I'm too lazy to find the post again but I agree with what someone said earlier: why is DR even necessary? Why should heavier armor offer a % reduction on top of its already no doubt generous flat reduction against things like missile strikes? The only purpose I see is to create a dichotomy where quick, light weapons do better against DR and slow, heavy weapons do better against DT... but from a realism standpoint any armor heavy enough to offer DR would offer high DT as well, so it ends up moot.
That being the case, if one wanted to include DR and DT precisely to create that dichotomy, the best option would be to make them come from different sources. DR could be magic/psychic/technological shielding - or perhaps it could be the effect of a dodge stat in a deterministic system. DT can be granted by armor as per usual. You would have to create some reason that the DT heavy armor guy can't also have DR shielding, but that's easy enough especially if it's magic/psychic.
Of course, I don't know if that's any better than just having separate damage types and resistances to create the same sort of dichotomy.
That being the case, if one wanted to include DR and DT precisely to create that dichotomy, the best option would be to make them come from different sources. DR could be magic/psychic/technological shielding - or perhaps it could be the effect of a dodge stat in a deterministic system. DT can be granted by armor as per usual. You would have to create some reason that the DT heavy armor guy can't also have DR shielding, but that's easy enough especially if it's magic/psychic.
Of course, I don't know if that's any better than just having separate damage types and resistances to create the same sort of dichotomy.