- No frontline/backline distinction is bollocks.
Agreed 100%, that was a stupid decision.
Hello, I'm a kenshi and I blockblockblockblockblock everything. Generally it seems to try very hard to be "difficult and tacticool" but it simply doesn't cut it properly.
I think it cuts it quite well, but I agree partially on the blockblock part, all the block disabling abilities and spells is a later game feature and the blocking can be a bit frustrating in the beginning.
No retreat button is seriously uncool.
There are the F5 and F9 buttons instead.
Lacks the previous MM charm so far.
True, although it's not completely charmless either and I'm getting a lot of Wizardry vibes from this for some reason, which warms my heart.
- Overreliance on potion quaffing in combat is a stupid, stupid mechanic that has always been stupid in every game that used it to extreme ends.
- Inability to use healing potions on KO'd party members.
- Some of the shit feels waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too overliant on RNG - moonsilk spider either hits you with an attack and effectively disarms all your mages + does heavy damage to everyone, or it doesn't do shit.
- Some fights feel way too damn gimmicky (naga boss), and some enemies have abilities that are simply bullshit (moonsilk spider aoe mana drain, arbitrary immunity to mind effects)
- When you keep stumbling upon the same pair of kenshi/coral priestess for the nth time, it starts getting old soon.
All this just sounds to me you are way too spoilt by the decline decade streamlined design. Everything that's making it challenging for the player simply frustrates you for all sorts of ill articulated reasons.
Why should the potions quaffing be stupid? Because the game makes you actually think for once and be careful about your resources?
Why should the random encounters design be stupid? Wizardry 6 and 7 were re-released just last year, half the Codex played them and nobody mentioned exactly that desing feature in any way whatsoever. I actually like it although it would make much more sense with the front row/back row mechanics.
The naga boss fight is one of the most fun boss fights I've seen lately.
An unconscious party member not being able to dring anything is stupid?
You stumble upon maybe dozen kenshis and dozen priestesses in the early game, is that really that tiresome?
Moonsilk spiders bothering you? Really?