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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Henry's coming to see us on February 11th


Mar 16, 2015
So I spend 30+ minutes trying to catch rabbits with archery 2 and 50 arrows using this dumb ass saving systems. Since game is stupid enough to force me to shoot rabbits to level up archery at least it could let me save anywhere so I can try to hit one with 10+ arrows without needing to pick up each after each shot and then reload the save if I miss all. Now I lost 20 arrows permanently and caught one rabbit not being able to do that
Maybe I should be just abusing the game and be shooting at all farm animals I see like I read on the Net..
Hoping you will automatically start to land hits won't get you far. You have to learn where there arrow is going and lead the target as well, on top of your aim getting more stable with skill.
Truth is I gave up on archery as it is already hard enough to aim with a fucking controller without all the pointless extra complications but I had this quest to gather some hare meat.. I even tried to chase down the rabbits with a sword.. that didn't work either :D
I guess I need to level up dog instead and maybe he catches rabbits.. for now he just stands around a looks at rabbits and laughs at me missing.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Just learn the recipe to brew the saviour schnapps. It's not that hard.
I had no problem saving requiring schnapps but I hated that Henry looked drunk in dialogues with bobbing his head etc as if he wasn't already goofy looking enough.

Drunkness is a feature in this game.

99% of the complaints in this game are based on the fact when you start you are basically shit at everything. If you look at the most common complaints, it's always a variation of "i try to do this but i fail every time".

I wonder how KCD2 is going to handle this given Herny was a fucking god at the end of the first.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So I spend 30+ minutes trying to catch rabbits with archery 2 and 50 arrows using this dumb ass saving systems. Since game is stupid enough to force me to shoot rabbits to level up archery at least it could let me save anywhere so I can try to hit one with 10+ arrows without needing to pick up each after each shot and then reload the save if I miss all. Now I lost 20 arrows permanently and caught one rabbit not being able to do that
Maybe I should be just abusing the game and be shooting at all farm animals I see like I read on the Net..
Hoping you will automatically start to land hits won't get you far. You have to learn where there arrow is going and lead the target as well, on top of your aim getting more stable with skill.
Truth is I gave up on archery as it is already hard enough to aim with a fucking controller without all the pointless extra complications but I had this quest to gather some hare meat.. I even tried to chase down the rabbits with a sword.. that didn't work either :D
I guess I need to level up dog instead and maybe he catches rabbits.. for now he just stands around a looks at rabbits and laughs at me missing.

Mutt can get the meat for you if you train him for it.

In order to hunt you need to... train in hunting and bow skills. Like i said, it all comes down to Henry being shit at everything when you start the game and people not being able to grasp this fact.

You can get started with some skills by paying someone to train you, which may not be a bad idea. You can also train pick pocketing up to a certain point with the Miller without risks.


Dec 15, 2016
Just learn the recipe to brew the saviour schnapps. It's not that hard.
I had no problem saving requiring schnapps but I hated that Henry looked drunk in dialogues with bobbing his head etc as if he wasn't already goofy looking enough.

Drunkness is a feature in this game.
Drunkness isn't a fully realized feature then; henry doesn't act drunk, doesn't slur his words, doesn't get reproached cos of his drunkenness. I'm getting drunk cos of saving the game and their precious immershun that dictated most of their design choices breaks when henry talks normally while bobbing his head as if drunk af.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Henry slurring his speech would be cost prohibitive in a game where every line of dialog is voiced. Drunkenness gives you boost in your charisma but makes you more conspicous which makes stealth worse, but if you over do it that bonus becomes a penatly (so in effect there is a reaction since your speech and charisma bonuses go down the more drunk you are). Eventually, you can get so drunk you won't be able to even walk right or see anything anymore, and eventually you'll pass out and wake up in the middle of the night in random places. There's an hangover debuff and if you get shit faced one too many times, you'll become an alcoholic. There's also skills and perks all centered around drunkness and it's use. Drunkness is also featured in some cinematics, some relatively major (the night you spend with Capon, or the whole Father Godwin sequence).

Seems plenty realized to me, within reasonable limits.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, alcoholic drinks are a powerful source of energy in this game, and if you build around drunkness, and combine it with alchemy, you can use alcohol to literally skip the need to sleep altoghether. There's even a potion that lits up the night, so you can do stuff as if it were day.


Dec 15, 2016
Henry slurring his speech would be cost prohibitive in a game where every line of dialog is voiced. Drunkenness gives you boost in your charisma but makes you more conspicous which makes stealth worse, but if you over do it that bonus becomes a penatly (so in effect there is a reaction since your speech and charisma bonuses go down the more drunk you are). Eventually, you can get so drunk you won't be able to even walk right or see anything anymore, and eventually you'll pass out and wake up in the middle of the night in random places. There's an hangover debuff and if you get shit faced one too many times, you'll become an alcoholic. There's also skills and perks all centered around drunkness and it's use. Drunkness is also featured in some cinematics, some relatively major (the night you spend with Capon, or the whole Father Godwin sequence).

Seems plenty realized to me, within reasonable limits.

Yeah well my problem is with what's not realized than what is. If such things were implemented I wouldn't have a problem with it, I would even have treated savior schnapps mechanic as an ingenius way to get players to play with a "fully realized drunk henry" but as it is now I don't choose to use charisma buff or whatever else drunkenness gives, I get drunk cos of saving the fucking game. Which is visually annoying.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Pick the bonus then. On of the best bonuses early on is the Drinking Habit perk, which synergizes really well with getting a bit tippy after a save. Saving before dialog is also a thing which is why you get relative bonuses for that. Meanwhile, saving before stealth can be a problem which seems fitting to me (but then stuff like Luck of the Drunk can help there too if you are saving before doing some thieving shit).

Don't forget you can save at bathhouses, when sleeping or quitting the game. Saviour schnapps should only be used if you are attempting to save scum and some of the things you want to save scum for can actually benefit from drunkness.

Maybe you can use that mod that removes the sharpening effect after getting tippy if you are really save scumming every other second.


Dec 15, 2016
I almost always used schnapps before dialogue and I just get visually annoyed with drunk Henry in dialogue, don't really care/think about bonuses. I want an optional saviour's apple juice mechanic where Henry doesn't get drunk :P

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
If i remember saviour schnapps are spirits so you can try the Top Shelf perk and see if it does anything.

You also develop tolerance to alcohol over time, btw.


Dec 15, 2016
Saviour schnapps should only be used if you are attempting to save scum and some of the things you want to save scum for can actually benefit from drunkness.

Maybe you can use that mod that removes the sharpening effect after getting tippy if you are really save scumming every other second.
With my knowledge of the game's narrative atm I wouldn't need a mod or anything to not use schnappses before most dialogues. I'm just talking about the mechanic since its gonna be in the sequel also.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
That's a thing to be seen. Henry isn't some inexperienced village boy anymore. We have no idea how that is going to play out.


Dec 15, 2016
Whadayamean? They said its gonna be in the sequel also and that it'll be easier to acquire schnappses but they said nothing for us to assume any change in the saving mechanic itself.


Feb 3, 2024
I generally hate limited save systems - just let me save at will for whatever reason and fuck off is my motto. Why it took me so long to play KCD. When I did, I barely even used schnapps. With the autosaves, bed saves and save on exit, saving didn't feel limited at all and was always easily available. Probably used under 10 schnapps in all my playthrough. I just don't get why supposedly prestigious gentlemen keep whining about it.


Jun 30, 2019
The purpose of the save limit is to raise the stakes at least a tiny bit, they even said as much - it's mostly about getting the player in the right mental state rather than to present a challenge in itself. There's more than enough schnapps to save before each and every fight, but there's not enough to quicksave every ten steps, meaning you are unlikely to save after each looted chest while playing sneaky burglar, but rather once before you enter the house and once after you've successfully escaped with your loot. And how dull would pickpocketing be if you could quicksave before each and every attempt? People bring up losing 2 hours of progress, but when that happens, they usually only have themselves to blame - there are tons of sleeping and bathing spots to autosave at, and every tavern carries savior's schnapps (and money flows so freely in this game you'd have to be retarded to not be able to afford it, let alone steal it).


Sep 6, 2022
You need to be able to save whenever you want, especially in an RPG, as those tend to be crashy...
Nothing more infuriating than your game crashing and NOT having a previous save available from a relatively short span of time.
Sorry, but that's just the way it is.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
The purpose of the save limit is to raise the stakes at least a tiny bit, they even said as much - it's mostly about getting the player in the right mental state rather than to present a challenge in itself. There's more than enough schnapps to save before each and every fight, but there's not enough to quicksave every ten steps, meaning you are unlikely to save after each looted chest while playing sneaky burglar, but rather once before you enter the house and once after you've successfully escaped with your loot. And how dull would pickpocketing be if you could quicksave before each and every attempt? People bring up losing 2 hours of progress, but when that happens, they usually only have themselves to blame - there are tons of sleeping and bathing spots to autosave at, and every tavern carries savior's schnapps (and money flows so freely in this game you'd have to be retarded to not be able to afford it, let alone steal it).
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.


fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
Incredible to witness the decline enablers complaining about a perfectly fine save system and other great systems like alcoholism and archery/hunting crawling out of their holes. WTF, man.
Last edited:


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.

The game is more fun if you don’t want to rewind every time you lose at dice or encounter a bandit on the road. Risk is fun, initiative is fun, consequences are interesting and interesting things are fun.
That's subjective. For some people that's fun others hate it. (I agree personally though)


Jun 30, 2019
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.

The game is more fun if you don’t want to rewind every time you lose at dice or encounter a bandit on the road. Risk is fun, initiative is fun, consequences are interesting and interesting things are fun.
That's subjective. For some people that's fun others hate it. (I agree personally though)
A game shouldn't try to cater to everyone - that's how you get casualization.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.

The game is more fun if you don’t want to rewind every time you lose at dice or encounter a bandit on the road. Risk is fun, initiative is fun, consequences are interesting and interesting things are fun.
That's subjective. For some people that's fun others hate it. (I agree personally though)
A game shouldn't try to cater to everyone - that's how you get casualization.
You can solve it by having multiple modes though. Like honor mode, story mode, etc

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