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Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.78
Hi everyone! Happy Days: Version 1.78 of Knights of the Chalice 2 has landed.
It fixes a tonne of bugs (I'm surprised I found so many at this stage). It also adds the new monster special ability "Ground Death Throes", accessible from the Feats & Special Abilities tab of the Creature Properties screen, in the Creature Editor.
This ability produces a terrain effect appearing on the squares occupied by the creature when it's defeated.
I've made it as flexible as possible by allowing absolutely any type of dangerous terrain effect. That includes Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic, Prismatic Wall, Grease, Resilient Grease, Web, Resilient Web, Entangle, Wall of Blades, Spike growth, Quicksand, Fog Cloud, Solid Fog, Incendiary Cloud, Acid Fog, Stinking Cloud, Cloudkill, Psionic Fog, Antimagic Cloud, Darkness, Silence, Insect Plague, and Creeping Doom.
You can set the effect's parameters like the duration, the amount of damage, caster level and difficulty class. I think the ability will help creating memorable fights, as both the AI and player will get more use out of the Slide, Bull Rush, Pull, and Throw Creature actions.
Notes for module creators: Please import the spell entry "Ground Death Throes" into your spell list if you'd like to use this monster ability. Also, if the effect you're using is Fire, you may want to add a Fire-based Death Throes ability to the creature so that any pre-existing Web or Grease squares will be destroyed before applying the Ground Death Throes.
Finally, there are a few speed optimisations and combat-AI improvements, and a new option under 'Display' allowing you to turn off token shadows.
Feel free to check out the latest Kickstarter update if you haven't already done so: please click here.
Added the "Ground Death Throes" monster ability. It can be selected in the Module Editor from the Feats tab of the Creature Properties screen.
Improved the AI when performing the Ready Versus Spell action and a five-foot step cannot be taken.
Increased the AI's avoidance of Stinking Cloud squares.
Fixed a source of crashes in the Module Editor when setting a creature group after changing the unique name of a creature in the group.
Fixed a button-display bug in the Script Editor in full-screen mode.
Fixed a display bug with the 'bold text' button during dialogue when there isn't any dialogue icon.
Fixed an out-of-combat bug occurring when a large creature is patrolling a map out of combat.
Added a speed optimisation I had to implement for the execution of "Ground Death Throes" to be smooth.
Fixed an out-of-combat slowdown issue when walking through Natural Fog squares.
Added a check for duplicate item names or duplicate weapon names (somehow there were two copies of the Silver Garlic Amulet with the same name in the item file of Salthill Adventures, resulting in a slowdown issue).
Added some text in the Module Editor tooltip when pushing the control key in the Edit NPCs mode, as you can also use it to duplicate terrain.
Fixed a combat-log issue when drinking a potion.
Fixed a bug where an enemy would move into a Stinking Cloud square, get the Nauseated condition, and still perform an attack immediately afterwards (in the same round), due to the game not immediately removing the creature's remaining actions for the current round.
Mousing over Instant Death squares in combat will now display 'Instant Death' rather than 'Blocked Path' (don't forget you can push enemies into them).
Fixed a display bug in the tooltip that appears when mousing over creatures in the initiative list, when displaying a readied action and no condition.
Added a new game option under 'Display' allowing you to turn off the outglow (shadow) around tokens. Note: if there are some transparent pixels between a token and its outglow, it's because the token graphic has some transparent pixels on its edge that should be opaque (you can use a magic-wand selection around any of the tokens of the base game to see what pixels should be opaque, simply click on the four corners using the 'add selection' mode to get the circle's edge).
Added under 'Display' a duplicate line for 'Display The Injury Status of Enemies', which previously was only found under 'Difficulty' and that can be confusing.
Fixed a problem with map scrolling using the arrow keys when the map is smaller than the screen.
Fixed a source of crashes when a script tries to start combat with creatures that aren't visible.
The spell Ghoul Touch will no longer produce a Ghoul Sickness effect if your Touch Attack misses the target.
Fixed a combat-log display issue with Death Throes and Splash weapon-enchantment effects.
Fixed errors and improved the help entry for the Break Free combat action.
Fixed some issues with some Spell Focus feats not being applied to the Break Free Difficulty Class of Web and Entangle (e.g. Ranger Spell Focus with Ranger Web spell, Druid Spell Focus with Entangle or Fungal Parasite). The break free DC from Glue Arrow will also benefit from Ranger Spell Focus.
Fixed a bug in the Creature Wizard associated with the Mage Knight feats Spell Focus Wizard Evocation, and Greater Spell Focus Wizard Evocation.
Added the spell class category 'Wizard [Astral]' in the spell editor (meaning a spell that could be used or learnt only by a mage without a celestial attunement).
Fixed a combat bug that could occur when a character died or was knocked unconscious due to moving into an Acid Fog square and depending on the result of a saving throw.
Fixed a tooltip error when mousing over squares affected by the spell Incendiary Cloud.
Fixed a bug with the Search box of the Arcane, Divine and Psionics tabs of the Character Sheet.
Fixed a bug with the damage of the psionic power Psionic Fog, and another bug with the combat-log display of Psionic Fog damage.
Added Difficulty Class, Saving Throw chance, and expected damage information to the tooltip for Creeping Doom squares.
Fixed an issue with the Module Editor not indicating a change in the current map after opening the Creature Editor by clicking on a hidden creature in the "Edit NPCs" mode.
Please don't hesitate to email me at if you find any bugs and annoyances, so that I can fix the game quickly.
Thank You So Much For Your Support, Mighty Warriors and Mages of the Realm!! Rejoice