Ah, and picking A because of pride was clearly an irrational choice, given what he knew of his own abilities. Since he self identifies as a pragmatist yet doesn't make the pragmatic choice of B or the calculated counterattack of C, I assume he's somewhat emotionally unstable if challenged and easily taunted into making rash choices when the right buttons are pushed.
While the judgement of "emotionally unstable" is rather harsh, I'd say, as opposed to "arrogant" or "prideful," I suppose it should come as no surprise, and I did ask for grimdark choices. Considering that every choice in character creation had an interaction with most other choices and that our votes were counted separately and without any system to them (and also the short period to reach a consensus for such a critical decision), it should have been obvious from the start that he'd be rather, ah, schizophrenic (I'd request a re-roll, but
yeah right). And while we don't have much potential to play a hero here, I'd say we're in a good position to play a somewhat decent villain, decent enough to shake both Shulgi and the world from their lethargic apathy in our nihilistic crusade against all the world's evils (in before we're either Ean's reincarnation or an amnesiac Shulgi), but not good enough to be unstoppable.
Hence, I see the choices as follows:
A= Lucifer/Satan, the comparison of "lol fire" notwithstanding, purge the world of the evil and injustices of humanity.
B= ol' Grim Reaper, there is no hope, hence everything should simply cease to exist. Pick this for MAXIMUM EMO.
Sticking to A for now, because at least it is more conspicuous and will draw attention from Shulgi sooner. Although B may be good in the sense of undoing the damage by Innana flowers/Ean, sorry, Treebeard.
Edit: as for our weakness, the guy simply needs to eat better.