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Game News Kingdom Come: Deliverance II announced, coming this year


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II; Plaion; Warhorse Studios

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is a thrilling Action RPG, set amid the chaos of a civil war in 15th Century Bohemia.

You are Henry of Skalitz – an ordinary man doing extraordinary things – caught in a gripping tale of revenge, betrayal and discovery as he embarks on an epic journey, 'from a humble blacksmith's forge to the court of Kings', as he searches for purpose in this beautiful but brutal medieval world.

From bustling city streets to lush forests, discover this open-world Medieval Europe through an unforgettable adventure filled with action, thrill and wonder.

Live life through the eyes and actions of Henry, a young man on a quest to avenge his murdered parents. His story – illustrated with over five hours of stunning cinematics – takes him from aspiring warrior to rebel, crossing paths with a charismatic cast of characters and an unforgettable set of adventures, as he goes up against the King of Hungary, Sigismund the Red Fox and his fearsome allies.

Your actions shape Henry’s destiny and how the world will react to him. Customize freely his appearance, skills and equipment while taking a moral stance on the events around you. Travel round the land engaging in unique activities, such as blacksmithing and archery, to truly immerse yourself in this vibrant region of Europe that will remember your actions, forever.

This stunningly authentic rendition of 15th Century Bohemia allows you to experience this fascinating setting like never before. Get lost in a sprawling city, engage with peasants and talk with nobles while exploring a vast and rich countryside with taverns, bath houses, castles and more.

Feel the clash of steel and visceral combat as you engage in thrilling real-time battles. There’s a range of authentic weapons and combat styles to suit every player. On foot, horse or by stealth, you can specialise in elegant sword mastery, brutal blunt weapons or deadly ranged attacks.​



Feb 16, 2021
Kuttenberg may also be a change for the series in another notable way. When the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released in 2018, it came under scrutiny for its decision to more or less leave out people of color, which Vavra attributed to a desire for historical accuracy. In a 2015 tweet he wrote, “Would you please explain to me whats racist about telling the truth? There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.”

But when asked if Warhorse’s philosophy had changed at all for the sequel, or if it would incorporate more stories like the original game’s DLC, A Woman’s Lot, Stolz-Zwilling told IGN, “The story and plot of KCD has evolved—it’s darker, deeper, and more cinematic, yet also crueler with pivotal decisions and plot twists that challenge the players’s conscience. Nevertheless, it retains its humor and down-to-earth approach. As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Feel the clash of steel and visceral combat as you engage in thrilling real-time battles.
This hardly makes it an RPG (more like a larpy action game) but it's at least competently made and the guy who made it is a based chad (normal person) so it gets my support.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Kuttenberg may also be a change for the series in another notable way. When the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released in 2018, it came under scrutiny for its decision to more or less leave out people of color, which Vavra attributed to a desire for historical accuracy. In a 2015 tweet he wrote, “Would you please explain to me whats racist about telling the truth? There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.”

But when asked if Warhorse’s philosophy had changed at all for the sequel, or if it would incorporate more stories like the original game’s DLC, A Woman’s Lot, Stolz-Zwilling told IGN, “The story and plot of KCD has evolved—it’s darker, deeper, and more cinematic, yet also crueler with pivotal decisions and plot twists that challenge the players’s conscience. Nevertheless, it retains its humor and down-to-earth approach. As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.

So Vavra cucked out?


Jun 13, 2020
As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.
Yeah, I'd expect different variations of slavs and germans. Some cumans. A couple of norwegians, why not.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.
Yeah, I'd expect different variations of slavs and germans. Some cumans. A couple of norwegians, why not.

With varying shades of black.


Oct 21, 2019
So far it looks fantastic. We'll see about the nigger inclusion. To me it reads as they simply don't wanna alienate batshit people, at least right off the bat.


Apr 2, 2012
So far it looks fantastic. We'll see about the nigger inclusion. To me it reads as they simply don't wanna alienate batshit people, at least right off the bat.

Not adding negroids to medieval european setting shouldn't be an issue, just like when these retards say that having bodytype 2 manslayers, california zoo level of diversity and anti christian message is not an issue in medieval europe. Fucking clown world.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Kuttenberg may also be a change for the series in another notable way. When the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released in 2018, it came under scrutiny for its decision to more or less leave out people of color, which Vavra attributed to a desire for historical accuracy. In a 2015 tweet he wrote, “Would you please explain to me whats racist about telling the truth? There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.”

But when asked if Warhorse’s philosophy had changed at all for the sequel, or if it would incorporate more stories like the original game’s DLC, A Woman’s Lot, Stolz-Zwilling told IGN, “The story and plot of KCD has evolved—it’s darker, deeper, and more cinematic, yet also crueler with pivotal decisions and plot twists that challenge the players’s conscience. Nevertheless, it retains its humor and down-to-earth approach. As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.

So Vavra cucked out?
It was realistic that you didn't encounter any PoC in the first game in that location at that time.
And it would be realistic that you would see at least few "exotic" people in a much more urban area in that location at that time.

I do, however, expect that those people would be treated in a realistic manner by their surroundings as well, so indeed with a depiction of a certain racism.
Will the devs have the balls for that?
They might. Guess we'll see.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Kuttenberg may also be a change for the series in another notable way. When the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released in 2018, it came under scrutiny for its decision to more or less leave out people of color, which Vavra attributed to a desire for historical accuracy. In a 2015 tweet he wrote, “Would you please explain to me whats racist about telling the truth? There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.”

But when asked if Warhorse’s philosophy had changed at all for the sequel, or if it would incorporate more stories like the original game’s DLC, A Woman’s Lot, Stolz-Zwilling told IGN, “The story and plot of KCD has evolved—it’s darker, deeper, and more cinematic, yet also crueler with pivotal decisions and plot twists that challenge the players’s conscience. Nevertheless, it retains its humor and down-to-earth approach. As mentioned already, Henry is embarking on a journey from the countryside and local quarrels to a relatively Cosmopolitan city. that is besieged and occupied by the invading king. Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey.

So Vavra cucked out?
It was realistic that you didn't encounter any PoC in the first game in that location at that time.
And it would be realistic that you would see at least few "exotic" people in a much more urban area in that location at that time.

I do, however, expect that those people would be treated in a realistic manner by their surroundings as well, so indeed with a depiction of a certain racism.
Will the devs have the balls for that?
They might. Guess we'll see.

I doubt Vavra would allow anything but a historical depiction at the end of the day. I think people are reading far too much into that response.

You might see a couple of jewish moneylenders in Kuttenberg.

I doubt Vavra will be adding many sassy black lesbian knights.


Apr 9, 2013
I would have expected the second game to be called Kingdom Come II: Somethingelse, or simply Kingdom Come: Somethingelse.
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I would have expect the second game to be called Kingdom Come II: Somethingelse, or simply Kingdom Come: Somethingelse.
Yeah, the first title was already retarded, any title with a colon is, but Kingdom Come: Somethingelse at least would've redeemed it.

But they doubled down.

It's like making a "Medieval Game: Part One" and then the sequel "Medieval Game: Part One II".

I can't even.


Sep 6, 2022
Fuck your niggers and fuck your diversity and anti Christian message in games you westoid demonic cocksuckers!!!
"Diverse" can mean adding characters of different nationalities and ethnicities.
I'm guessing they might add a few ottomans here and there (which I don't mind), then there's hungarians, austrians, germans, poles, french, english, joos and so on.
Is that not diversity?
By the way Bester you are a retard.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
I do, however, expect that those people would be treated in a realistic manner by their surroundings as well, so indeed with a depiction of a certain racism.
There was no everyday racism or institutionalized racism, people were divided into religions, and internally were divided into support groups, e.g. familial or professional. There were a couple of records or diaries (I forget the details) of Chinese travelling into medieval Europe and while people inquired about the eyes in a very friendly manner, nobody exhibited racism or prejudice. I think that particular traveler was Christian (through some weird turn of events), so there was nothing to be prejudiced about.
Middle Ages weren't like now. We live in the times of bourgeois nationalism, where countries have been anthropomorphized and given human characteristics in the mind of the masses. "Russia evil". This is an example of the nazi language. Russia is not a person.
"I was scammed by a chink, so I don't deal with chinks now". Do you also avoid dealing with short bald guys like the scammer was? No, just the race.
It's a modern thing.

If you want realistic prejudice, ask for religion based prejudice. There was plenty of that.

And it would be realistic that you would see at least few "exotic" people in a much more urban area in that location at that time.
Traders or slaves.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Nationalism is genetic tribalism on higher scope. It always existed, just wasn't well defined like from 19th century onward. Every King called himself King of that and that land and of those and those people. Except for empires, almost all Kingdoms had a single ethnical super majority. Empires were multi-cultural with a twist - Empires tried to have demographic stew from compatible ingrediants or every ethnicity was compartmentalized and confined to its territory with only Capitol and few big cities being multi-culti with still one majority. That is how successful Empires managed. Others were eaten alive by diversity and infighting

Biggest win for cultural marxism is idea that Humans prior to 19th century weren't tribal along genetic lines. Biggest stupidity that so many smart people believe because they were fed with it since first History class in school. One of biggest Jewish victories

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