I was awarded reddit gold about 3 years ago.Does anybody here use Reddit?
I was just hoping there'd be some people there to ask questions.
If you donate through the codex you get some codex perks as well. In addition the final codex sum is considered as an additional person for the kickstarter tier ( so the codex can reach the archmage tier for example )What is the deal with the codex fundraiser?
Yes, if you donate enough to reach the relevant tier.Do we get the game if we donate here?
Exact same as the kickstarter.What tiers are there?
OMG PANIC! just use google or other tool to convert and check how much you need to reach the tiers on the kickstarter.The KS page is in commie bucks but the codex is in USD! WTF is going on!
Update #16: Knights of the Chalice 2 Sprite Video! Number of Backers reaches 600!
Knights of the Chalice 2 Sprite Video
Hello everyone!
I have just uploaded the fifth video in support of the Kickstarter campaign for Knights of the Chalice 2. The new video is the Sprite Video of KotC 2 Augury of Chaos. This is a simple video I've recorded just to show what KotC 2 looks like when the game's tokens are replaced with the animated sprites of KotC 1, which are all available in KotC 2.
Following the Kickstarter campaign, we will get new sprites for KotC 2. Players will have the option to display creatures using the tokens or the sprites.
The link on Youtube is: https://youtu.be/4EZ1OJAZj3U. Feel free to post comments here or on the Youtube page.
On the subject of sprites, simplicissimus on Discord suggested the use of the artwork created by Pioneer Valley Games (PVG). Thank you simplicissimus! The PVG artwork can be used commercially. It includes a number of sprites as well as environmental artwork. Here's an image from their website:
Would you like to have that kind of sprite in KotC 2? Feel free to comment.
There's one thing I'm going to ask PVG: how to handle a character's change of weapon in-game? Can the sprite reflect that change or do we need a different character sprite for each weapon.
Social Goals Report and Links
Hurray! The campaign for KotC 2 has reached one more Social Goal! The number of Kickstarter backers now exceeds 600!! This means that our Druid friends will get three new spells: Vampiric Spores, Creeping Doom and Iron Grip. Thank You, Heroes of the Kingdom! ^^
We're also making good progress on the other social goals, including Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and the number of Facebook Shares of the KotC 2 Features page and Screenshots page and KotC 1 Features page and Screenshots page. Let's Keep It Up!
Additionally, the campaign's third Stretch Goal is close at hand. In fact, including Paypal pledges and RPG Codex pledges, I think we've already reached it. But we can celebrate once the goal is reached on the Kickstarter page.
- Like us on Facebook!
- Follow us on Twitter!
- Subscribe to our Youtube Channel!
- Follow us on Instagram!
- Share on Facebook the KotC 2 Features page and Screenshots page!
- Share on Facebook the KotC 1 Features page and Screenshots page!
- Join our mailing list by registering on HeroicFantasyGames.com forums!
- Join us on Discord by following the Discord Invite Link!
- Feel free to download the promo pack for KotC 2.
Reddit Ask Me Anything on Thursday 11 June
A Reddit AMA session for the Kickstarter campaign of Knights of the Chalice 2 is planned the day after tomorrow from 9 am Eastern Time (3 pm Paris time). The AMA session will take place at r/Games, r/DnD, r/rpg_gamers and r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Feel free to join!
Next Knights of the Chalice 2 Video
The next video in support of the KotC 2 Kickstarter campaign will be the Second Combat Video in a series of five KotC 2 Combat Videos. I'm planning to publish it on 18 June.
The Omens are Growing increasingly Dark. A Storm is Rising over the Horizon... a Storm of Pure Chaos!! Can the Adventurers Survive the Onslaught?? We'll Find Out Soon Enough!
Thank You Everyone for Supporting the Campaign! Let's Keep Spreading the Word, Heroes! ^^
I prefer these graphics, they look more functional.
KotC1 sprites look better than the generic looking modern ones (I would recommend not wasting money on them), but the backgrounds would have to be reworked (pixelated?) to match the characters.
The current mismatch is aggravating to look at.
Yes, there is a difficulty setting in KotC 2, you can make the game easier. There are also two settings for the AI, the normal setting which gives priority to speed and the smooth execution of the game, and the other setting which gives more thinking time to the AI so the opponents may take even better decisions.
2 points · 6 hours ago
Besides the 6 PC characters, can you explain a bit more about companions? do you control them completely? do you level them up and pick their abilities? how many are available? ( I assume the unique ones will only be available in the 2nd module? ) Is there a companion available from all classes? do they make choices? like for example can they leave you or betray you if you do something against their alignment? can you switch companions back and forth ( if you dump someone can he later be recruited? )
2 points · 6 hours ago
KotC 2 Augury of Chaos has four unique companions, including one that can stay in the party for a limited amount of time. You control them in combat, you level them up as if they were normal party members. The upcoming modules will have more companions.
Companions can make choices, yes. In Augury of Chaos they won't leave you or betray you, but they might prevent you from doing something they don't like. In the upcoming modules, they might leave you, we'll see.
Yes, you can switch companions back and forth.