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Kodex GOTY 2021


  • Total voters


Oct 24, 2021
Pathfinder - Best storytelling
Ok I love Pathfinder but wtf?

Well... Guardians of the Galaxy won best narrative at the real game awards. Maybe Pathfinder really was the best story this year

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Pathfinder had best story from all 'new" crpgs compared to deadfire its masterpiece lol
With a claim like that - as bold as it may be. You must surely have evidence to prove that its storytelling is a "masterpiece". Otherwise this statement is as worthless as some youtuber giving out awards. Perhaps memorable moments you can share with the rest of us; oh, and do not be so crude as to share 'shit succubus' as memorable. Simply put, I consider your claim to be ridiculous to the upmost degree considering I myself played the game; did not deem any of the writing nor story telling, to be as stellar as Planescape. Or any other contemporary title I've played. If anything. It was amateurish, embarrassing, pain inducing. So forgive for me being highly skeptical and questioning the "reward" it got.


Apr 16, 2020
Pathfinder had best story from all 'new" crpgs compared to deadfire its masterpiece lol
With a claim like that - as bold as it may be. You must surely have evidence to prove that its storytelling is a "masterpiece". Otherwise this statement is as worthless as some youtuber giving out awards. Perhaps memorable moments you can share with the rest of us; oh, and do not be so crude as to share 'shit succubus' as memorable. Simply put, I consider your claim to be ridiculous to the upmost degree considering I myself played the game; did not deem any of the writing nor story telling, to be as stellar as Planescape. Or any other contemporary title I've played. If anything. It was amateurish, embarrassing, pain inducing. So forgive for me being highly skeptical and questioning the "reward" it got.

Living will never win with the dead comparing new games to old stuff like Planescape is not fair you should use newer titles as example. Aeon story was quite memorable i don't want to spoil it if you want you can watch it on yt and the other path like angel/demon weren't as good but they keept me engaged compared to other new games like PoE Deafire and Dos II that didn't even made me care about anything that was happening of course its all subjective but for me Wotr was huge improvement.


Oct 24, 2021
With a claim like that - as bold as it may be. You must surely have evidence to prove that its storytelling is a "masterpiece". Otherwise this statement is as worthless as some youtuber giving out awards. Perhaps memorable moments you can share with the rest of us; oh, and do not be so crude as to share 'shit succubus' as memorable. Simply put, I consider your claim to be ridiculous to the upmost degree considering I myself played the game; did not deem any of the writing nor story telling, to be as stellar as Planescape. Or any other contemporary title I've played. If anything. It was amateurish, embarrassing, pain inducing. So forgive for me being highly skeptical and questioning the "reward" it got.

I don't think Pathfinder has the best story of recent RPGS but I do quite enjoy it for a few reasons. I think it has some of the best companions in CRPGS, there are a few complete misses like Ember and Seelah but overall they're enjoyable to adventure with, and the large amount of companion quests mean that you can really get attached to them and see them develop over the game. This does somewhat come at the cost of them feeling sort of "teenagerly." Companions in POE for example feel quite adult, they're private and developed people. The companions in WOTR are all actively developing their identity (like teenagers are,) and as such you take that journey with them. They're by far the best part of the story, and the most affecting parts of the game are the parts that involve them for me.

Other than that the main plot is very pulpy and silly, but it's well presented and works very well as an "epic," rpg story. Owlcat games are very heavy on archetypal storytelling and as such are very comfortable but enjoyable. It feels like playing a high budget D&D campaign with friends.

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Merry Christmas, bro. I just don't like Wrath.

>is not fair you should use newer titles as example
Depends on how recent we can go? I played Age of Decadence and thought its flavorful writing was as good as Planescape.


Apr 16, 2020
Merry Christmas, bro. I just don't like Wrath.

>is not fair you should use newer titles as example
Depends on how recent we can go? I played Age of Decadence and thought its flavorful writing was as good as Planescape.

I played it 2 and hated that I was forced to take certain options to progress story with my build otherwise I was getting fucked.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Comparing anything to Planescape: Torment is borderline satire because it was one of the few times any video game had decent writing in it.

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
You're right. Let's instead compare Wrath of the Righteous to its predecessor: Kingmaker. Kingmaker's story is fairly serviceable, nothing amazing, nothing great; but functional. A group of adventurers are invited by Lady Jamandi to seek out an infamous bandit lord, dubbed Ruler of the Lands. This bandit lord, dubious in his claim to rule, has been causing havoc to neighboring states. Levying taxes, et cetera. No noble will ever recognize this self proclaimed bandit lord. There's also the fact that nearly everyone has a claim to the Stolen Lands. So attempting to make true to that claim will result in war between every neighboring country, but a bunch of unknowns on the other hand. That's different. Using this opportunity Jamandi sets up her own expedition, finances them, all in effort to establish her own puppet state that acts within her interests.

Of course, there's also an extra layer of Fey invading the Stolen Lands. Lantern King setting up curses and pranks on the denizens. A certain Nymph bringing Kingdoms to their demise, and so on. Kingmaker may have not done the greatest job of executing its story. However, that set up right there is ten times better than Wrath's plot. I wanted to dunk my head in a bucket of boiling acid after reading those, quite frankly, embarrassing dialogues in Wrath.

Good grief.


Apr 16, 2020
You're right. Let's instead compare Wrath of the Righteous to its predecessor: Kingmaker. Kingmaker's story is fairly serviceable, nothing amazing, nothing great; but functional. A group of adventurers are invited by Lady Jamandi to seek out an infamous bandit lord, dubbed Ruler of the Lands. This bandit lord, dubious in his claim to rule, has been causing havoc to neighboring states. Levying taxes, et cetera. No noble will ever recognize this self proclaimed bandit lord. There's also the fact that nearly everyone has a claim to the Stolen Lands. So attempting to make true to that claim will result in war between every neighboring country, but a bunch of unknowns on the other hand. That's different. Using this opportunity Jamandi sets up her own expedition, finances them, all in effort to establish her own puppet state that acts within her interests.

Of course, there's also an extra layer of Fey invading the Stolen Lands. Lantern King setting up curses and pranks on the denizens. A certain Nymph bringing Kingdoms to their demise, and so on. Kingmaker may have not done the greatest job of executing its story. However, that set up right there is ten times better than Wrath's plot. I wanted to dunk my head in a bucket of boiling acid after reading those, quite frankly, embarrassing dialogues in Wrath.

Good grief.

I also liked Kingmaker story, but endings kinda soured the whole thing for me, is it something specific that you didn't like in wrath?

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
>is it something specific that you didn't like in wrath?
Let's go down the list:
- Crapastic Gameplay
- Nauseating Encounter Design
- Crusade System
- Dialogue
- Plot Set Up/Execution

We'll start with the first one. Having played Knights of the Chalice 2 then the multiple Betas for Wrath. I consistently did not like how boring the Gameplay felt compared to Chalice 2. Enemy AI was utterly incapable of performing any action besides charging headfirst into the Player. Spamming autoattack. In Chalice 2, enemies will use combat maneuvers to outwit the player: they'd bullrush you into a pit, pull you into grease that a spellcaster conjured, grappled you, used buffs, spells to disorient you, et cetera. They behaved differently. Acted intelligently. Which made the general gameplay interesting to play.

For the second point, Wrath's encounter design is not engaging nor fun. Since I played the prologue very extensively for beta testing. All I saw was the same enemies copy pasted for the ninth millionth times - whether this changed in late game, I couldn't tell; not suffering one hundred plus hours to find out. I did watch a friend's stream of late game content. Imagine my surprise when enemy acted the same except now there's an additional layer of prebuffing for ten minutes to engage in the tedium that is gameplay. There's no variety between enemies. In contrast, Chalice 2 had diversity in its encounter design. Mage Knights that'd use spells. Pisionicsts that had mind debilitating effects to use against the player. Sorcerers that can use both cleric spells to buff/heal their allies, and mage spells to use against the player. Even monks, a possible enemy that you'd find in Pierre's dungeons, are interesting to face because the AI will actually use grapple to pin the player down in order to give advantage to its group. Compare to other games where they're just autoattack bots - fun.

Crusade system has been covered by many players already, but I'll share my experience with it. I remember when I first played it. I was baffled by how dull it was. Not only was the AI even dumber. The developers managed to make it nonfunctional. Certain mechanics outright didn't work. First impressions are important. When your system which is vital for progression doesn't function and is somehow worse than the base game. Well. Suffice to say, I didn't enjoy myself.

Last two points I don't feel like covering. I'd rather need not remind myself of the story. I've completely forgotten about it for the most part and would like to keep it that way. Anyways. We should hold expectations, standards, for the media we consume. Wrath of the Righteous *should* have been an improvement over its predecessor, it wasn't. Thus is my disappointment so. It still blows my mind how a project that rose over two million of funding somehow managed to have worse quality than Pierre's little game. I guess pain inducing romance, crapastic crusade system, had a higher priority than delivering engaging gameplay.


Feb 14, 2019
How could any self respecting RPG fan vote for Pathfinder WotR over Chronicles of Archolos? Do you folks even like RPGS? Chronicles of Archolos has real C&C . I dropped Pathfinder after 4 hours because it was so cringy.


Apr 16, 2020
How could any self respecting RPG fan vote for Pathfinder WotR over Chronicles of Archolos? Do you folks even like RPGS? Chronicles of Archolos has real C&C . I dropped Pathfinder after 4 hours because it was so cringy.

Its a mod not a real game.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017


Apr 16, 2020
This says something about our society :thinking:

Pathfinder had best story from all 'new" crpgs compared to deadfire its masterpiece lol
What storytelling ? The game have one of the worst writing i have seen in a decade time lol.If you want good writing go play vagrus or black book.

Sorry i don't play mobile games




Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
This says something about our society :thinking:

Pathfinder had best story from all 'new" crpgs compared to deadfire its masterpiece lol
What storytelling ? The game have one of the worst writing i have seen in a decade time lol.If you want good writing go play vagrus or black book.

Sorry i don't play mobile games
lol you are a total retard,putting you on ignore.


Oct 18, 2021
I would say that a lot of games on this list have mobile level graphics, which is doing them a disservice. We had photorealistic prerenders 20 years ago and now we have flat 2d with paperdoll animations or blocky 3d without textures and overabundant special effects.


Apr 16, 2020
This says something about our society :thinking:

Pathfinder had best story from all 'new" crpgs compared to deadfire its masterpiece lol
What storytelling ? The game have one of the worst writing i have seen in a decade time lol.If you want good writing go play vagrus or black book.

Sorry i don't play mobile games
lol you are a total retard,putting you on ignore.

Second game look like Slay the spire knockoffs, it has literary have the same font and graphic style how I'm supposed to threat game seriously when they steal literally everything from other title I had to look if this was made by the same devs but no Russian african americans will steal everything that isn't nailed.
Last edited:


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
Merry Christmas, bro. I just don't like Wrath.

>is not fair you should use newer titles as example
Depends on how recent we can go? I played Age of Decadence and thought its flavorful writing was as good as Planescape.

I played it 2 and hated that I was forced to take certain options to progress story with my build otherwise I was getting fucked.
However this is not writing per se but gameplay. Originally this exchange was about writing.

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