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Jagged Alliance 3 from Haemimont Games

Sep 1, 2020
I just tried the Tactical AI Project with Rato's Balance and Overhaul and it was fantastic. I suppose Tac AI is responsible for the new behaviors like flanking, suppressing and the new reliance on grenades. I barely survived the second map in Ernie, and I've been replaying it trying to come up with more dependable strategies. Entering sectors at night now seems much more optimal, even taking into account wasted time, and melee stealth now seems to require the stealth perk to use consistently, which is great. Timing stealth kills with aimed shots to down two enemies in the first turn is something I had to learn how to do, although it's not my favorite mechanic.

I'm quite apprehensive about going further in the campaign with the mod, though. The enemies now seem to have the ability to see you much before you can see them as soon as they go into Surprised state, even if you're in Stealth mode. And they'll put you in Overwatch without you noticing. The fact that even the lousiest enemies in the game have at least one grenade to lob at my mercs(I disabled extra grenades in mod options) also bodes ill for the future. Another thing they love to do is empty their clips at solid walls, but I can live with that.

Maybe having Tac AI and Rato's is too much and there's a more optimal setup. Or maybe I should just git gud at the expense of my sanity.

Something that really bothered me in vanilla was the broken training. No reason to hire expensive mercs, when you can turn Mouse into a sharpshooter in a single day. Audaki's Training Overhaul seems to take care of this, although I have no idea what a "train boost" is. I need to fiddle with the values, as it's probably too slow now.

I like the veteran voice from More IMP voices better than the default IMP voice.

Any good merc mods out there(apart from Key's Mercs)? I'm starting to get bored of picking the same mercs every time. Barry seems pretty much indispensable. Livewire/Buns are also no brainers if they don't haggle. Then either MD, Mouse/Fox or maybe Igor. The early game is definitely lacking in some choices, notably Leadership/Explosives mercs.
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destinae vomitus

Apr 25, 2021
Livewire/Buns are also no brainers, Mouse/Fox
The literal womanly size of their inventory is going to make you want to ALT+F4 later on when you're getting loaded up on stuff and you happen to have two or more of these skinny bitches in a squad, speaking from experience. The game plays far better IMO with a squad of mostly if not entirely beefy/manly mercs that have decent or high STR since it really isn't a dump stat, unless you consider mid-lategame Quality Of Life and good loot to be things worth dumping, quite literally.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Buns' iconic lines, which was all I wanted.
I miss that "Hhahaha... It's not funny" line too.

Still plenty of iconic lines from Lilura Buns.
Sep 1, 2020
I've been experimenting with Tac AI and Rato's/Gunfight Reworked(Rato's is more customizable) but I wasn't able to find the right balance for me. On one hand, I really like the new enemy behaviors and the tactical challenge, but turning every mook into the Terminator isn't my idea of fun. It's not that they're that smart, they just have the uncanny ability to hit you multiple times with auto fire from 30 meters away at night, or to run all the way around you and still have AP left to empty their clip into your back. Meanwhile, my interrupts can barely graze them even with height advantage. Are they using aimed shots every time when they already spent 15 AP on movement? Maybe.

I'm not sure if it's the buffed stats of MI difficulty combined with the new behaviors, or if the mods are solely responsible. I turned the difficulty down to Commando just to test it for a bit, and in fact the enemies seemed less accurate, but then, Steroid still got hit for 90 damage with AK auto fire while lying prone at night and some 15 tiles away. He's a big guy, but still...

If I weren't so autistic I could just play the game normally, but now I can't. Oh well...

EDIT: I've just found the mod Custom Difficulty Settings, which lets you fiddle with a bunch of parameters for each difficulty, including enemy stat bonuses. Apparently it's true, the enemy does get a ridiculous amount of free movement and accuracy bonuses in MI(and somewhat less in Commando), which isn't that big of a deal in vanilla, but with this new AI and Rato giving full damage to auto fire... that's just... too much. At least for me.

I'm going to start over(again!) and try do to a full campaign this time. It's starting to feel right.
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vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
I've overcome my distaste of this game to a certain degree and I've been playing it a lot lately. I must admit a large part of it was a kneejerk reaction to their treatment of Ice, who I made the mistake of hiring for my first squad. I was offended, and rightly so. Come on, I've been playing with him since JA1! Thankfully, other known characters have been disappointing to a lesser degree.

I'm now in my second campaign in the Mission Impossible difficulty. The first came to an abrupt end as I found myself in a rather impossible financial situation. I'm not a bank, so no bailouts for me. Good of the devs for staying true to the old school game design, though. My second campaign is going much better.

I'm playing with the Key's Mercs mod, which adds a lot of cool characters, including old favorites like Razor, Hamoun and Maddog, who are of course 10x funnier than anything originally in this game. There are also some I don't remember, like Diego "Coach" Mendoza, a motivational speaker with 95 Leadership. He's also much funnier than the vanilla characters, despite his voice being obviously AI generated, which isn't entirely negative as it adds to his uncaniness. The mod does make the game slightly easier, though. For example, Razor is a killing machine, since melee is so strong now, and you can get him for peanuts. Flo is also dirt cheap, but still an excellent utility character due to her high Wisdom. All in all, I like having more choice in Recruit level mercs for this difficulty, as money is so tight.

I've also installed a mod that adds the JA2 voice to the respective characters, although it doesn't work that well for me. I still haven't heard any of Buns' iconic lines, which was all I wanted. The music mods also work inconsistently for me. I find the original selection too generic, and resent the addition of "wholesome African music", which doesn't fit the tone of JA, imo. Then again, that is part of the new game's "modern sensibility", its reversion to the mean in other words.

The gameplay is quality, even if it differs considerably from the classic JA formula. Some observations:

- Melee was barely there in JA2, now melee is king. Couple it with Commandos style stealth, and you have a super effective combination. I'd almost say it's broken, but then again, the game also throws Brutes at you, and you need your own melee guys to defend against them effectively. Like in Commandos, they work much better as a team.
- Perks are a real departure from the semi-simulationist design of before. There's a lot of fantasy stuff in the game now.
- High Wisdom is like a super power. I trained my IMP, Buns and MD to 90 Leadership in basically one day(with Coach Mendoza as a trainer). It also took one day for MD, Barry and Livewire to get their Marksmanship in the high 80s. Kind of broken, yes.
- The new interrupt system is a double edged sword. It's more predictable, but for that reason lets you play more offensively. I think one of the flaws of classic JA combat is that it privileged camping too much. Normally you'd want your mercs to have superior range and hide behind layers of defense, while here you can make more use of fancy squad tactics.

All the nitpicking aside, I'm having fun with the game and it's already made me lose a couple of nights sleep, just like good old JA.
It would be viable Reuban from Ja1 in Ja3 since melee Is king? He wasn't that good in melee too but he had 32 markmanship.
Sep 1, 2020
AAR: Had my first "game over" scenario with my IMP getting shredded in the Fleatown church map. The campaign had been going great so far, with barely a scratch on Ernie island and only one mishap in the mines, after one half-dead hyena jumped out of nowhere to chew on Livewire's face, getting her down to 3HP before Meltdown finally tore it to pieces.

When the fight broke out in Fleatown, my IMP and Igor, who had already put 3 guys on the ground in the silence of the night, took cover behind some flimsy tin panels south of the church in order to cover the western approach, while Buns, Barry and Meltdown took care of business from the north. Big mistake. I don't know if he was already hiding in the church or not, but some guy put my IMP on Overwatch and in the next turn interrupted him for 60 damage. I held on for another 5 turns or so, with my IMP desperately trying to cover his ass with smoke grenades while being continually suppressed and grazed, Igor bravely tanking shots with his grit and the other mercs forced to reposition under heavy fire(Meltdown even fell from the roof after it collapsed from constant fire!). Unfortunately it wasn't enough to save the Boss, who was finally taken out with a grenade, also leaving Igor in bad shape, who was shielding him with his body.

These stealth Overwatch interrupts are brutal, even after toning down enemy stats. You just can't assume there's no one behind a window or around a corner. You have to treat the enemies as velociraptors some times. You won't see them but they'll see you. It's also a bit suspicious how some of these shots are able to connect sometimes. I suspect Tac AI changed some values that aren't covered by other mods.

I try to avoid savescumming, but losing my IMP or one of the essential mercs means I'll just restart the sector. I suspect it won't be the last time.

Overall, I'm enjoying the game a lot now. I'm using Tactical AI and Rato's with default settings(except one setting in Rato's that removes penalties for AI, which I disabled), while mostly removing the enemy advantages in free movement and rolls with Custom Difficulty Settings(I still gave them 1 free movement , because their aggressive tactics seem to depend somewhat on lots of AP). Mission Impossible economy and the vanilla options for extra enemies and negative effects from wounds are also enabled.

Despite some of Tac AI "cheating" already mentioned, I think this is the closest to a "tough but fair" set of rules. If you want a more hardcore challenge, you can simply boost the enemies a bit more in CDS.

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