus Ex one?
System Shock 2?
Elder Scrolls games?
Witcher games?

This is subjective anyways but I will engage:

Deus Ex seems to be exactly the mixture to *still* be a RPG but it's really on the edge, the RPG mechanics seem to me exactly impactful enough to be the defining factor of the game
System Shock 2 is for me a lot more on the side of RPGs
Elder Scrolls more action than RPG
Witcher 1 is an RPG the other two an action game with RPG aspects

overly excitable young man

Deus Ex seems to be exactly the mixture to *still* be a RPG but it's really on the edge, the RPG mechanics seem to me exactly impactful enough to be the defining factor of the game
What mechanics are we talking about? That you skill stuff and the way how you play a level changes?
Cyberpunk has that. Of course not of the quality of Deus Ex but the system is there.

System Shock 2 is for me a lot more on the side of RPGs
How? Explain what makes SS2 more of an rpg than Deus Ex? Because you have skill points?
Cyberpunk has them. Only as perk points.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Lol @ your retarded appeal to popularity.

It's not an appeal to popularity. I could say New Vegas simply wouldn't be an RPG if not because it has skill checks in dialogue. Without those, your build doesn't really matter either. It's just killing people with different weapons.

Tell me about those deep Deus Ex rpg mechanics with which the game wouldnt work anymore.

The game gates your access to different paths through quests based on your upgrades. In Deus Ex this is crucial because of the level design: every "level" (or "mission") is one huge playground and your upgrades and stats determine how much of it can you explore, and how.

Same with Oblivion or Skyrim. Just because a game is SHIT doesnt mean that they magically arent rpg anymore.
What is the difference for Oblivion in taking out the rpg system and in Morrowind!?
The rpg part falls very flat in both already.
You just dont want to admit that now because Morrowind is popular on this deluded site.

It's true that the RPG system is fairly flat in Morrowind, but at the very least combat is dictated by your character skills. There's a very tangible progression from level 1 to level 10, for instance. No such thing in Skyrim or Oblivion.

Bear in mind I love The Witcher 1. I just don't think the RPG mechanics matter that much in that game. It felt like a Soul Reaver game, except with choices and consequences.

overly excitable young man

It's not an appeal to popularity. I could say New Vegas simply wouldn't be an RPG if not because it has skill checks in dialogue. Without those, your build doesn't really matter either. It's just killing people with different weapons.
Deus Ex has no skill checks in dialogue.

The game gates your access to different paths through quests based on your upgrades. In Deus Ex this is crucial because of the level design: every "level" (or "mission") is one huge playground and your upgrades and stats determine how much of it can you explore, and how.
Cyberpunk does that in the majority of main and side quests. The level design just isnt that good than that of Deus Ex.

It's true that the RPG system is fairly flat in Morrowind, but at the very least combat is dictated by your character skills. There's a very tangible progression from level 1 to level 10
Just as in Cyberpunk then.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Deus Ex has no skill checks in dialogue.

Because it doesn't need them, as the RPG mechanics are about how you tackle obstacles during levels. But as I said, in New Vegas "obstacles" are non-existent: the game is easy as fuck. Lockpicking, hacking, all that stuff is really optional. Explosives are not even uses to unlock content, just to blow more shit up.

Cyberpunk does that in the majority of main and side quests. The level design just isnt that good than that of Deus Ex.

Great. I haven't played Cyberpunk, so someone else will have to vouch for the upgrades making a noticeable difference in how you traverse through levels.

Just as in Cyberpunk then.

If Sawyer's words are anything to go by, I can't be sure that's the case. But again, someone else will have to discuss it with you. All I know is that in New Vegas, they hardly mattered. In Skyrim, they didn't matter.


Mar 12, 2020
Action-Adventure RPG.
That's three different genres, lol.

And anyway, whatever the mix, one element will always dominate the others.
No... that's not it. It's a particular, individual genre, and one that's very well established by now.

Okay, look at it this way... Vodka's a kind of drink. And Orange Juice is a kind drink. But if you put them together, you've got a Screwdriver, and that's a kind of drink in and of itself. You follow? And then you got all these different types of Screwdriver recipes, right? So the Action-Adventure RPG is the Screwdriver and Deus Ex is one particular Screwdriver recipe, like the "Slow Screw", and then you've got your "Burning Screwdriver" Witcher 3 and your "Screwup" Fallout 4, and on it goes...
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RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Of course it is. All games are RPG because I am playing as not me.





Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Deus Ex seems to be exactly the mixture to *still* be a RPG but it's really on the edge, the RPG mechanics seem to me exactly impactful enough to be the defining factor of the game
Of course not of the quality of Deus Ex but the system is there.

System Shock 2 is for me a lot more on the side of RPGs
How? Explain what makes SS2 more of an rpg than Deus Ex? Because you have skill points?
Cyberpunk has them. Only as perk points.

You are answering your own question.

Also regarding SS2 it seems to me that the effect of the skill allocation has a hugely bigger impact in itself but also in context how much influence it has on the world.

That said, If you want an objective way to quantify this you will not find one anyways. So stop being so edgy about it. I think CP2077 is a pretty good game, i really like it. It's still not an RPG though in my opinion.


Sep 21, 2015
Already trying to disqualify the game from the 2020 GOTY poll, huh?

don't worry, decline is here to stay


Sigourn had a choice this fateful December day. He could have done anything, but he opted to make a poll. Not just any poll, but a poll with two "Yes" options.

Normie, a stickler for details and champion of tradition, put Sigourn under fire for this rather meddlesome list of options. What WAS Sigourn trying to do? What was he trying to prove? Was this stroke of controversy done due to poor Argentinian education or was Sigourn attempting to breach what should have been a simple "Yes or No" into an innovative 21st century advancement?

You see, Sigorn was the choice but Normie was the consequence.

Therefore, we can reasonably see that C&C is real. Therefore, an RPG is more than what meets the eye. Therefore, I have no idea what I just typed.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Why do you even argue about the genre of a game that you know nothing about?

But I didn't?
I asked a question for those who have played the game to answer.
Then you asked whether some given games were RPGs, and I gave my opinion on those which I played.

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