What’s Goh like? Was thinking of playing Goh, Wolf, or El Blaze.
Goh, edgy japanese goth judoka, I don't know him very well...
Other than the obvious. He has a very good grappling game - even some of his strikes and combo strings automatically end up in a grapple.
This doesn't mean that his strikes are shit, they pack a good punch, but it seems to me that they are more intended to get the opponent into a position where they can be easily grappled
Although he seems to be a bit of a fan favourite, specially among older players
Great Deceiver is the one that played Final Tuned, so he can fill you in better than I
Now for El Blaze
Like his stature gives aways, he's a more agility and strike focused version of Wolf
He has a variety of combo strings that aren't difficult to execute, punishers for everything and a good amount of circular attacks
As for grappling, they do decent damage but are clearly more for offensive purposes
The catch is that since he's a manlet, he's a lightweight (so like what I mentioned with Vanesse, if launched he will teeth knocked out), and worse of all he has a really bad reach
So all in all he's a close-range specialist, but that's the only thing he can properly do
You'll have to always be trying to close the gap and keep the pressure on
EDIT: oh yeah he also has a really good wall game (he can even jump on fences and throw himself from them) and some good mobility options (he can even run around the stages, but be careful because in stages without walls/fences he will fall off the ring)
Goh also has some a couple of useful high damage wall moves...
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