Work in the same narrow way and to do the same narrow thing. Once you’ve effortlessly blown out a combat or three things get boring. Games where you can offer a wide variety of angles of attack - and have to - are more interesting.
I think you've been spoiled by Pathfinder. And KotC maybe.
There indeed, apart from normal magic and spell-like effects you have Combat Maneuvers that target CMD, Attacks of Opportunity, bombs, rays and some other obscure mechanics. Great stuff.
But really, other then those, how many games do you know that offer a significantly broader ability/power variety then Deadfire?
You have 4 defenses in Deadfire and you can attack all of them. Different classes specialize in assaulting different defenses (with Deflection obviously being most common, as the typical "martial" defense). Also you can play the debuffing game to majorly reduce enemy defenses (defense reducing weapon modals are borderline OP, certain debuff spells/powers are very potent too). Its not too difficult to drop an enemy defense by 40+ points.
You have single target spells, ray (pulsing) spells, wall spells, aoe spells, aoe pulsing spells. With various CC/debuff effects attached. DOTs. You have multiple debilitations, including the classic Paralyze and Stun, but also milder, that for example disable offensive ability use or prevent engagement.
Personally I have trouble finding computer games with significantly more rich mechanics.