Reported for ''retarded'' rating harvesting.That looks like one of the worst games I've ever seen. It is like they took the already dumb Diablo concept and removed all the spells and abilities and replaced them with a gun.
Yeah dude, go get some chicks before you turn into gay stuff or something.How am I wrong? It is like an arcade Doom/Superhot mashup. ZzzzZzZZzzzz
I get it would be fun if you want simple minded action, but I'd rather play Tome4 again or something. Gotta keep those brain juices active so I don't end up liking this sort of degeneracy.
Early Access Launch Tommorow, PLAYER keys sent!
In less than 24 hours we’re launching Jupiter Hell in Early Access! Thank you so much for supporting us on this journey, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Tomorrow will be a big for us and we could really use your continued support. As a really small studio without a publisher or a marketing agency, most of our outreach is through direct contact and people, like you, who believe in us. Here are some things you can do to help us during launch:
Here’s some handy links for you to share with people:
- Tell your friends about the game and share the Steam page
- Post about the launch in your Steam, Discord and other communities
- Ask your favorite streamers/Youtubers to play the game
Now onto the good stuff: if you were PLAYER (or METALHEAD or DELUXE) level backer, you should have a key for Jupiter Hell in your inbox (check your spam folder too!) - this is a special release override key, so you can play RIGHT NOW!
- Launch trailer (watch it :D):
- Steam page:
- Discord:
- Twitter:
NOTE: we just recently added a macOS build - it should be considered experimental, as there are still some issues, especially on Inter Iris Pro 5200 - hotfix will be available after launch!
Is this the end of development? No it’s just the beginning! We have a lot more stuff to add before we can call the game 1.0, and will be hard at work for the next year! This is just some of the stuff that’s still in the pipeline to add to the game.
However, we feel that we are at a point that you can now enjoy the game and help us make it grow! So please let us know what you think of the Early Access version and how you want to see the game grow.
- more branches, special levels, enemies and weapons (especially energy weapons)
- diffent damage types and effects, energy shields
- Dante Station endgame zone
- Boss-fights at the end of episodes
- simple cutscenes with more plot information
- much bigger trait and item variety
- full procedural destruction of levels
- more environmental interaction
- hacking and more terminal interaction
- full modding support
- and a lot more!
Thanks again for all your support!
Do the levels open up later like in DoomRL?
Yes. Even restarting the game repeatedly, due to deaths, the RNG maps are interesting, sometimes very much so.Are the level seeds / layouts interesting?
Premature Evaluation: Jupiter Hell
Premature Evaluation is the weekly column in which Steve Hogarty explores the wilds of early access. This week, he descends into the depths of a demon-infested moon base in Jupiter Hell.
Often I think my life would be better if it operated as a roguelike, where I could wait as long as I needed before every step I took, to consider all possible moves before committing to one. In practice, the ability to pause time for a think would be a kind of living hell. At age three I would become wracked with decision paralysis for two centuries next to some swings. By fifteen I would be many thousands of years old inside my skull, an ancient god trapped inside his own decaying mind, having spent a few millenia here and there trying to think of which words, when spoken in the right order, would make me seem cool in front of an older boy.
No, it is better to never consider the consequences of your actions, and to live life as an unrelated series of fluke accidents and bad mistakes driven by the misfiring impulses of your idiot brain. On Saturday evening, for example, I poured two thirds of my pint into a man’s brogue because he was very annoying. I never felt more alive.
Such spontaneous pettiness could never happen in Jupiter Hell, a roguelike and sequel to the slightly more cease-and-desisty DoomRL, which ported the classic run and gun shooter into a top-down, slowed-down and turn-based format. DoomRL contrasted the apparent mindlessness of Doom’s frantic demon slaughtering with the more methodical, chin-stroking nature of roguelikes, and in doing so found some common ground between them. In both, a keen sense of situational awareness and tactical positioning were critical to not getting popped in the face by a demonic fireball. But only in one could you go and make yourself a tofurkey sandwich while standing in a room full of cacodemons.
Jupiter Hell is way less lawyer-baiting and far prettier than the game that spawned it. Now set on the moons of Jupiter, which are absolutely nothing like the moons of Mars, it has you battling through descending levels of increasingly demon-shagged yet legally distinct science labs, corrupted mines and space ports. It’s a roguelike, so level layouts are randomised, death is permanent and enemies only move when you do. And it’s tile-based, so you move from cover to cover like you’re a rampaging chess piece, trying to position yourself in the most tactically advantageous square that you can.
How you approach rooms is determined by the kinds of baddies you encounter and the type of weapon you’ve currently got equipped. Almost every action from firing your gun, reloading or just switching between weapons incurs a time cost, so anticipating what might be behind the next locked door makes a difference to how things pan out. Shotguns, for example, will cut through multiple possessed grunts if they’re standing next to one another, but as they need to be reloaded after each round you don’t want to miss with your opening shot. Revolvers are accurate, but have limited ammo capacity and need to be reloaded bullet by bullet. Rockets are big and noisy and kill pretty much everything, but fire one from behind cover and you risk clipping a wall and exploding yourself into many hot ribbons of lightly singed meat.
Whereas the slow pace of classic roguelikes is set by the need to get close enough to a kobold to thump it in its stupid kobold face, the long-range shooty gun combat of Jupiter Hell takes a little more getting used to. To discourage you from stumbling into oncoming fire you’ve got a pain meter, which gradually increases with the damage you take and saddles you with an accuracy penalty that recedes once you dodge or take cover. Similarly, your chance to dodge increases the more you move around, giving Jupiter Hell a dancey sort of upbeat rhythm. Cover is still king, but you’re encouraged to zip about the environment in search of it rather than turtling and hoping the arch-reaver’s hit points run out before yours.
Environmental features like exploding barrels not only honour the hallowed FPS that inspired Jupiter Hell, but also amplify this sense of dynamic movement. You can kite enemies to lure them towards barrels before manually targeting them to make everything pop at once, which is just as gratifying as it is in any other genre.
Variety comes not just in the flavours of guns you tend to find during each run, but in the three classes available to choose from. The marine, technician and scout each have two unique skills that favour different playing styles, either by focusing on damage dealing, stealth or speed. And with each level earned you can unlock a new ability, though these tend to enhance existing stats rather than drastically reshape how you play the game. In this early access version, while you’re already able to reach the game’s ending and thump the big bad demon behind the whole mess, the slim variety in weapons, abilities, enemies and environments found along the way is soon exhausted after just a handful of repeated playthroughs.
And whereas many contemporary roguelikes allow you carry some progress with you over repeated games, in this version of Jupiter Hell you’re fully resetting with each death. In theory you’re able to reach the game’s ending on your first attempt, which makes your very last life functionally identical to your very first, and gives Jupiter Hell the feel of an arcade game. Or Spelunky.
But for now this early version feels too constricted, narrow and in need of a few more surprises and flare along the way. The development roadmap is all about adding more and more stuff to see in each life, expanding the breadth of the game rather than the length, and introducing more branching levels and special areas to mooch around in. Once sufficiently pumped full of things to do, see and shoot at, this non trademark infringing depiction of the realms of hell spilling forth into an orbital moon base won’t feel quite so repetitive, but more like something worth repeatedly playing.
Jupiter Hell 0.8.4 - Infernal Intellect!
Time to outsmart hell itself! The major 0.8.4 update is now live and most notably introduces a full overhaul of Jupiter Hell's AI system! Enemies now can hear you, smell you and humanoids know the value of cover!
Infernal Intellect
The AI system has been completely rewritten - humanoids will now take and stay in cover if close, and most of the enemies will react to the noise you and other enemies make! To make things more interesting, fiends and ravagers can now track you by smell - there's nowhere to hide from them! The new AI increases the general difficulty, but makes (especially the early levels) the game more interesting - just standing behind cover and mashing "F" is no longer the best tactic - sometimes you need to retreat to bait the enemies to follow you, and often you'll be ambushed by enemies following you by scent, or interested in the noise you made.
Weapon Perks
The other big update is the introduction of weapon perks on ADV weapons. Take careful note of them as they might prove much better than regular modded weapons or exotics especially if the perk requirements are met. Perks for example can increase damage based on the type of enemy, your distance to them, whether they are wounded or make reloading of the weapon really fast if its empty, or even automatically reload on move! The perk list will be slowly expanded both in variety as well as adding them to other items in the future!
Quality of Life
Two "quality of life" features have been added - an audible click on wait, and highlighting the last enemies on the level on the minimap (doesn't trigger on levels with summons). We also made "swap time" actually work propely, which also changes a lot - we reduced the 200% swap time weapons as this might be a bit much, especially for seasoned players.
Balance Changes
Due to the AI changes we made some enemy nerfs - Callisto formers are less accurate, and the UV enemy buff of accuracy has been reduced to +10%. Speaking of UV, we also made it so that there are no "lucky drops" of early late game weapons - to provide for a more consistent early game.
We nerfed P-mods a bit, as they basically reduced endgame to P3-modding a rapid-fire weapon - to offset that, summoner armor has been nerfed and now everyone can single-mod ADV weapons and everyone has two levels of Whizkid. This is subject to change soon, as we'll be doing a full mod overhaul in the near future, so stay tuned!
Full Changelog
NEW #852 - ADV weapons now may have unique perks!
NEW #812 - Major AI overhaul! (see other issues for details)
NEW #812 - humanoids will now consider (and stay in) cover!
NEW #841 - most enemies will hear and investigate sounds!
NEW #840 - fiends and reavers now can follow player scent!
NEW #850 - waiting now plays an audible click
NEW #851 - last 3 enemies may be revealed on the minimap
CHANGE #812 - enemies will no longer ignore you if they saw you
CHANGE #839 - AI aware state resets after losing target
CHANGE #833 - UV enemy accuracy bonus reduced from 20% to 10%
CHANGE #833 - Callisto formers have even lower accuracy
CHANGE #833 - wall cover now gives 70% cover instead of 80%
CHANGE #834 - p-mods give +1 on multishot bullet weapons (smg/auto)
CHANGE #834 - nerfed summoner armor slightly
CHANGE #834 - everyone can single mod ADV items
CHANGE #834 - Technician can mod every item twice by default
CHANGE #834 - every class has two levels of Whizkid
CHANGE #835 - min depth for some items added - no early UV chainguns
CHANGE #732 - reduced the emissiveness of lava cave rocks
CHANGE #732 - improved terrain rendering performance
CHANGE #847 - crash handler will work when Vulkan device is lost
CHANGE #842 - crash handler will work when assertion fails
CHANGE #824 - Aim modifier is always lost when switching weapons
CHANGE #823 - Aim resets if loosing sight of enemy
CHANGE #852 - Point Blank now gives +80% crit chance
CHANGE #732 - optimized terrain rendering
CHANGE #845 - decreased 200% swap-times to 150% to prevent surprises:
FIX #845 - swap time now works properly
FIX #853 - fixed targeting related crash on level change
FIX #732 - ADV auto rifle now uses proper sprite
FIX #732 - minor spelling/grammar fixes
FIX #831 - fixed crash on trying to drop with empty inventory
FIX #849 - pad trigger will no longer lock on use from ground
FIX #846 - 0-damage sources (smoke screen) wont "benefit" from SoB
FIX #830 - reset enemy number after wipe (fixes enemies left)
ext Update
Due to Game Industry Conference coming next weekend, the next update (0.8.5) will come in around three weeks time, although you can expect a bugfix version or two within the next few days
Help us out!
Please tell us what you think of the recent changes, in the comments, on the Forums or on Discord!
Also, we're launching this update with a discount, so if you're a dedicated player it's a great moment to share Jupiter Hell with your communities
Thanks for all your support, and see you next update!
EDIT: 0.8.4a
A hotfix has been deployed! We noticed that early game is a bit more punishing than we intended to, so we're rolling out a slight buff to early along with bugfixes:
CHANGE #857 - capped exalted regenerate at 6hp/turn max
CHANGE #855 - reduced amount of enemies on Callisto 1 and Europa 1
CHANGE #856 - added a guaranteed extra med chest on Callisto 2
FIX #859 - scent trackers will no longer melee enemies on path
FIX #854 - Point Blank trait description fixed
FIX #860 - Autoloader perk works with extended magazine
Jupiter Hell 0.9.0 - Masters!
Hell, it's about time! Our most significant update yet, Jupiter Hell 0.9.0 -- a.k.a. "Masters" (of Doom? ) -- is out, and with it, 15 (fifteen!) Master traits have been added, each bringing a unique playstyle! Read all about it below!
But before we get to the meat, this is our most important release up to date and we want to reach with it as many people as possible! We've set the price -20% off, and would be honored if you'd help us spread the news among friends, communities and your favorite streamers! Only YOU can really help us out with this quest!
Also, if you want to discuss master builds, be sure to join our Discord Server
Fifteen Master traits have been added, five per class. Some of them are generic, some of them tailored toward a particular weapon group. All of these have 3 trait levels that can be picked -- one each at level 7, 10 and 13. Contrary to prior updates, Master traits have relatively few requirements (3 or 4 traits), and do not block any other traits, for maximum build flexibility.
Marine Masters
- Onslaught - once you spool up your chain-fire weapon (see below), you can move while firing and increasing spool-up!
- Bulletstorm adds 1 more shot per action to SMGs and pistols, and reduces their ammo consumption
- Army of Darkness - designed with Shotguns in mind, this is a generic trait that converts the Slash weapon damage type to Pierce, and maximizes their effective range.
- Vampyre - Health regeneration on melee kills
- Survivor - generalist trait makes you harder to kill and provides limited regeneration capabilities
Scout Masters
- Sniper - for use with any rifle, increases ranges and provides a bonus to critical chance which scales with range to target
- Gun Kata - fan favorite -- automatically shoots both your pistols at different targets as you dance between enemies
- Gunrunner - reload weapons on move and reduces their fire time for the turn after a move, leading to a run and gun playstyle
- Assassinate - Scout's flashy melee master -- phaseshift right behind the enemy to deliver a fatal blow
- Ghost - for the sneaky among us, significantly reduces stealth costs and detects enemies before you see them
Technician Masters
- Entrenchment - hold position and start spewing bullets - automatic hunker and damage reduction when firing while remaining stationary
- Sharpshooter - for the pistol fans: increased ranges and damage bonus which scales with range to target
- Fireangel - when you want to see the world burn. Shrug off explosions and proc fire effects
- Blademaster - Tech's melee master -- wield two blades at the same time for more damage!
- Wizard - smoke screen on cooldown, buff to hacked enemies and bot summoning
Apart from that, some of the existing non-master traits have been changed or removed, and a new Eagle Eye trait is present in Scout.
Masters obviously shake up the game a lot, and we tried to compensate balance for it (see below), but generally we kept most of the traits on the overpowered side -- expect more balancing in future updates
New Uncommon Weapons
To provide more early-game variety and fill up some gaps in weapon types vs available ammo, we added 6 new weapons that are alternatives to current common weapons:
- 9mm combat pistol
- .44 long revolver
- 7.62 sidearm
- 7.62 assault SMG
- 7.62 sniper rifle
- CRI plasma cannon
All of the above have ADV variants (which now show their tier in the name, i.e. AV1, AV2 and AV3), and are sometimes carried by regular humanoid enemies.
Chaingun Spool-up
Chaingun has changed! To give the chaingun its own niche among other similar weapons, chaingun now ramps up to its full damage potential after two turns of uninterrupted firing, represented by audio and visual effects, and a Spool-up status effect. Pick Marine's Onslaught master trait if you want to move while mowing down enemies!
Improved Animations
Speaking of the chaingun animation, we've also made a general pass on animations in the game - the player's body now rotates separately from the legs when firing and aiming, movement is smoothed out, rotating weapons actually rotate, and other miscellaneous animations were fixed.
UI Improvements
Several minor UI improvements have been made -- health bars now show what damage was done since the last turn, required traits in trait descriptions are highlighted red or green depending on whether or not the requirements are already met, and weapon statistics have been made more compact, and now include explicit weapon-group information.
Major Balance Changes
The inclusion of Master traits caused us to take a significant pass at game balance. In general, we made early-game a bit easier (especially on Medium), and significantly buffed all late game enemies to offset the power of Master traits. Also, there are more enemies in general post-Europa (scaling with difficulty).
Oh, and remember that UV accuracy bonus for enemies? It wasn't working correctly; we've now fixed it. Expect a lot more pain on Ultraviolence
Plethora of Bugfixes
Last (but certainly not least), we fixed plenty of bugs, and we eagerly anticipate fixing the ones that will inevitably popup in this release with the amount of added mechanics .
That's no moon, it's a changelog!
Beta 0.9.0 - Masters - April 27, 2020
NEW #1066 - Traits - Marine chainfire master - Onslaught!
NEW #1125 - Traits - Scout rifle master - Sniper!
NEW #1126 - Traits - Tech cf/general master - Entrenchment!
NEW #1122 - Traits - Marine pistol/SMG master - Bulletstorm!
NEW #1063 - Traits - Scout pistol/SMG master - Gun Kata!
NEW #1123 - Traits - Tech pistol/SMG master - Sharpshooter!
NEW #1064 - Traits - Marine sg/rl master - Army of Darkness!
NEW #1118 - Traits - Scout sg/general master - Gunrunner!
NEW #1065 - Traits - Tech sg/general master - Fireangel!
NEW #1067 - Traits - Marine melee master - Vampyre!
NEW #1068 - Traits - Scout melee master - Assassinate!
NEW #1069 - Traits - Tech melee master - Blademaster!
NEW #1070 - Traits - Marine general master - Survivor!
NEW #1127 - Traits - Scout general master - Ghost!
NEW #1128 - Traits - Tech general master - Wizard!
NEW #1090 - 6 new uncommon base weapons with ADV variants!
NEW #0863 - chaingun now has a spool-up (4/6/8 shots)
CHANGE #1086 - UV enemy accuracy bonus was not working - fixed
CHANGE #1101 - ADV weapons now AV1, AV2 or AV3 depending on tier
CHANGE #1072 - Bloodhound and Tracking Data markers on screen
CHANGE #1128 - hacked enemies now give 1xEXP, but count kill EXP
CHANGE #1133 - UI - health bars use = to show recent damage
CHANGE #1112 - UI - required traits are highlighted red/green
CHANGE #1130 - UI - cleaned up weapon stats description
CHANGE #1130 - UI - explicit weapon groups in stats and traits
CHANGE #1130 - UI - stats now show mods line as count/capacity
CHANGE #1087 - Balance - fire fiend and drone accuracy reduced
CHANGE #1087 - Balance - Callisto sergeants deal 70% damage
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - heavies have -20% accuracy and -10% speed
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - much fewer heavies on Callisto and Europa
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - 25% fewer armored ravagers
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - +50% health to ravagers, +33% to reavers
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - more experience for ravagers and reavers
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - more health to formers post Europa
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - +60% health to all cerberi
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - x2 health for CRI marines, +50% for CRI bots
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - fewer enemies on Anomaly and Milibase
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - more enemies lategame at higher diffs
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - Scout's Dash L1 and L2 merged together
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - evasion (dodge + guard) caps at 90
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - evasion no longer halved against melee
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - Swordmaster and Summoner buffed
CHANGE #1110 - Balance - more health orbs on earlier levels
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Marine - removed Shredder
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Tech - removed Overkill
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - removed Shottyman
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - new Eagle Eye (+1 max distance)
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Swashbuckler becomes a basic trait
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Pinpoint buffed to +25%/+50%
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Steady Shot merged into Deadly Prec
CHANGE #1108 - high HP enemies (boss, resilient) have overhealth
CHANGE #1062 - GFX - upper bodies rotate separately when aiming
CHANGE #1062 - GFX - smoother movement interpolation
CHANGE #0863 - GFX - rotating weapons now actually rotate when firing
CHANGE #1055 - GFX - improved animation and FX of ravagers
CHANGE #1102 - GFX - several fixes and improvements to lighting
CHANGE #1111 - Challenge - Carnage scavenger behaves like AoSh
FIX #1071 - "free" actions are now free, not just super short
FIX #1050 - rare enemy multi-shot crash fixed
FIX #1076 - fixed stealthing against charging fiends
FIX #1082 - fixed black tiles in industrial_01 generator
FIX #1080 - saving will be properly enabled after tutorial
FIX #1081 - melee will properly advance even if corpse removed
FIX #1077 - fixed not being able to hack bots in doorways
FIX #1098 - enemies will no longer attempt charge over lootbox
FIX #1061 - advanced bots are hackable (but expensive)
FIX #1131 - ending game with follower wont crash the next game
FIX #1136 - fixed accidental swearword on clean setting
FIX #1135 - killing mechanical enemies isn't spilling blood...
FIX #1132 - fixed a bug group related to death
What's next?
The next version, 0.9.1, will be on the lighter side in terms of content; we'll focus on balancing this update and adding more content options to early levels and their respective generators. It also might come a little later than normal, as I definitely need some Zzz.....
It's time to face the ultimate challenge in 0.9.3 Nightmare! Apart from the eponymous difficulty level, we have added Platinum and Diamond level badges, level events, gibbing (fun for everyone, life-saving in Nightmare), ADV AMPs and more - read all about it below!
Jupiter Hell 0.9.3 - Nightmare!
It's time to face the ultimate challenge in 0.9.3 Nightmare! Apart from the eponymous difficulty level, we have added Platinum and Diamond level badges, level events, gibbing (fun for everyone, life-saving in Nightmare), ADV AMPs and more - read all about it below!
The borderline unfair and punishing difficulty level from DRL returns! While the balance is close to UV (and there's no accuracy boost for the enemies), each biological enemy that dies leaves a summoning circle. Leave that circle alone and out of sight for a while, and the enemy will respawn... as a progressively-stronger, exalted variant.
This difficulty is not for the faint of heart, but is beatable. Different tactics need to be applied, gibbing enemies becomes a valuable tool, and exploring all of the map might become a death trap. You've been warned!
Platinum and Diamond badges
To make your Nightmare exploits count, we added a fourth and fifth tier of the badge system. While Platinum badges can be achieved on UV difficulty for some challenges, Diamond is all about Nightmare. Platinum badges are all achievable through careful and masterful play; Diamond ones, however... well, let's say that we're interested ourselves in how many of those are actually achievable!
Borrowing the old Doom term, gibbing might happen when, you deal enough damage in a single attack to overkill an enemy. Depending on how much overkill happens, the gibbing chance goes up (damage equal to twice their health guarantees a gib). To quickly enjoy the lovely visuals, walk up to a former human and sell him a shotgun blast into the face. Note that some weapons (explosive ones and melee) have a hidden factor that makes gibbing easier!
Level events
Probably the most interesting addition for people who're afraid of the Nightmare are level events - modifiers that might happen when entering a regular level. There's currently 8 of them, ranging from simple ones (the level has many more barrels...) to ones that expect you to do something within a turn-based time limit to gain extra experience. Not all events generate on every level branch, and we will be adding more of them in further releases of the game!
While the initial idea was to ditch the old AMP system altogether, as the first step we're introducing ADV AMPs with random stats for pistols (inlcluding SMGs), auto weapons (rifles and chainguns), and shotguns. The perk pool for them is currently quite shallow; once we improve on it, we will probably remove the old regular AMPs.
Plasma grenade
The ultimate overkill tool, packing a whopping 200 plasma damage in a single grenade. Useful in Nightmare for gibbing, and in all difficulties for making sure that big dude dies. Don't bother saving them for the summoner though (see below).
The seed line below the level name has been changed. It now states the difficulty (by single letter), the challenge abbreviation (if present), and the general seed of the run. Apart from helping streamers not answer the basic questions each time, it will help us have all the needed information in a screenshot when reporting issues with level generation.
Additionally, as requested, we've added head slot durability to the UI, and removed the armor name, as usually you remember what you're wearing and you can always shift-compare with what's on the ground.
Balance changes
Summoner now has a damage gate - if you deal more than 80 damage before he takes his turn, all further damage is negated until that time. If you're faster than him, you might notice his health turning violet - don't bother shooting him then (later we'll add a nice shield effect once shields are in!).
Barrel damage has been increased - this makes for more gibbing fun, but also might prove fatal if you're not careful!
We've increased the amount of loot, too - common chests always drop at least 3 items, with special tier 1 chests and vaults appearing more often.
Finally some more minor changes and the regular supply of bugfixes which all can be summed up in the full changelog below:
Full changelog
Beta 0.9.3 - Nightmare - September 7, 2020
NEW #1186 - Nightmare!
NEW #1156 - Level events! 8 initial events, more to come!
NEW #1188 - Gibbing! Overkill destroys corpses (useful in N!)
NEW #1187 - Platinum and Diamond badges - requiring N!/UV
NEW #1191 - plasma grenades - when a krak is not enough
NEW #1192 - ADV AMP's - pistol, auto and shotgun
CHANGE #1194 - HUD - short armor info, added helmet info
CHANGE #1193 - challenge, diff, and world seed under level name
CHANGE #1190 - Summoner damage gate (max 80 damage between turns)
CHANGE #1188 - improved some death animation timing issues
CHANGE #1191 - increased barrel damage values (be careful!)
CHANGE #1191 - ADV helmets always have at least 3 mod capacity
CHANGE #1191 - special tier 1 chests more common
CHANGE #1191 - common chests drop at least 3 items
CHANGE #1191 - increased the frequency of vaults
CHANGE #1156 - player data skill ranks above "Captain"
FIX #1191 - CAL L1 - removed some "not enough chests" cases
FIX #1165 - Tyre Outpost headgear now properly AV3
FIX #1165 - Entrenchment now displays proper resistance values
FIX #1165 - fixed passing 100% kills for some requirements
What's next?
We're working on a bigger feature, but it's taking more time than anticipated, so in the meantime we'll do a smaller content-focused release next. In hopefully two weeks you'll get 0.9.4 Europa, with various additions to level generation and other new stuff to explore. Until then, try not to fall victim to the Nightmare!
Jupiter Hell 0.9.7 - Expanse! + full release date announcement!
Game got larger! Longer moons, 4 new branches, many new generators, 4 new special levels and a massive trait rework too!
Took us a bit more time, but this release is HUGE! Jupiter Hell 0.9.7 Expanse features larger moons, mid-point levels, new generators for second halfs of the moons, 4 new branches and 4 new special levels, much improved monster placement and lists, and on top of that a huge rework of traits! But before we go into detail - there’s an important announcement we need to make.
Full release date and new publisher
Jupiter Hell has been in Early Access for 18 months now, and we’ve been providing you with a - more or less - steady stream of updates featuring new content, bug fixes, polish, and implementations of your feedback. It’s about time we announce our full release plans.
With 5 more regular monthly updates to go, we’re getting ready to release Jupiter Hell 1.0 on the 5th of August, 2021. To make the most of the full release, we’re teaming up with Hyperstrange, the developer of ELDERBORN and POSTAL: Brain Damaged, who will assume the role of the publisher.
Hyperstrange are good old friends and great fans and supporters of Jupiter Hell. Their ELDERBORN is an Early Access success story, and we’re convinced that if an indie dev needs a publisher at all, they should bring some unique perspective and understanding to the table. Hyperstrange does. They’re already around our Discord, so if you have any questions for them - don’t hesitate to ask!
The first obvious question we can answer right here, right now: yes, we do have updates planned beyond the full release, which also aligns us with Hyperstrange, who also support and expand their games post-launch.
So, there it is - six more months until full release. We’re excited, and we’re shifting gears on the development. Now, back to regular programming! Here's what the Expanse update brings to Jupiter Hell:
Expanded moons
Each of the three moons now sports 7 levels. Each moon has a midpoint level, with dedicated generators at level 4. Each moon has different new generators for its latter half, to provide for a more varied and interesting experience when traveling the main route. Additionally, due to the moons being larger, each moon will connect to three branches.
New branches
A total of four branches have been added - Callisto Rift, Europa Ruins, Shadow Halls and Noxious Mines. Each new branch has a new special level, Noxious Mines use the old Noxious Hollow, while Infernal Lock has been added to Io main route. Especially of note are Europa Ruins and Shadow Halls which feature a brand new tileset, and especially interesting special levels
Expanded traits
As if that were not enough there is a HUGE expansion of traits. Every trait has now 3 levels, and while some higher levels are just additional stats, among the expanded traits some have completely new (or significantly revamped) effects!
Listing every change in this department would make this post longer than anyone would care to read so either read the descriptions in game, or the massive changelog below!
Interesting traits to note are the new Sysop trait, the Headshot trait enhancements (and changing it to a on cooldown effect so you can now take it with Wizard), 3 levels of Toxicologist, the scout Infiltrator trait, the really fun 2 new levels of Remote Hack, the redesigned Swashbuckler trait, the new Cover Master trait... actually, you'd just better fire up the game and read the trait descriptions anew :D
You'll be able to take advantage of the new trait levels, as the expanded moons result in more XP!
As we merged some traits together, and removed a few underused traits, we're left some space to add new exciting traits in the future too!
Monster generation
The game we all know is known for its huge fights, and Jupiter Hell can't be any different! Monsters now more often get generated in larger packs, especially at higher difficulties, leading to more exciting fights and a better challenge once you're already rocking that Master Trait of choice . We also balanced late game spawns better - Io and Beyond won't be a cakewalk anymore.
Full Changelog
That's no moon, it's the changelog!
Beta 0.9.7 - Expanse - February 22, 2021
NEW #1235 - all moons are an extra level longer
NEW #1235 - Callisto Hub midpoint level
NEW #1235 - Callisto - second part has new generators
NEW #1244 - Callisto - new branch - Callisto Rift
NEW #1247 - Callisto - Callisto Rift special level
NEW #1235 - Europa - Concourse midpoint level
NEW #1235 - Europa - second part has new generators
NEW #1245 - Europa - new branch - Europa Ruins
NEW #1248 - Europa - new special level - Frozen Temple
NEW #1235 - Io - Nexus mipoint level
NEW #1235 - Io - second part has new generators
NEW #1235 - Io - Noxious Mines branch added (Noxious Hollow)
NEW #1253 - Io - Infernal Lock special level added (Io main)
NEW #1246 - Io - Shadow Halls branch added
NEW #1249 - Io - new special level - Dark Cathedral
NEW #1235 - toxic fiend added
NEW #1262 - enemies will appear in mixed packs and swarms
NEW #1237 - all traits have now 3 levels! See below:
CHANGE #1236 - master traits are available now at levels 8,11,14
CHANGE #1237 - Skilled perk goes up to level 3 with more bonuses
CHANGE #1240 - Juggler is now a 3 level trait with more bonuses
CHANGE #1238 - Gun Hoarder and Packrat merged into 3 level trait
CHANGE #1237 - Networker and Tinkerer merged into 3 lev Sysop
CHANGE #1241 - Son of a Gun and Gunslinger go up to level 3
CHANGE #1241 - SoG and Gunslinger affect optimal range (not acc)
CHANGE #1241 - Headshot now a 3 level skill used on cooldown
CHANGE #1241 - Headshot no longer blocks Wizard
CHANGE #1237 - Toxicologist now 3 levels (more damage, nades!)
CHANGE #1237 - Energy Leech now 3 levs (lootbox energy, nonmelee)
CHANGE #1237 - Stealth Hack -> Infiltrator (loot/term detect)
CHANGE #1237 - Remote Hack gets 3 levels (autohacking!)
CHANGE #1237 - Golddigger merged into Infiltrator
CHANGE #1238 - Scout Whizkid requires Eagle Eye (usable on AoLT)
CHANGE #1237 - Whizkid now 3 levels, L2 and L3 increase capacity
CHANGE #1237 - Executioner now 3 levels (value nerf, inc range)
CHANGE #1237 - Swashbuckler up to 3 levels (critical buff!)
CHANGE #1237 - Juggernaut, Rip'n'Tear and Bladedancer now 3 levs
CHANGE #1237 - Blademaster buff- melee damage bonus at L2 and L3
CHANGE #1237 - Hellrunner modified to 3 levels, dodge adjusted
CHANGE #1237 - Dodgemaster now 3 levels (L2 min dodge, L3 max)
CHANGE #1237 - Dash gets 3 levels, adds damage reduction
CHANGE #1237 - Running now 3 levels (cost and cooldown reduced)
CHANGE #1237 - Bloodhound now 3 levels (up to full reveal)
CHANGE #1237 - Angry Mofo now 3 levels (more damage and resist)
CHANGE #1237 - Powerjack and Field Medic now 3 levels
CHANGE #1237 - Scavenger now 3 levels (convert to cells/rockets)
CHANGE #1237 - Grenadier has now 3 levels (more,gibs,explosion)
CHANGE #1237 - Eagle Eye has now 3 levels (different ranges)
CHANGE #1237 - Reloader and Army Surplus has additional L3 level
CHANGE #1237 - Ironman goes up to level 3 (for +60 health total)
CHANGE #1237 - Tough as Nails and Hacking has additional L3 level
CHANGE #1237 - Sustained Fire and Furious has additional L3 level
CHANGE #1242 - Pinpoint merged into Deadly Precision (3 levels)
CHANGE #1237 - Hunker Down, Steady Shot and Incoming merged into
a 3 level trait for both Marine and Tech
CHANGE #1237 - Cancel/Escape when modding returns a menu level up
CHANGE #1235 - ice fiend health buffed
CHANGE #1237 - removed Gun Kata accuracy penalty
CHANGE #1237 - removed +1 opt from Sharpshooter
CHANGE #1237 - Vampyre L1/L2 heals less but minimum 5hp
CHANGE #1237 - removed Shottyman, Reload Dance and Second Wind
CHANGE #1237 - removed Die Hard
CHANGE #1237 - swapped Momentum and Vampyre mod tier for melee
CHANGE #1251 - balanced the enemy lists, Hard+ late game harder!
CHANGE #1251 - earliest reaver infestations 2 levels later
CHANGE #1251 - more exalted will spawn on Hard+ on Io/Beyond
CHANGE #1251 - EASY has same amount of enemies as MEDIUM
FIX #1235 - fixed issues with inaccessible floors in Beyond
FIX #1235 - Beyond L3 will properly reveal last 3 enemies
FIX #1237 - medical station states its 160 health max
FIX #1237 - medical health inc wont eat a charge at 160 health
FIX #1237 - skills that reveal will work with ammo terminals
FIX #1237 - zero-time weapon swap will update target info
FIX #1257 - exalted fiends with ranged attack fixed
FIX #1261 - Gun Kata no longer works in the Abyss
FIX #1260 - SHIFT-F will trigger Swashbuckler melee in-place
FIX #1235 - fixed a few rare issues with BSP generators
What's next
Next release is tentatively named 0.9.8 Resolve, will be out within the next month, and will bring a lot more agency to the player
That’s it for today. May RNG be forever in your favor!