The Ten Swords Conference VI
“No, I think not. It’s too risky.”
Xuezi begins cursing up a storm of protests, but you ignore her.
“I thought interfering directly with mortal affairs was forbidden by a long-standing edict of Heaven,” says Shun loudly. This seems to give the veiled woman pause.
“Be a good girl now. Lingshu, catch.” Letting go of Song Lingshu’s hand, you pass Xuezi over. With one arm freed up, you throw a loop of silk around Lingshu’s Chixiao Sword. The red string wraps around the sword’s hilt tightly, forming a secure knot in an instant.
The veiled woman begins replying to Shun. “I see you know that much, at least. Unfortunately for you, foolish Emperor, there are exceptions. Let’s say, if they intrude into our domain…”
“You mean, this island…” Shun seems surprised.
You make your apologize to Lingshu in advance. “I’m going to need that sword for a bit. Sorry.”
“What do you-“ Before Lingshu can finish her words, you give her a sharp kick. Her grip on the sword loosens as she flies backwards, clutching Xuezi in her arms. At the same time, you use the force of the kick to propel yourself forward, your fingers pushing into the ground to gain traction. Charging against the strong wind, even with your qinggong, you make little headway before you are blown back again. As you tumble through the air, you feel the silk running through your fingers. Using it as a guide, you manage to fall back towards the sword. Your feet land against the hilt. The crimson blade bends slightly, but does not break or come loose from the ground: as expected, the quality of a legendary sword is truly something to be admired. With a shout, you launch yourself into the wind again, kicking off the Chixiao Sword with all of your strength.
You get further this time, but it is still not enough. You are still falling short. You reach out – your hand will not get there in time. The veiled lady is about to strike. Winding the silk around your fingers, you tug, hard. You swing your arm forwards desperately. Tied to you through the silk, the Chixiao Sword turns into a whirling red circle as it spins rapidly, cutting through the wind with ease.
You could only hope that in your desperation, you timed it right. Aimed it right.
There is a clang of metal. The Chixiao Sword bounces off the Xuanyuan Sword, knocking it off course.
Instead of piercing Shun’s throat, the copper blade sinks into his abdomen.
Blood, red blood, trickles down the sword, running through the grooves that make up the ancient inscriptions.
The woman turns, throwing a furious glare at you. This time the wind feels like a battering ram, taking all breath out of your lungs. It knocks you up into the sky, smashing you through the tall banners. As you fall through the air, the ground below you shudders. A loud, muffled groan of stone giving way seems to spread throughout the island, resonating from every plot of ground. The small tower you had emerged from collapses, crumbling in on itself. There is a tremendous bang as the stone altar splits down the middle, toppling the pot of incense. The veiled woman cries out. You hit the ground hard, but spring to your feet immediately. The wind has weakened; no longer being directed by her will, it now swirls around the cliffs wildly.
“What did you do, Li Shun?” she screams angrily.
“It came a little too late… but the disruption was successful. As it so happens, I do know a bit about celestial domains,” grins Shun, who is kneeling on the ground just behind her; he has removed the sword from his gut and is attempting to stem the flow of blood with his fingers.
You shout out his name. If you can just get to him…
The veiled lady lashes out at Shun, her fingers arching into sharp claws. With an agility that belies his injury, he rolls safely out of the way. Her claws sink into the floor; the stone begins melting and bubbling as she withdraws her hand. Shun laughs, staggering to his feet. “If you are truly all-knowing, you would have killed me the moment I stepped on this island. Still, it was not an easy task to fool you. If I had no intention of fully putting my own life on the line, I could not have cornered you here.”
“Are you some sort of idiot? You would have died!” you shout, rushing to his side.
Shun merely shrugs, giving you a good-natured grin. “Look who’s talking. Anyway, you bailed me out, didn’t you? I believed that you would, and it paid off. Of course, I would have had to think up something if you weren't here...”
Was he always the sort to take such insane gambles? You thought that was your duty. He should not have to bet his own life in anything. He is the Emperor after all. You didn’t really bail him out, not with him taking a bloody sword wound. What is he even thinking?
Despite all of your confusion and disgruntlement, you do not get to challenge him about his decision, as at the next moment he sinks weakly to the ground. You catch him before he falls.
“I’m alright. I just need a few seconds to recuperate,” he murmurs, waving away your concern. “Victory is already ours.”
A soft giggle floats into your ears. “Paid off? Victory? Are you all fools? None of you will leave here alive.” There is a tremor of anger in the veiled lady’s voice that you have not heard before; from her trembling shoulders, she appears to be positively seething. “That is a fact.” Her voice turns cold as a tremendous flow of yin qi radiates from her body. The shadows darken further even though the sun is hidden behind the clouds. The darkness under her feet ripples; for a moment, you seem to see hundreds of faces, masked in shade, flowing towards her from every direction. Putting her palms up, she takes a stance, that veil still covering her face.
“Well, I may have to revise my declaration of victory just a bit,” mutters Shun. “This I did not expect.”
“Fall, into the eternal prison where no light will reach you. Neither the gods nor the Buddha will be your salvation,” chants the veiled woman – soft though her voice is, you hear her as if she is whispering directly into your ear.
You feel a prickling running all up and down your spine.
She will kill the both of you if you try to grab Shun and run.
She will kill Shun if you do not occupy anything less than her full attention.
She will kill you if you make so much as a single mistake in battle.
You bare your teeth in a grin, though cold sweat runs down your neck. Just the odds that you like.
A. You go in swiftly on the offensive and into close combat, relying mainly on your claws and kicks to overwhelm and occupy her attention. Despite her powerful qi, you are confident that at close range you are superior in speed and agility; you just need to batter her down.
B. You take advantage of her unarmed state and use your swords as your main offensive force. With the Yuchang Sword and your wodao, and the Chixiao Sword lying near the altar still tied with silk, you may be able to overcome her with your techniques; it would take only one good slash to take off her head.
C. You stay a bit further back and rely on medium-range combat, utilizing the defensive and longer-ranged techniques of the Xianglong Palms to prevent her from coming too close to you. Once you create an opening, you will blast her with the most powerful palm in the series.
D. You enter an entirely defensive stance, relying on the Taiji Fist and Sword to fend off the veiled woman’s techniques. All you need to do is to play safe, hold out and attempt to use your qi-absorption ability to weaken her at the same time.
E. You take the Xuanyuan Sword from Shun and attack the veiled woman with it. It is said to be the greatest of the legendary swords, forged of celestial metal. Surely it contains some sort of power that will allow you to turn this situation around.