Churls should not bother their lords, and we are about to remind them of it.
*angry grunts grunting in the background*
This gold is very welcome, and so is the hack silver on top of it. Gest is even more unhappy now, but fuck him. This cash will open up possibilities before us.
The only drawback is that the townsfolk now fucking hate us and can be neither recruited nor gossiped with. Oh, and everything's still expensive as fuck.
Still, with the hack silver we can now go sail somewhere for relatively free, and I think we might as well do that.
As you can see we're kind of in the middle of nowhere.
And while we could go to Hornfell and the nearby barrow, our warband is kind of shit, which is why I'd prefer to grab a fighter or two first.
While running to this town on foot will take a whopping 7 days. There's also a hill village along the way, but that's like 5 days, and we're already halfway through the time we have left.
My plan therefore is to sail to Hrosskoping and then do this loop. Lots of content along the way that should be of interest to us.
Sailing makes this cutesy little ship with the god appear on the minimap preview.
Flavour sailing event.
And the ship actually sails the seas (and rivers) from Kolstad to Hrosskoping.
There we are. Oi 'ate wa'er.
This time it's a generic town with nothing to do.
I hire a fighter for 15 gold.
Then gossip sum.
We were bound for Hornfell so this is relevant to our interests.
This, however, is not. Songbridge is another victory objective and it needs a whopping 30 souls. There is no way we are getting that much in the time we have left.
With the gossip spent, I get a churl for a moment to get a discount on food, then buy 20 for 5 gold to avoid hunting delays.
Then I obviously get rid of the churl, and we'll first move to this runestone.
blablabla updated my journal
Moving on.
Something FOUL is afoot. This asshole fake king would dare VIOLATE ORM'S LAW?!
Let's gossip before we go see the king.
Reassuring. Let's meet this upstart.
I cannot burn them all.
This man should not speak to you so.
You may be right, friend Aerik, but unfortunately shoving him aside is a hard might check, and I'm not attempting that.
It's imperative for us to meet the king, and you'll see later why. Unfortunately we need 5 more gold... which is exactly what I spent for the extra food in Hrosskoping
We could also bribe them with a maiden if we had one, because the king is very naughty. But alas, we left the maiden to be eaten by the wurm
We'll be back, alright.
Fortunately there's a barrow close by. Maybe it'll have the 5 gold we lack.
But along the way we find this.
What Orm made barren should not give life.
From this weed, we can brew a good drink.
No way I'm literally burning 1 of our 2 precious souls on some stupid weed. Meanwhile uprooting it is... a hard god might check, which is pretty hilarious in itself. Almost tempted to see the hardmode CHAD struggle with a flower.
I'm gonna trust Ullin on this.
You see?
This just let us regain the 1HP we lost at the wurm. Not bad. Even Gest isn't bothered by it, though his morale can't drop any further down at this point anyway
Since we've already made this small detour, I also check the hill village to see if there's anything of interest there.
Back on course.
Show me your plunder, barrow!
No plunder before we whack these dudes, I guess.
Alpha strike is enough to kill one.
Also get ready for Gest to leg it the moment I hit start.
Yep, obviously. Sigh. A level 2 priest would be pretty good vs these shitty draugs.
Ullin gets whacked once.
The skinny draugs don't look like much, but they can actually pack and withstand a punch. I wager they are a bit weaker than a level 1 fighter.
Nice, a few gold coins to let us see the king, and an arm ring to use in the future - preferably on another fighter.
The moment we step away from the barrow, we get bumrushed by rushing bums.
These dudes are a bit more formidable than the other outlaws we've faced thus far, but alpha strike still bleeds them nicely.
The thieves go for god and Aerik.
Ullin will have to take some beating from the fighter.
But ultimately all is well.
Some free shit, never unwelcome.
We return to Hammarfast to seek an audience with the king.
With Ullin this beaten up, I try to rest in DAS BURG.
Hopefully we don't get shanked in the night or something.
Amazingly enough it worked. Resting in castles is also free, including the king's. Everyone's back to full HP, just the way I like it.
The king's basketball team captain demands his fee.
It's unfortunate to degrade ourselves thus, but it's a necessary evil. Aerik is pissed of course, but we can fix that with the arm ring later.
Now, for the king!
I won't lie, this is a kickass scene, and I love the illustration to this event. It's got this very prominent Franco-Belgian fantasy vibe.
As you can see, this is why it was so important to meet the king while we were in the neighbourhood. It is, in fact, our old buddy Fraener. Though this time he's not a commie rabble-rouser, but a false king. Since we already have info on his weak spot, I figured it would be best to direct ourselves towards the victory condition that has us kill him, but to do that, we first have to meet him in his lair.
Though Fraener must fall, I have no hope of besting him here.
Will the tokens he wants be the same as last time?
Sure enough. Since we've already helped him once, this path is now haram.
While we know of his weak spot, it would be completely stupid to try to strike him here amid his men and magicool wards. We leave... for now.
Yeah, pal, I've heard that before.
Only a jarl might raise men enough to fight such a foe.
That's our cue what to do next on this path. We need to get the jarl on our side to move against Fraener. But there's no need to be too hasty about it, since we still have 33 days left to prepare for the showdown.
Meanwhile I miscalculate like a retard and get our dudes starving and Aerik pissed even more because I thought I could move 1 hex to the forest to hunt without starvation. Otherwise I would have bought 2 token food at the burg.
This should last a while.
We'll want to try to get to Lanhyrr and rest there to bring Aerik back up to medium morale. Resting at shrines is very powerful, but also about as costly. We just have to hope we don't trigger any fights along the way that would make Aerik run away.
The alpha strike is enough to kill both the churls, though, giving Aerik no time to run
Remember - you're staying in this warband forever!
The churls also dropped some meagre gold and food that I forgot to photo.
Along the way to Lanhyrr I stop by the hill village and get another fighter with the arm ring, just in case something unexpected happens.
I also gossip
Hello there.
That was all to be learnt here.
Let us inspekt this befouled stone of runes.
I don't feel like paying for this when we're already comfortable on food, and demanding the food is threats easy, boosted by Bearleather, so it should be a no-brainer.
Let him grovel.
Not only is that a ton of free food, it also put our fighters' morale up by 1, which makes the butthurt of Aerik far less of an emergency now.
We bid the churl farewell and continue towards the runestone. We should get there by the next update.