Sphere of Many Eyes
BG3 and Jagged Alliance 3 this year. The year of Lilura?
Well, arrested development is a common condition among codexersImagine being stuck in the mindset that the IE games are a good representation of PnP. Now imagine being stuck in that mindset for 24 years.
He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.What's the reason Lilura even considers the RTwP IE games good? Shouldn't they be shit in her book due to being RTwP?
TBH, so am I. If I'm going to play on 320x240 8bit graphics, I'd rather play it on the table with the minis I've painted myself. Better graphics. And no 3D-4D on a screen can fool the brain to feel the same as when waching a real tangible figurine.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.What's the reason Lilura even considers the RTwP IE games good? Shouldn't they be shit in her book due to being RTwP?
TBH, so am I. If I'm going to play on 320x240 8bit graphics, I'd rather play it on the table with the minis I've painted myself. Better graphics. And no 3D-4D on a screen can fool the brain to feel the same as when waching a real tangible figurine.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.What's the reason Lilura even considers the RTwP IE games good? Shouldn't they be shit in her book due to being RTwP?
TBH, so am I. If I'm going to play on 320x240 8bit graphics, I'd rather play it on the table with the minis I've painted myself. Better graphics. And no 3D-4D on a screen can fool the brain to feel the same as when waching a real tangible figurine.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.What's the reason Lilura even considers the RTwP IE games good? Shouldn't they be shit in her book due to being RTwP?
Old school graphics are meant to let your imagination fill in the blanks. I once said that the entire graphics fidelity that we have now has rotted our ability to imagine things.
Gold Box is trash because of the design and rtwp is more faitfhul to the phase-based nature of AD&D than turn-based.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.
Gold Box is trash because of the design and rtwp is more faitfhul to the phase-based nature of AD&D than turn-based.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.
I have.You've never played AD&D though...
Well you can't do real time with pause in person. It's not turn-based the way the gold box games are, it's we-go instead of i-go-u-go.It never was RTWP, but it was always turn based. Everyone acted in a certain order which is not phase based as all actions occurred at the exact same time.
I have.You've never played AD&D though...
Well you can't do real time with pause in person. It's not turn-based the way the gold box games are, it's we-go instead of i-go-u-go.It never was RTWP, but it was always turn based. Everyone acted in a certain order which is not phase based as all actions occurred at the exact same time.
No, I will rely on the Gygaxian expert for this.No, you haven't and your explanation goes against the rules. Shall I award a participation trophy?
The Gold Box games adhere to the rules of AD&D 1E. It a turn based game with I Go; You Go system just like the books. Ya know how I know? Because I'm reading the rules for AD&D 1E. It is as I said it was.
The way you played has nothing to do with AD&D's rules.When I played AD&D, we rolled for individual initiative before combat, players and non-player characters acting on their respective turns. A player declared his intentions and rolled accordingly. In the case of a wizard using magic, we adhered to the rules governing casting times.
That's not a house rule, it's the way AD&D is supposed to be played. The whole game is designed and balanced around its phase-based system.I know there are pen and paper groups who practiced the method having all players declare their actions up front, and then the DM announced what happened.
It's not simultaneous if you use segments and rounds (like AD&D's rules). RtwP goes against some of the game's design and spirit, but it's still more faithful than TB.It is the simultaneous resolution, however, of real time with pause that utterly goes against the spirit of the game.
No, I will rely on the Gygaxian expert for this.No, you haven't and your explanation goes against the rules. Shall I award a participation trophy?
The Gold Box games adhere to the rules of AD&D 1E. It a turn based game with I Go; You Go system just like the books. Ya know how I know? Because I'm reading the rules for AD&D 1E. It is as I said it was.
The way you played has nothing to do with AD&D's rules.When I played AD&D, we rolled for individual initiative before combat, players and non-player characters acting on their respective turns. A player declared his intentions and rolled accordingly. In the case of a wizard using magic, we adhered to the rules governing casting times.
That's not a house rule, it's the way AD&D is supposed to be played. The whole game is designed and balanced around its phase-based system.I know there are pen and paper groups who practiced the method having all players declare their actions up front, and then the DM announced what happened.
It's not simultaneous if you use segments and rounds (like AD&D's rules). RtwP goes against some of the game's design and spirit, but it's still more faithful than TB.It is the simultaneous resolution, however, of real time with pause that utterly goes against the spirit of the game.
Real time is closer to phase-based than turn-based is. Very interesting take.Gold Box is trash because of the design and rtwp is more faitfhul to the phase-based nature of AD&D than turn-based.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.
Real time is closer to phase-based than turn-based is. Very interesting take.Gold Box is trash because of the design and rtwp is more faitfhul to the phase-based nature of AD&D than turn-based.He's a pleb who can't into Gold Box games because of the graphics.
You're not being thorough in your reading is as I said it is. The Gold Box games adhere to the AD&D 1E ruleset. Your "expert" is wrong since the rules say that he's wrong. Shall you try again?
You're not being thorough in your reading is as I said it is. The Gold Box games adhere to the AD&D 1E ruleset. Your "expert" is wrong since the rules say that he's wrong. Shall you try again?
Everyone agreed that actions are declared first, then you roll for initiative.
It's a phase-based game. The simultaneous actions of real time with pause makes it play more like phase-based than i-go-u-go turn-based though I never said the two were the same.I stand corrected, but that still doesn't make it real time with pause. It's still a turn based game. You still get a participation trophy.
It's a phase-based game. The simultaneous actions of real time with pause makes it play more like phase-based than i-go-u-go turn based though I never said the two were the same.I stand corrected, but that still doesn't make it real time with pause. It's still a turn based game. You still get a participation trophy.
One-minute rounds are devised to offer the maximum of choice with a minimum of complication. This allows the DM and the players the best of both worlds. The system assumes much activity during the course of each round. Envision, if you will, a fencing, boxing, or karate match. During the course of one minute of such competition there are numerous attacks which are unsuccessful, feints, maneuvering, and so forth. During a one-minute melee round many attacks are made, but some are mere feints, while some are blocked or parried. One, or possibly several, have the chance to actually score damage. For such chances, the dice are rolled, and if the “to hit” number is equalled or exceeded, the attack was successful, but otherwise it too was avoided, blocked, parried, or whatever. Damage scored to characters or certain monsters is actually not substantially physical — a mere nick or scratch until the last handful of hit points are considered — it is a matter of wearing away the endurance, the luck, the magical protections. With respect to most monsters such damage is, in fact, more physically substantial, although as with adjustments in armor class rating for speed and agility, there are also similar additions in hit points. So while a round of combat is not a continuous series of attacks, it is neither just a single blow and counter-blow affair. The opponents spar and move, seeking the opportunity to engage when an opening in the enemy’s guard presents itself.
Seems to be a misunderstanding here about the meaning of phase-based's not phase based at all. It's a continuous run of actions with the actions performed done at a specific moment in that 1 minute of time. Whether it's an opening for a strike or that the spell is ready to be cast it's just at that point when it's released. That alone tells you it's not real time with pause. All of the action is at the same time.
Put up from the actual rules the word phase in regards to performing actions. You won't find it.
Seems to be a misunderstanding here about the meaning of phase-based's not phase based at all. It's a continuous run of actions with the actions performed done at a specific moment in that 1 minute of time. Whether it's an opening for a strike or that the spell is ready to be cast it's just at that point when it's released. That alone tells you it's not real time with pause. All of the action is at the same time.
Put up from the actual rules the word phase in regards to performing actions. You won't find it.
Declaration phase plus execution phase = phase-based.