We start along path B and head towards Sverdgate.
It's a generic stronghold with no surprises. Seeing as we can do nothing here, I ask for some tidings at least.
Deep lore won't take me home, game!
Next bit tells us about the bog witch in the middle of a swamp. We've seen the witch before (and killed her) as Norse Jesus. Maybe we'll end up going there again, though right now we're way too weak.
Seeing no reason to spend more of our meagre food stocks on gossip, I proceed towards Viltshaw the woodstead.
Along the way we spot some carrion, but it's around the mountains and would be too much of a detour. I'll make sure to visit it when we circle around the path on the way back mayhap.
Lol we've seen this one as Norse Jesus too.
Knowing that trouble may be brewing, I pick up more churls to fill out the party.
Slaughtering the heathens again feels enticing, but since we've already done that once, might as well try something else.
Telling them to leave is a god wits check. If you note the highlight on the god's wits, there's another new thingy in this build, where the highlight can be green, yellow or red to denote the difficulty of the check.
Given that we're broke, there's nothing we can do in this village anyway, so why not tell them to gtfo.
As far as I'm concerned, you can all go to hell.
The yokels do not take kindly to these words!
One reroll for the whole game is rough, and there's no way I'm using it here. I wouldn't use it even if we had more.
Well then.
... at least the settlement doesn't close down for good, I guess?
We're in desperate need of any gold, so I go pay a visit to Karringar, dearest of all my friends.
Also failing to get the yokels' attention has upset our churls, which is why I get rid of the extra three I got.
Gotta hunt sum lest we starve.
We've been here before alright.
You can see that climbing up at our wits is a hard check, but I'm sure we'll be fine.
I like to hedge my bets. I'll let her live... for now.
8 gold for the price of 1 day (+detour) is not the best of deals but we take what we can.
Gathering 150 gold to win is also going to be rough judging by our current state of finance.
Bro, you try calling a taxi in this economy.
Let's see if we can find more gold among the barrows.
Gold? Best I can do is a random encounter.
Fortunately, woodwights are weaksauce, and comrade eagle begins the fight by sniping one of them to death.
The game now also has propa pain sounds and animations when attacks are made, so the battles feel less like slapfights.
And stay down!
The churls took some beating, but nothing major. Alas, woodland pest control yields no rewards.
As we're about to enter the barrow, this thing appears next to us.
moar liek lame-an-gayer amirite LMAO
Its flesh is flush with stolen life.
'Offer your flesh as bait' is medium speed. 'Let your fetch strike it' highlights nothing. Let's attempt this deep strike.
aw shiet
At least it didn't die. That would have been a ragequit moment.
Bah! Let's see what's over here.
Of course we go in. What's the worst that can happen?
Famous last words!
dun dun dunnnnnn
Going for either reward is speed medium. Running away is free.
Had a big dilemma wot do, since more gold could get us a fighter and catapult us to a much better combat state. However, so could the right speshul item.
In the end, seeing that we still have a bunch of barrows left in this part of the map, and they tend to have free gold sometimes, I decide to grab the chest.
come on make me rich and famous
This... was absolutely not fucking worth it and I should have taken the gold.
I think we had Woodbane before. It's a utility item that stops you from getting lost in forests and not much else. Too bad we didn't have it at the overgrown village.
Mmmmmoving on!
As you may notice, we are one churl down already. That's because his low morale made him run the fuck away.
Get bent, fake god, I'm outta here!
Fortunately hillwights are not particularly stronger than woodwights, so we should be fine.
Unfortunately one of them howls to summon a buddy in the place of the one sniped by comrade eagle.
Our other churl soon dies while god kills one wight.
Finally a MAJESTIC CRITICAL STRIKE whacks the last wight dead.
this was not
at all worth it
Before going to the next barrow I stop for a day to heal up.
Wightweave's +1HP/day is very welcome.
Now for the barrow.
what's the worst that can happen AMIRITE
Oh yeah boyz, dis gon be gud.
By which I mean, it's time to run the fuck away
Unfortunately fleeing means everyone gets a free attack on you, but that's still better than dying.
Eat my dust, dust-eaters!
Retreating also costs a day.
but that's still better than dying ok
let's rest and heal before moving on to the next barrow north...
God has nightmares of dropping the soap which prevent him from healing up.
Another day down the fucking drain
Why hello there.
There will be something here worth taking.
Taking his stuff is a medium speed check, but that sounds boring. Let's wait for him to wake!
There'll be no fleeing once this fight begins.
The text suggests a wizard+wolf would be our enemies, and given that wizards are also known to summon shades, this fight is absolutely outside our capacity. Fleeing sounds boring, and I'd hate to waste a day for nothing, so let's stay and learn.
Fighting him here is still not a valid option, especially if retreating is blocked. Guess we'll have to pay up.
It remains to be seen what this will do to us, but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Ignore the repeated +1 wits message because this did not give us even more bonus wits.
With the barrow downs almost cleared, I get close to this cave to see if it's a small one. If that were the case, I'd risk exploring it.
But at 5 depth, no way.
Final barrow to be had.
Sigh. Battering the gates is might hard, no sense even trying.
Yeah. This can wait till later, no problem!
La dee da.
Make way for the great god!
Given there's nothing to be done in this place either, I grab some more meatshields.
Our food stock quickly plummets to 0, so I try to hunt for more... WHEN SUDDENLY
Eagle snipes one churl.
Wasting the other is pure formality.
At least outlaws drop loot on death, even if it's as pathetic as this.
Wots over hier.
Well, so far the practical incarnation is mostly following in the steps of Norse Jesus, because we've seen this event before too.
Although previously it had a different illustration.
Still, last time we saved this guy with Healing Hands. But what now?
- Giving him Wightweave will heal him too. After that we can either recruit him (turbo-woodsman) or ask for his gear.
- We can also beat Amarok's whereabouts out of him. Amarok is this game's not-Fenrir and a victory objective. However, this is a might medium check.
- Or we can just end his suffering with our sword.
What shall it be? If you vote for wightweave, also specify if we should recruit him or grab his stuff.
Also goddamn, it's already been a month of in-game time. Time sure flies when you're
getting rekt having fun.