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Completed Let's solo Baldur's Gate on Insane (feat. The Codex)

Which BG2 LP style would You prefer?

  • The Codex Solo / Core

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • The Codex + 1 helper / Hard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Codex + 2 helpers / Hard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Codex + 2 helpers / Insane

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • 6 new characters / Insane

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • kingcomrade

    Votes: 21 65.6%

  • Total voters


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
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Poll has been concluded. Thanks to everyone for voting.

Alright, noble codexers. Inspired by the likes of oldmanpaco, Merkwürdigliebe and Edward_R_Murrow, I've decided to make a let's play of Baldur's Gate (TotSC included).


#0: We Are Going To Die (included in this post...)
#1: The Incredibly Exciting Tutorial Area!
#2: Those Fuckin' Wolves
#3: High Hedge
#4: The Monkey Shit Hits The Fan
#5: Friendly Flaming Fist Inn
#6: Day Of The Undead
#7: Beach & Bitches
#8: Adventures In Generic Wilderness
#9: Smurf Xvart Village Massacre
#10: Cloud Peak Mountains
#11: Gnoll Stronghold
Bonus #1: Fighting Borda
#12: Killing People For Money
#13: Nashkel Mines, part I
#14: The Nashkel Detour
#15: Nashkel Mines, part II
#16: Tomb Raider Jelly Killer
#17: Durlag's Tower | Part II
#18: Beregost
#19: Ankhegs!
#20: Looting The Bandit Camp
#21: Cloakwood Deaths, part I - Druids
#22: Cloakwood Deaths, part II - Spiders
#23: Cloakwood Deaths, part III - Wyverns
#24: Iron Throne Mines
#25: Guidling & Shopping
Bonus #2: Unfinished Business
#27: We Kill Some Mages (Mostly)
#28: House of Doom & Horrors
#29: Home, Sweet Home
#30: Getting Gangbanged a Lot
#31: The One With The Plot
#32: The Lame Ending
Bonus #3: Never Happened

Why this game, You ask? (or not - I will tell anyway) Because I've played this game to hell and back, and it's the only way I can think of to enjoy it again. Also, I've never done an LP before and it looks like fun. LPing a game I know that well should reduce the numer of fuck-ups on the way.

I know that oldmanpaco just recently finished the game in his LP, and I don't want to make a copy, so I will try a different approach. The game will be played solo, on maximum difficulty level (insane), and with some arbitary rules imposed (more on that in a moment).

Audience is not required, though very welcome.

Let's get started.

Tutu will be the only mod installed for this playthrough.

In retrospect, I probably should've installed strategems too. My only excuse is that I'm not much of a mod-user (all my playthroughs were vanilla BG or TotSC), and I don't really know which do what. Also, I didn't want to screw up my tutu installation.

It's time to meet our hero, although I guess he doesn't really need introducing.

Fuck you all very politely.

Yeah. Try not to mind. You all know The Codex' way with words. When You look closely, The Codex is definitely male, although he has a female element - this is represented by being an elf.

I am not a fag.

Totally straight elf, of course.
The Codex represents three classic archetypes of RPGs: the fighter, the mage and the thief. The fourth classic archetype, the cleric, is not represented because The Codex doesn't like preaching.
Chaotic neutral seemed like a good choice at the time. Right now I regret not taking chaotic good instead - 1 free reputation point wouldn't hurt.

No, it wouldn't. I guess, there's no cure for being a dumbass.

Stats are minmaxed a bit, with charisma being the dump stat. We could use it as a larping excuse not to get a party, but we won't. The Codex goes solo, because he's fucking hardcore.

Damn right.

Personally, I think that 8 charisma is still quite a lot, considering that face.

Oh, great. With sense of humour being your dump stat, I can already see the world of fun that we'll have together. Looked in a mirror lately?

Anyway. Since both The Codex and me have already played Baldur's Gate, we are going to skip most of the in-game conversations. We will try to make up for the text-lite LP with some comments between screenshots.

Yeah, I already noticed that you just don't shut up. Ever.

I'm unable to disagree.


I already declared solo and insane. Although we will recruit some NPCs when it's absolutely necessary for a quest (this is more of a disclaimer for the future - if we ever reach BG2) AND we will recruit all of them for a minute to take their valuables. Never say no to free equipment.

Here's some additional rules that this LP will follow :

- No run-throughs. Every area entered has to be fully explored. This includes all available interiors, but not the dungeons (I treat those as separate areas). Returning to a previously explored area is allowed, but going to a new one is not - not until the current one is completed.

- No meta-identification. Magic items have to be identified, or we can't use them.

- Restricted reloading. Reloading is only allowed after The Codex dies OR some major fuck-up occures - like a failed stealing attempt turning everyone hostile. The latter only works once - if we fail stealing from an NPC, we are allowed to try a second time, but we cannot reload if we fuck it up again.

- Max HP. I will cheat on level-ups, so The Codex gets maximum available hit points.

No arguments here.

- Life-line. If an obligatory encounter turns out to be unwinnable at insane level, I might decide to lower the difficulty to core rules (just for this encounter, of course. How do I define "unwinnable"? Firstly, at least five attempts at insane must be made. Secondly, I must run out of ideas to win it or my only idea too heavily depends on dumb luck.
The above rule does not apply to optional (skippable) encounters.

Since playing solo will have us reach level cap far before we explore the whole game world, some areas will be skipped. The top priority ones are those containing perma-stat-boost books. When we run out of these, we will proceed with the plot. If we don't reach the level cap after getting all the books, I will let the noble codexers decide where to go next.

Update #0: We Are Going To Die

We meet at the inn:

Since The Codex is butt-ugly, he has to buy his friends. Here's one of them. Codex, meet the sword. Sword, meet The Codex.

Our friendship will be long and beautiful. At least until I find a better one.

Here are the full stats of The Codex and his sword:



Yeah, The Codex has a whopping 7 HP. Since the enemies on insane deal double damage, this translates to effectively having 4 HP.

Oh god. I am so fucked.

Yeah. We are going to die. A lot.

If You have any hints or suggestions for the LP or the thread, feel free to supply them.

Death Count: 163 + 25 Borda deaths + 24 Bonus Update #3 deaths

#1: lv. 1/1/1 - Candlekeep Inn (#1)
Melted by an acid arrow cast by Firebead Elvenhair
Last words: Oh god. Oh god! Help!
That never happened!

#2: lv. 1/1/1 - Candlekeep (#1)
Cut down by Hull after a failed pickpocket.
Last words: Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!

#3: lv. 1/1/1 - East of Candlekeep (#2)
Bitten by a wolf.
Last words: Holy fuck, how many hit points does it have?

#4: lv. 1/1/1 - East of Candlekeep (#2)
Ripped to shreds by dread wolves.
Last words: WTF? Dread wolves?

#5: lv. 1/1/1 - East of Candlekeep (#2)
Killed by a deja vu... I mean a wolf.
Last words: Come to papa!

#6: lv. 1/1/1 - High Hedge (#3)
Bitten by giant spiders.
Last words: No! I can do it!

#7: lv. 1/1/1 - High Hedge (#3)
Cut in half by flinds.
Last words: Shit, they're stronger than I thought.

#8: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Totally not slashed by gibberlings 10 seconds after a dual level up.
Last words: Shit, they're stronger than I thought.

#9: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Raped to death by gibberlings
Last words: I would really like to still have my sword right now.

#10: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Stabbed do death by xvarts after a failed Hide In Shadows check.
Last words: Maybe we can take another shot at stealth.

#11: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Swarmed by gibberlings.
Last words: Oops, one step too far.

#12: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Killed by these same gibberlings at a defensive chokepoint.
Last words: It's ok. As long as I fight one or two at a time, it should be fine.

#13: lv. 2/2/3 - North of Beregost (#4)
Ran into a pack of gibberlings while chased by xvarts. Not sure what happened next.
Last words: Oh, for fuck's sake!

#14: lv. 3/2/3 - Friendly Arm Inn (#5)
Killed by an ubribeable Flaming Fist officer.
Last words: Ow! This guy hits hard!

#15: lv. 3/2/3 - Friendly Arm Inn (#5)
Once again, killed in the name of the LAW by a Flaming Fist enforcer.
Last words: I will fuck you up for what you've done to me before!

#16: lv. 3/2/3 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Swarmed by Bassilus' mob.
Last words: Oh fuck, that's a lot of enemies.

#17: lv. 3/2/3 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Killed by a zombie/dread wolf duo while suffering from Rigid Thinking spell cast by Bassilus.
Last words: Ow. Dude, that wasn't cool...

#18: lv. 3/2/3 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Raped to death by a zombie after getting paralyzed by Bassilus.
Last words: I will shoot you in the...

#19: lv. 3/2/3 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Again, killed by a zombie, while under influence of Bassilus' Rigid Thinking spell.
Last words: Where am I?

#20: lv. 3/3/4 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Gangraped by Zargal, Geltik and Malkax, the hobgoblin bandit trio.
Last words: I'll show them respect by cutting their heads off!

#21: lv. 3/3/4 - South of High Hedge (#6)
Shot in the guts by Malkax.
Last words: Crap! Fucking hobo!

#22: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by sirine, after a failed attempt to charm her first.
Last words: Hello, baby. Your lips look so lonely.... Would they like to meet mine?

#23: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by an invisible sirine.
Last words: Wow, miss sirine, you sound so beautiful. I think I'm in love.

#24: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by an invisible sirine after a 40 damage backstab didn't kill her.
Last words: How many HP do these sirines have anyway?

#25: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Yes. Dire charmed by an invisible sirine.
Last words: I feel this nice fuzzy warm feeling inside...

#26: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by a dying sirine.
Last words: Nooooo! What have I done? I must kill myself to attone for my sins!

#27: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Devoured by carrion crawlers while paralyzed.
Last words: Damn, that hur-

#28: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by a sirine.
Last words: I'll just strangle myself with the bowstring. Yeah, that seems like a good idea!

#29: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed by a dying sirine for the second time.
Last words: Oh, no, I've killed an angel! I can't live like this!

#30: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed while trying to kill a sirine with accelerated barrage of arrows.
Last words: OhmygodIalmostkilledherandshessobeautiful!

#31: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse cave (#7)
Smashed to a pulp by a flesh golem.
Last words: Fuck! Mah nose just got punched inside mah head!

#32: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse cave (#7)
Killed by a flesh golem after failing to sneak up on it.
Last words: Oh fuck, no! NO!

#33: lv. 4/4/5 - Abandoned lighthouse (#7)
Dire charmed while trying to take on two sirines at a time.
Last words: Do your worst, bitches!

#34: lv. 4/4/5 - Drizzt lake (#8)
Crushed to goo by an ogre berserker.
Last words: This is going to take forever. I'm going to melee this guy.

#35: lv. 5/4/5 - Drizzt lake (#8)
Smashed to a pulp by an ogre berserker after failing to backstab him.
Last words: Oh shit, my face! Safana will never look at me again!

#36: lv. 5/4/5 - Drizzt lake (#8)
Killed by a bandit trio (Tenygan, Zekar and Jemby) after failing to resist horror spell.
Last words: Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I'm going to die!

#37: lv. 5/4/5 - Xvart village cave (#9)
Eaten by a (cave) bear in a cave behind smurf xvart village.
Last words: I'll just melee it. I should be strong enough already, right?

#38: lv. 5/4/5 - Cloud Peak Mountains (#10)
Frozen to death by a winter wolf.
Last words: I don't remember meeting this kind of wolf before.

#39: lv. 5/4/5 - transit area (#10)
Cut down by gnolls.
Last words: If You dogshits think you can kill me, you're horribly wrong!

#40: lv. 5/5/6 - transit area (#11)
Frozen to death by a winter wolf... that shouldn't be even there.
Last words: What is with all these double ambushes? Is the winter wolf gnolls' pet, or what?

#41: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Cut down by some skeletons.
Last words: I'm going to die.

#42: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Killed by Albert, the demonic child, after attacking him.
Last words: I already regret agreeing to this.

#43: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Darted to death by Zal, the fastest dart-thrower in the west.
Last words: I'll show you, who's the better killer here, pal!

#44: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Probably Zal again. Could be his friend Vax this time, though.
Last words: Healing potion!

#45: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Surprised by some skeletons while trying to rest and recover from wounds suffered in fighting a winter wolf.
Last words: Quiet there, I'm trying to sleep, goddammit!

#46: lv. 5/5/6 - West of Nashkel Mines (#12)
Shot down by Alexander and Delgod.... or maybe killed by xvarts.
Last words: The fuck? Not now!

#47: lv. 5/5/6 - Nashkel Mines exterior (#13)
Cut down and frozen by Greywolf.
Last words: Ow! Ow! Ow!

#48: lv. 5/5/6 - Nashkel Mines exterior (#13)
Cut down and frozen by Greywolf who snapped out of Horror pretty fast.
Last words: WTF? Worn off already?

#49: lv. 5/5/6 - Nashkel Mines exterior (#13)
Cut down and frozen by Greywolf, who had some lucky save vs spell rolls.
Last words: Dammit! You're not killing me for the third time!

#50: lv. 5/5/6 - Nashkel Mines (#15)
Gangraped to death by kobolds after stunned by Mulahey with Rigid Thinking and Hold Person.
Last words: Yeah, I'll just sta-

#51: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Struck by lightning bolts shot a few seconds before from our own wand...
Last words: OW! FUCK!

#52: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Shot with fire arrows by Telka.
Last words: OW! What the fuck!? That hurts!

#53: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Poisoned by Maneira's darts, while held by Zeela's spell.
Last words: Dammit! I must-

#54: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Killed by Zeela, after being hit by her Rigid Thinking and Hold Person first.
Last words: Uh... Jacob... So handsome.

#55: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Killed by Lamalha's ward-something spell.

#56: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Shred to little bits by revenant.
Last words: Feeling lucky, pal?

#57: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Revenant again.
Last words: FUCK!

#58: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Revenant for the third time.
Last words: Hadou... Magic Missile!

#59: lv. 5/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Revenant, despite being considerably buffed up.
Last words: SHIT! The fuck!?

#60: lv. 6/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Killed by Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen and his two Mustard Jellies.
Last words: This doesn't bode well.

#61: lv. 6/5/6 - Southeast of Durlag's Tower (#16)
Narcillicus again, after 'cautious approach' tactics failed.
Last words: I think I'm fucked.

#62: lv. 6/5/6 - Nashkel (#16)
Killed by Nimbul, despite him being panicked.
Last words: Shat in your pants, did you?

#63: lv. 6/5/6 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Slaughtered by a Battle Horror.
Last words: Shit, no other option. I will fight him with the short sword.

#64: lv. 6/5/6 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Again, cut in half by a Battle Horror.
Last words: OW, SHIT! It burns!

#65: lv. 6/5/6 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Killed by a Battle Horror while burning it with Agannazar's Scorcher.
Last words: DIE! Please?

#66: lv. 6/5/6 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Gangbanged by doped gangbangers doppelgangers.
Last words: No worries, I've got it.

#67: lv. 6/5/6 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Clawed to death by a doppelganger.
Last words: Yes! I can win this!

#68: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower 2nd floor (#17)
Killed by a ghast.
Last words: It's just a slightly stronger ghoul, no sweat.

#69: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower 2nd floor (#17)
Killed by the same ghast as above.
Last words: OW! FUCK! HELP!

#70: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower 2nd floor (#17)
Killed by another ghast.
Last words: Damn! Don't fail me now, sw-

#71: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Mistook a deadly poison for a stat-boosting one.
Last words: Drinking now!

#72: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower 4th floor (#17)
Yet another death by ghast.
Last words: Not again...

#73: lv. 6/6/7 - Durlag's Tower exterior (#17)
Realized that Protection From Petrification has worn off while fighting a greater basilisk.
Last words: WHAT!?

#74: lv. 6/6/7 - Beregost (#18)
Overwhelmed by the combined forces of Silke and Karlat.
Last words: Pissed off now! I will slaughter both you and that fucking bitch!

#75: lv. 6/6/7 - north of Friendly Arm Inn (#19)
Killed by an akheg suddenly appearing next to The Codex.
Last words: The fuck!? Get away from me!

#76: lv. 6/6/7 - north of Friendly Arm Inn (#19)
Killed while fightning ankhegs, by our own Lightning Bolt, which bounced off some tree and came back.
Last words: HA! ULTRA CHARGED!

#77: lv. 6/6/7 - north of Friendly Arm Inn (#19)
Again killed by an akheg in close combat.
Last words: BURN, INSECT!

#78: lv. 6/6/7 - north of Friendly Arm Inn (#19)
One-shot by an akheg after failing to sneak by.
Last words: Shit! Retreat!

#79: lv. 6/6/7 - Bandit Camp (#20)
Committed suicide by attacking two Chill Hobgoblins.
Last words: FUCK! It was a bad idea!

#80: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #1 (#21)
Insta-killed by Seniyad's Call Lightning.
Last words: Prepare to die, tree-huggers!

#81: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #1 (#21)
One-shot by Call Lightning again, despite having active Mirror Image.
Last words: You won't get me this time!

#82: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Failed to himself from spider poison.
Last words: I'm fucked.

#83: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Poisoned when out of means to cure himself.
Last words: I'll see you in hell.

#84: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Poisoned after we forgot to cast Mirror Image before facing spiders.
Last words: How could we have forgotten that!?

#85: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Abushed by a sword spider when trying to retreat from Centeol's lair to heal himself from self-induced wounds (badly cast Skull Trap).
Last words: FFFFFFFUUUU-

#86: lv. 6/6/7 - Centeol's Lair (#22)
Gangraped by a sword spider and an ettercap.
Last words: I am so dead.

#87: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Ambushed by a huge spider when hit'n'running a pack of ettercaps.
Last words: This can't be good.

#88: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #2 (#22)
Swarmed by spiders and ettercaps after a failed hide in shadows check.
Last words: Somehow, I don't see myself living through this.

#89: lv. 6/6/7 - Cavern of Peter of the North #3 (#23)
Poisoned and eaten by two baby wyverns.
Last words: I'll just heal myself and-

#90: lv. 6/6/7 - some transit area (#23)
Killed in ambush set by wyverns and giant spiders.
Last words: What a fucking surprise! I so thought I am going to live through this. Really.

#91: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #4 (#23)
Poisoned by a phase spider bite.
Last words: Quick! Cow-cure!

#92: lv. 6/6/7 - Cloakwood Forest #4 (#23)
Ran into a couple of baby wyverns while escaping from a wraith spider.
Last words: Maybe I'll just shoot myself in the head to save us all some time?

#93: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine exterior (#24)
Raped from behind by a wolf, while escaping from a bunch of frightened guards.
Last words: Wha-? The fuck...?

#94: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine exterior (#24)
Slaughtered by Drasus
Last words: Ouh fouhk! My briain is splilling ouuta maey haed!

#95: lv. 6/6/7 - some broomstick closet (#24)
Killed by Drasus, who resisted all conceivable debuffing spells.
Last words: Fucking lucky faggot!

#96: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine entrance (#24)
Massacred by two surprisingly competent Iron Throne guards.
Last words: I'll quickly kill them and we can move on.

#97: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine, level 2 (#24)
Not tough enough to take on a room full of enemies.
Last words: -none registered-

#98: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine, level 2 (#24)
Lost an archery duel with a Black Talon Elite.
Last words: I vaguely remember these guys from my playthrough before. They were good with bows, right?

#99: lv. 6/6/7 - Iron Throne mine, level 4 (#24)
Another remarkably competent guard.
Last words: This guy here? Watch me kill him without even breaking a sweat!

#100: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Low Lantern (#26)
Executed by Desreta and Vay-ya while confused.

#101: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Low Lantern (#26)
Slaughtered by Desreta.
Last words: Blindneueueueuueuhueheuh... Mah throouut...!

#102: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Low Lantern (#26)
Killed by Vay-ya's spells after failing to backstab her.
Last words: She won't even know what killed her.

#103: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Low Lantern (#26)
Desreta again proves to be a formidable foe.
Last words: Why does she resist all the fucking spells!?

#104: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, some house in docks (#26)
Gangraped by a bunch of ogre mages, after confused by one of them.
Last words: Wait... Why did I come here, anyway...? Who are all these ugly people...?

#105: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, some house in docks (#26)
While trying to ambush an ogre mage, ambushed by three more.
Last words: Wait. Wheredidalltheothersgo?

#106: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Iron Throne tower (#26)
Overwhelmed by Zhalimar's party.
Last words: WhereAreTheStairs? ISwearTheyWereSupposedToBeHereSomewhere.

#107: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Iron Throne tower (#26)
A string of bad luck while fighting Zhalimar's party.
Last words: ThatsItIGuess. GoodEffortThough.

#108: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Iron Throne tower (#26)
Shot in the face by Zhalimar.
Last words: TheseGuysHaveWayTooManyHP!

#109: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Iron Throne tower (#26)
A deadly retaliation by Zhalimar after third backstab in a row failed to kill him.
Last words: TheFuckerIsStillAlive? HowIsThatPossible?

#110: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Water Queens' House (#27)
Burned by Jalantha Mystmyr's pillar of fire.
Last words: HOLY SHIT! I'M ON FIRE!

#111: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Ramazith's Tower (#27)
Struck by Ramazith's Lightning Bolt.
Last words: Now just wait a minute there. You left before I was able to...

#112: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Taken down by Drelik's Magic Missiles.
Last words: It's like fighting Borda all over again!

#113: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Drelik's Magic Missiles again, after using sub-optimal tactics against him.
Last words: I hope I won't die because of your fucking stupid mistake!?

#114: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Drelik's Magic Missiles once more time.
Last words: -none-

#115: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Cut down by Jardak after a couple of disappointing backstabs.
Last words: What is wrong with this dagger today!?

#116: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Another deadly counter by Jardak, after a backstabbing critical miss.
Last words: Not good!

#117: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Jardak's House (#27)
Last words: Your rule forcing us to explore everyting, sucks ass.

#118: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Blushing Mermaid (#28)
Smashed into the floor by Larze.
Last words: FUCKSHIT! You're supposed to hit the images!

#119: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Blushing Mermaid (#28)
Beat to a pulp by Larze, who made a save vs Blindness.
Last words: At least he's not "Magic Resistant".

#120: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Blushing Mermaid (#28)
A failed attempt to backstab Larze.
Last words: Yay, backstab for 22... Fucking incline...

#121: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Swarmed by Doom Guards, Helmed Horrors and Invisible Stalkers.
Last words: Apparently, I entered the wrong door. Can I please leave now?

#122: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Bad defense spot against Degrodel's lackeys.
Last words: This doesn't look good.

#123: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Cut down by a Doom Guard after Hold Person failed to work.
Last words: Death, here I come.

#124: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Vastly outnumbered by Degrodel's personal guards.
Last words: OW! Get away from me you fucktards!

#125: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Basically, the same as in #123.
Last words: Farewell, everyone.

#126-#129: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Degrodel's Doom Guards, and such.
Last words: Any other suggestions as brilliant as "backstab the doomguard"?

#130: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Degrodel's Invisible Stalkers.
Last words: I don't see any invisible stalkers... Ah. Right.

#131: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Degrodel and his (doom) guards.
Last words: Looks promising so far!

#132: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#28)
Degrodel, his Doom Guard and his Helmed Horror.
Last words: Let's not fuck this up this time!

#133: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, some house in SW part of the city (#28)
One of Wiven's friends - Sath or Dirk.
Last words: Die, thieving scum!

#134: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep (#29)
Rieltar's Lightning Bolt, I think.
Last words: Come on, Spider's Bane, we'll show them who rules these lands!

#135: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Torn apart by a Doppleganger Dreppin's claws.
Last words: Shit. I knew taking that cow cure will bite me in the ass at some point.

#136: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Slashed down by a Doppleganger Fuller's claws.
Last words: Die, abomination!

#137: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Slaughtered by a Doppleganger Jondalar's claws.
Last words: If you want to fight, bring it on!

#138: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Gangbanged by Dreater Doppleganger Elminster and his lackeys: Doppleganger Gorion and Doppleganger Tethtoril.
Last words: Oh, fuck! Fuckfuckfuck!

#139: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
As above.
Last words: Say hello to the death count from me.

#140: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Again, as in #138.
Last words: See you all after reload.

#141: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Greater Doppleganger Elminster rides rapes again.
Last words: Fuckshit.

#142: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Trying to kill Greater Doppleganger Elminster with a Wand of Lightning ended in a failure..
Last words: I don't think it's doing enough damage.

#143: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Greater Doppleganger Elminster once again.
Last words: Yeah...

#144: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Another shot at Wand of Lightning as an uber weapon against Greater Doppleganger Elminster
Last words: With this damage and this gangbanger's HP, it's going to take forever!

#145: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Five unsuccessful attempts at paralyzing Greater Doppleganger Elminster in a row.
Last words: You've got to be fucking kidding me!

#146: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
An attempt to backstab Greater Doppleganger Elminster...
Last words: I somehow doubt any tactics requiring coming close to this guy will work.

#147: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Clawed down by Doppleganger Winthrop.
Last words: I don't think I'm able to fight in my current state.

#148: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Catacombs (#30)
Attacked by a random doppleganger while trying to rest.
Last words: Five more minutes... Oh shit!

#149: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Caves (#30)
Surprised by a spider while resting.
Last words: Good thing there's that "resting while hidden" exploit, or I would be fucked now.

#150: lv. 6/6/7 - Candlekeep Caves (#30)
Defeated after a lengthy fight with Prat's party.
Last words: This combat is really dragging.

#151: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#31)
Degrodel: the (unsuccessful) revenge.
Last words: One down. That would be fucking great if I wasn't almost almost down too.

#152: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Degrodel's House (#31)
Another attempt at getting our revenge on Degrodel.
Last words: Let's try it again!

#153: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Undercellar (#31)
Fighting Slythe openly in melee.
Last words: I guess I'm done here.

#154: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Undercellar (#31)
Mirror Image failing to protect us from Slythe.
Last words: FUCK! I need that liver!

#155: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Undercellar (#31)
Got Mirror Image dispelled while retreating.
Last words: Fuuuuuuuck!

#156: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Grand Duke Palace (#31)
Entered Sarevok's coronation ceremony combat without much of a preparation.

#157: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Grand Duke Palace (#31)
Got both grand dukes killed during Sarevok's coronation ceremony combat.
Last words: FUCK! What happens now?

#158: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Labyrinth (#32)
Protection From Undead Scroll Experiment #1 failure.
Last words: Oh fuck! I'm bleeding red ice crystals!

#159: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Labyrinth (#32)
Protection From Undead Scroll Experiment #2 failure.
Last words: Oh no...

#160: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Labyrinth (#32)
Ambushed by an Invisible Stalker
Last words: I fucking hate these fucking stalkers.

#161: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Labyrinth (#32)
Trying to protect ourselves with Mirror Image against another Invisible Stalker.
Last words: I hope it fucking works this time.

#162: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, The Labyrinth (#32)
YAIS (Yet Another Invisible Stalker).
Last words: Fuck!

#163: lv. 6/6/7 - Baldur's Gate, Underground City (#32)
Fighting Gorf the ogre in open melee.
Last words: Mirror image!

For poll description -> CLICK HERE.
Last edited:


Aug 8, 2008
You should amke some kind of restriction on algernon's cloak usage. Something like 1/day or battle.

Also, i challenge you defeat Borda when you enter Xvart camp. He's one mean mothermucker for low level guys.

I probably would have gone with more HP tho. With BG2 mirror image you really gotta be kiting to stay alive.

Good luck!
Nov 15, 2009
Third Reich from the Sun
Micoselva said:
Oh, great. With sense of humour being your dump stat, I can already see the world of fun that we'll have together. Looked in a mirror lately?
One character on insane? This sounds insane to say the least. However there can never be to many Lp's so please carry on good sir.
Good look you may need it :salute:


Apr 26, 2009
Zdzisiu said:
Oh god, I sense some horrible powergaming on the way.

Yep. DO with without a multiclass or a mage. TBH I find it easier to solo with one of those than play a full party.


Jul 12, 2008
The high Dex is going to be very useful as soon as the glorious Codex gets his hands on a ranged weapon.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Thanks for the feedback, noble codexers :salute:

taplonaplo said:
You should amke some kind of restriction on algernon's cloak usage. Something like 1/day or battle.

Doesn't it come with a 1/day restriction of its own? Anyway, I (probably) won't try to charm my way through the whole game. That would be too cheesy, even for me.

taplonaplo said:
Also, i challenge you defeat Borda when you enter Xvart camp. He's one mean mothermucker for low level guys.

I don't think I've ever fought him, so the challenge is conditionally accepted - the condition being actually reaching that area.

taplonaplo said:
I probably would have gone with more HP tho. With BG2 mirror image you really gotta be kiting to stay alive.

Staying alive is not the priority for this LP - at least not for me ;) The Codex might have a different opinion on that, though.

oldmanpaco said:
What mods are installed? SCS?

Quoting myself:
MicoSelva said:
Tutu will be the only mod installed for this playthrough.

oldmanpaco said:
hoverdog said:
this thread needs more paco.

To be fair you can say that about all threads.

True. I have to admit that The Codex was somewhat inspired by The Barbarian from Your LP. I still miss that guy.

Nex said:
Zdzisiu said:
Oh god, I sense some horrible powergaming on the way.



Nex said:
DO with without a multiclass or a mage. TBH I find it easier to solo with one of those than play a full party.

I was thinking cleric/thief at first, but cleric's weapon restrictions and me don't really get along. BG2 gives you Flail of The Ages and thief's "use any item" skil (which we will abuse the hell out of, if we reach that far) l, but in BG1 there aren't any really good blunt weapons. Plus, bows are awesome while slings are meh.

Grunker said:
I predict the sounds of a screaming Codexian and a lot of blood.

From what I've seen so far, You shouldn't be disappointed.

Yeesh said:
These people won't be impressed unless you restart from scratch every time you die

Mikayel said:
I did a solo iron man run of BG2 during the extravaganza ;D

Iron man is really not my thing. You have to memorize every corner of the game to be prepared - like in the worst kind of arcade shooters/platformers that want you to put more and more coins into the machine. And still, even if you play perfectly, there are way too many accidental ways to die.
I will check the thread, though.

Erebus said:
The high Dex is going to be very useful as soon as the glorious Codex gets his hands on a ranged weapon.

True. It has already proved more than useful.


I will start working on the first update in a moment (the screenshots are ready). It will be posted today, but I don't know what time exactly.

Answering the unstated question: No, I don't plan to reply to every single post in this topic. Somehow it turned out this way, when I wasn't paying attention.


Aug 29, 2009
A worthy undertaking. I don't know much for soloing BG, but here's a tip for any solo caster in BGII: projected image and wizards eye are your friends. Very, very good friends.

Good luck, I'll be following attentively.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Update #1: The Incredibly Exciting Tutorial Area!

Candlekeep is really a very safe area. The only way to die is by doing something really stupid. So... let's do something really stupid!

I somehow knew, you'd say that.

Having run out of money, we try to steal the best available armour:

With The Codex' pick pockets at 35, we don't stand much of a chance. And indeed, it ends with a failure.

I kinda like that the tutorial teachers don't really give a shit about what's happening around them.

We only manage to kill Winthrop when Firebead goes all horror on The Codex' ass. This equals to a death sentence.

Oh god. Oh god! Help!


Death count: 1

We reload.

Ok. Let's never do that again. Actually, let's forget that ever happened.

Indeed. Instead, we go upstairs for some lootin'.
I will try to show significant loot, as acquired. Suffice to say, not really much of it here.


Our looting is interrupted by a really stubborn chest.

I fucking hate those things :x Why didn't we invest more into lockpicking?

Hey, it's You who wanted more points in trap detection, so you don't get raped to death in the mines.

Oh, right.

We decide to steal some nobleman's stuff to make up for it:

We find a potion of clarity, but the bastard calls the guards!

He can call Walker Texas Ranger himself, if he wants. They can't catch what they don't see, and I have mastered the skill of hiding in shadows!


We manage to kickstart the "mastered skill" on our 7th attempt or so. The Codex actually sucks pretty hard at this.

Fuck you, "expert". You couldn't hide from a blindman in a sandstorm, so cut me some slack.

Alright, alright.


Ha! What you would give for a spot check right now, huh, sucker?

The Codex slips past the guard with grace that would make Gareth the thief look like a bumbling drunkard in comparison.

We sell the lootz, and gain a new friend: the bow.

I'm pretty sure we will get along very well.

Why longbows, not the overall superior, no-ammo-requiring (in BG2 at least) shortbows? Yeah, I don't know either. Call it a mistake of the youth.

We also buy the splint mail we previously tried to, uh, acquire from Winthrop.

That never happened!

We are left almost without gold, but The Codex is now equipped sufficiently to begin his journey.

Onward to our first combat encounter.

Exactly. FIRST encounter. The Firebead Elvenhair incident never took place. Good that you remember that.


Shank is easily dispatched with a mighty swing of The Codex' sword.

Mwahahahaha! Slaughter!

Are You larping the son of Bhaal now?

Larping the what now? No. I just like killing stuff in bloody ways.

Okaaay. Let's proceed to our first combat quest. We will be fighting defenseless rats.


Mwahahahaha! Slaughter!

I think Reevor the storekeeper should consider asking for a refund on those cats.

The rats are exterminated all too easily.

Exactly. That was hardly satisifying. Let's look for a greater challenge!

That might be difficult here, in Candlekeep. But we can try. Onward, to Carbos:


Ow! That hurt! Die, motherfucker!

We win, but not without a scratch. I forgot to put The Codex' armor back on after some earlier chest-looting and Carbos manages to gets two hits in.

You "forgot"?

Yeah, sorry.

Goddammit! How stupid can you be to forget a thing like this?

Hey, You didn't say anything either.

Fuck you.

Alright, time to finish up the area.

I forgot to screenshot the interior of the barracks, as well as the hospital. You will have to take my word for exploring them. I couldn't be bothered to "explore" the party combat tutorial area - I will excuse myself from it by calling it a dungeon.


We deliver Hull's sword to him, receiving some gold for it. A successful reaction check would've netted us an enchanted dagger. How about we try to pickpocket it from Hull?

I don't know. He looks pretty tough.

Chickening out? Weren't You looking for a greater challenge just a moment ago?

Fuck you. Bring it on!


It's a failure, of course.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!


Death count: 2


After this unworthy of attention incident, we finish exploring the stronghold.

Area completed!

Wow. That wasn't boring at all.


It's time to leave in search of new challenges.

I don't know. Clicking that option is like signing a death sentence for Gorion. Sarevok slaughters him every time. I'm not really comfortable with that.

I thought You liked bloody deaths?

Only when I inflict them.

Well, clicking it is the only way for You to get the perma-stat-boosting books...

Ok, screw Gorion. He would probably die of old age soon anyway.

Exactly. It's not like he's an elf, or a wizard... anyway, let's move out.


Tha-tha-that's all, folks.
Next time: against all odds, the game actually manages to surprise us.
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2010
yea i remember soloing with paladin, sometimes it needed to slightly abuse ai but it was fun overall, i like The Codex so far :smug:


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I'd like to post second update tomorrow morning (oh - it's evening now here, Outside Reality), preferably on the second page, but this one will probably do too.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Update #2: Those Fuckin' Wolves

Entering new area. What do you expect to encounter here?

Whatever we encounter, it will sure have a hard time topping all the excitement we experienced in Candlekeep!


Come on, it wasn't that bad.

Not that bad? Which part? Fetching the book, the scroll, the sword, the bolts or maybe the cow cure?


Well, ok. It was bad. But I still think You're exaggerating.

The most dangerous enemies deal 1 point of damage per hit! One! Even FO3's tutorial was more interesting.


You're being unfair. FO3's tutorial was completely pointless and BG's is entirely optional.

Not for me, it ain't!


Well, that's only because You're being led by a madman masochist, who... wait...



BG's tutorial is much shorter.

Okay, I guess that's true.


Ah... Codex? Shouldn't You be, like... running away right now?

Oh, sh...

What just happened?

You dropped unconscious, smitten by the weight of my arguments during our discussion.

I find that highly unlikely.

Yeah. Oh, look, someone's coming.

Sorry, Imoen, You can't go with us.

Piss off, girl I'm not hauling your ass with me just for you to become emo, however nice looking that ass may be.

That's disgusting, man. She's like, Your sister.

It's a distant relation that I'm not aware of yet.

Yes, You are!


We of course remember to take all of Imoen's stuff before ditching her.

We've gained two more potions of healing, an oil of speed and a wand of magic missiles, as well as some free arrows.

That means we are leaving her in the middle of the wilderness, basically naked.

Yes. Any objections?


Our journey begins, for real this time.

Our first real encounter is a pack of gibberlings.

Monkey shooting time!


Due to unlucky rolls, we only manage to shoot one. The rest has to be engaged in melee.

Get them, sword!


Mwahahaha, slaughter!

You have pieces of a gibberling on your face.

Shit, I hope I don't catch the whatever disease they're carrying.

As opposed to regular gibberlings, diseased ones don't drop any loot. I guess, they got rid of their worldly possession and embarked on a holy journey to get cured, or sumthin'.


The rest of the pack.


No problem.

Good job, Bow. Keep at it.

I was only joking about the sword and the bow being your friends. You don't have to talk to them.

My other choice is talking to you. Figure that out on your own.


Right. Back on tracks. Everybody has probably already figured out our sophisticated tactics of shooting stuff with the bow, and slashing it with the sword when gets closer. It's the most time-effective approach as of yet, due to The Codex' unreliable stealth skills and only 1 spell per day.

Hey, whatever works.


We encounter a hungry wolf.

Finally, some serious challenge!


Holy fuck, how many hit points does it have?


Well, that was a bit unexpected.
Death count: 3

We reload.

Apparently the spawn point that generated the wolf has some random algorithm working, because next time, the wolf is not there:

WTF? Dread wolves?


We are too surprised to react. They quickly rip The Codex to shreds.

Death count: 4

We reload again.

What's going on? Why is the game spawning dread wolves here? I'm just a level one character, goddammit!

Maybe the algorithms treat You as 3rd level char because of Your three classes? Or maybe the universe just hates You.

Go drown yourself in a toilet, willya?

Anyway, next time the spawn point is more gentle. We only encounter one regular wolf:

Come to papa!



This is getting ridiculous.
Death count: 5

We reload yet again.

How about a small change of tactics?

Let's try the bow'n'arrows way one more time...

The game apparently takes pity on us, since this time we only encounter some gibberlings:

That fuckin' wolf is lucky it didn't spawn this time!


The gibberlings attack in a few waves, either single or in pairs, and are easily defeated.


Boom! Headshot!

Again, no loot. But, what doesn't kill us...

A few steps further, we meet these two fine gentlemen:

We take their stuff:

We now have two more potions of healing, as well as another oil of speed, and two spell scrolls, along with some minor loot.

It's kind of sad, that the best loot in this area comes from joinable NPCs.


Having robbed our new friends blind, we kick them out of the party.


Yeah, yeah, whatever. Move along.



No, you can't have your stuff back. Have fun with the dread wolves!

We continue exploring, and soon run into yet another gibberling pilgrimage:


Die, hellish monkey!


They could do a lot of damage to us, if they attacked all at once, but pose virtually no threat when fought two at a time. Because of this, the Enemy Sighted autopause feels almost like cheating.

You're only ranting about that because you want me to die more often, admit it.



I have to admit, I really like this bow. And it likes me.

How do you...

I know. Trust me.

The Codex' and bow's, uh, friendship is soon put to a test:

We encounter another wolf!

I'm fuckin' gonna getya this time, goddammit!


The wolf takes two arrows to the snout, but makes it into melee.

Oh god, not again. Don't fail me now, sword!


Yes! Good job!

That's a seriously great success here! It's the first time we managed to defeat something stronger than a gibberling. Applause is expected.

Are you mocking me?

Perish the thought, merely narrating. For the audience, You know.

The wolf turns out to be the last enemy in the area. We explore the remaining spots without further incidents. That means, the only enemies that dropped anything were ogres killed by Gorion in the cutscene.


Area completed!

What do we want to do now?

Well, with all the ph4t l00tz we "gathered" here, let's head to the nearest shop, and sell them.

And that we shall do.

Next time: we kill some strong enemies and Codex levels up for the first time!

Wow, that sounds so exciting, I'm almost dying of anticipation.

Don't worry about dying. There'll be enough of that too :smug:
Last edited:


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Oh, we've caught a few things and a few things have caught us too. I'll try to post the next update tomorrow, maybe even today if the god of free time is particularly gracious.

EDIT: Sscrolls only give 10 XP per spell (or spell level, probably), lockpicking likewise, so these side-activities are not a valid source of experience. I guess that's sensible and prevents BG2-like XP buying (remove spell and scribe it again, repeat ten times for instant level up).


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
MicoSelva said:
EDIT: Sscrolls only give 10 XP per spell (or spell level, probably), lockpicking likewise, so these side-activities are not a valid source of experience. I guess that's sensible and prevents BG2-like XP buying (remove spell and scribe it again, repeat ten times for instant level up).

Forgot about that. I was thinking 500 per level like BG2.

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