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fret said:For those who have played the leaked beta, anyone get stuck after Handmaiden fights her sisters? I get the cut scene with Kreia and Atris going back and forth (after the light side meeting with the Jedi masters), and at one point it pauses and the PC I guess has to make a dialog choice. I say "I guess" because I don't see any choices, I just figured out that hitting "1" or "2" on the keyboard causes the scene to continue with Atris talking about the Sith bombardment of Telos and Kreia commenting about falling to the dark side.
After that the game switches to Handmaiden walking in and being confronted by her sisters, and then Atris from the meditation chamber commenting on seeing what Handmaiden has learned from the exile. The Handmaiden fight then takes place, but after killing the sisters nothing happens. I've reloaded several times, and one of two things happens - either at the start of the fight the doors to Atris' meditation chamber and back to the rest of the academy close, leaving Handmaiden trapped in the room after the fight with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Or, the doors don't close at the start of the fight and after the fight is over Handmaiden can go back through the academy to the Ebon Hawk but can't actually board it, or Handmaiden can go up into the meditation chamber but Atris isn't there and the door closes behind her and can't be reopened (trapping her in the room).
I assume that even with TSLRP Atris is supposed to confront Handmaiden after the fight with the sisters and then the PC comes in and fights Atris, but nothing is triggering after the fight.
Yes, I also had that problem and followed the instruction on this post here from the codex: LINK