If we halt the incoming Babylonians, our legacy will be established in Egypt forever. Astarth is just like Sargon, so any victory there will be sure to incur his jealousy and hatred, but it will hopefully establish our personal legend in Egypt enough to be able to take power. I'm not sure Astarth will care if we bring him a glorious victory against the Babylonians or not considering we disobeyed the man's orders. Politically, there's no question that it's a dumb move, but if the people are awed by the news of our victory, then we can establish rule later.
But I'm putting the cart before the horse here. Halting the Babylonians will be difficult, but it's possible. We have a month's time before the Babylonians arrive at Tjaru, so hopefully that will give us some time to make preparations before the battle begins. Hopefully the r00fleblade will give us the edge we need to defeat any Gieloth.