Germany - Part VI - Nineteen to twenty-third minutes into reaching the target
Leutnant Catacombs orders his men to sortie from the satefy of the warehouse to fully surround the French squad and as much as possible attack the AT gun :
Meanwhile, after some issues at actually aiming, OG
Sukhāvatī 's mortar starts to get very accurate :
First shell is only a bit off :
Second shell is a near miss
... and third shell triggered a larger explosion than a mortar shell should have :
The column of smoke raising from the anti-tank gun position leaves no doubt about the fact that the later is destroyed :
The German's glee does not last long : U.
CappenVarra 's men are suddenly under sustained fire from French mean from the train station and warehouse on the other side of the tracks :
This is initially missed by Leutnant
Azira 's tank crew and Leutnant
Catacombs , as they are focused on a large number of French running from the warehouse in front of them :
While they ran totally without covers, they had only appeared in front of the Germans a few seconds, and Azira's machine-gunner did not find the time to properly aim
. [actually, who is manning the MG in a Pz38(t) ?]. Not one Frenchman was hit while running.
A particularly daring Frenchman noticed the officer leading the Germans, and even tried to kill him while the Germans were focused on the other side of the warehouse :
Fortunately for the Germans, he missed...
... and fortunately for the Frenchman, the Germans also missed him :
The Germans in the central park were under some sporadic fire (probably 1 - 2 riflemen) from the French on the other side of the tracks, and Leutnant Catacombs ordered to run back into cover. for the moment.
Meanwhile, monitoring the action in his tank, Leutnant
Egosphere was informed that reinforcements had arrived :
A small task force led by Leutnant
ERYFKRAD infantry, mounted on Unterfeldwebel
tindrli 's APC and accompanied by Unterfeldwebel
Falksi 's Panzer III F had arrived on site.
This is the current situation :
What will the Germans do ?