Knights of the Chalice 2
Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.68
Greetings, Brave Knights of the Realm! I hope you're well. Here's version 1.68 of Knights of the Chalice 2.
Here's the list of changes:
Graphics: Added new sprites for the Hydra, Male Centaur, and Female Centaur. In the module Augury of Chaos, the Hydra will now use the new sprite. The pre-generated character 'Khellendros' will now use the Centaur sprite.
Graphics: Characters with wings will now have their wings displayed below the character when Prone (previously, the wings wouldn't be displayed when Prone).
User Inteface: The game will now only offer to activate the Barbarian's 'Spirit Animal Scorpion' if your character can take a full-round action, or a standard action with the feat Wade In, or if your character is conducting a full attack.
User Interface: In the tooltip information of the Combat-Actions menu, the game was incorrectly displaying 'Standard Action' for the Feint combat manoeuvre when a character doesn't have the feats Improved Feint or Greater Feint. It will now correctly display 'Move Action'.
User Interface: Modified the Character-Creation interface so that the new Centaur sprites are selected automatically when you select Centaur as the race of a new character.
User Interface: When pushing Control + Left Arrow in a text box, the cursor will now move to the previous word. Pushing Control + Right Arrow will skip to the next word.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the AI leading the enemy to use the spell 'Gust of Wind' against a Solid Fog or Acid Fog. Only 'Greater Gust of Wind' works against these effects.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug when a creature was Pinned then Swallowed Whole. This would result in the game freezing.
Bug Fix: Fixed a display bug with the colour of a movement arrow not being correctly updated from blue to green in some cases.
Bug Fix: Fixed a display bug when failing a concentration check for a spell or power. For some spells, the game would keep displaying the expected amount of the effect.
Bug Fix: Fixed a source of crashes and other errors when playing with certain pre-generated characters, or any character that has an incorrect line in its intelligence settings (e.g. 'Use Blinding Strike' when the character doesn't have that ability. For some reason, the pre-generated character 'Conan' had that line in the character's intelligence settings, which was resulting in a possible crash when the character was Dominated).
Bug Fix: In the Module Editor, fixed the non-combat setting 'Prone' for characters using modular sprites.
Bug Fix: Fixed a display bug in the Script Editor when searching for variables. The list of results wasn't updated correctly.
Soundtracks: Edited the music track 'Angevin' to reduce the volume and improve quality.
Engine/Editor: Added support for Polygonal Activable Zones. Please see this Kickstarter update for details:
Help Files: Added some links to the feat 'Melee Touch Magic' and the help for 'Caster Levels' in the help files of certain Cleric Domains. Improved formatting in some pages.
Please don't hesitate to email me at if you find any bugs and annoyances, so that I can fix the game quickly. A saved game may be very helpful, too.
Thank You So Much For Your Support, Valiant Heroes!! Enjoy