Funny thing is, MM1-5 may have had terrible load times when they were new too. But today, nobody remembers. Technology marches on...
MM3's loading times were notorious when the game came out. You had to wait up to ten seconds for something to load. TEN SECONDS! THE HUMANITY! .... or so we thought. I kinda look back and wish I could get my ten second loads back.
I really liked some of the smaller design decisions of the older games, like how the temples were almost always directly opposite the entrance to towns (in MM3+, anyways). MMX's towns feel like they've been designed in spite of the gameplay rather than to support it.
It's the little things sometimes. Everything in MM3-5 was laid out to make you waste
less time. Just look at the path entrance to Sorpigal in MMX to see the new philosophy: twisty passages that make you waste as much time as possible for no reason whatsoever. All it does is artifically extend play time. The entire outdoors are designed like this.
He's also the only notable people who did not met the developpers nor got a vip copy for free , wich makes his review unbiased.
Actually, the only reason I haven't ragequit the game at this point is because this IS a free review copy I'm playing, with the responsibility to deliver that this entails. I keep thinking I should just ditch my current party and start with a better optimized one, but then that won't help with the interminable loads.
It's rather telling to me that the majority of complaints leveled at MMXL can be leveled at the previous titles, or are even worse in the previous titles.
No. I'm going to save the long and detailed list of why, since I'll have to write it anyway once I finished the goddamn game, but for now I'll just say: no.
For what it's worth, I consider "the game is complicated and unbalanced" to be a compliment
It's really not that complicated, in fact the game's complexity is one of the good things about it and one of its biggest problems is that the actual system and design don't support the complexity that they've tried to build into it. As for "unabalnced", this is an accusaton I threw at MM1 27 years ago, and I didn't mean it as a good thing back then either.
Fights are really strategic but aren't better than Grimcock's derpstepping? Are you reading your own words?
Read again, he said fights are
rarely strategic.
The game is not forgiving if you don't fucking plan your party composition, yes. And that's a huge motherfucking plus.
If you like Wizardry, sure. If you like Might and Magic, welcome to the ONLY MIGHT AND MAGIC GAME where making a small mistake in party composition means it's time to reroll 20h later.
I think the most amusing thing in watching those of you rabidly defending the difficulty is remembering that, at some point in time long long ago, putting in useless skills in a game was considered
bad design. Now we have to praise it to high heavens because it increases difficulty.
Well, if i had to point one thing wrong with the game is celestial armor, feels like everything has been balanced around it.
And that's the problem. It's not that everything was balanced around it, it's just a symptom of the entire way the combat was designed: put in something, realize it could make the game too hard, put in a bandage, realize it makes the game too easy, paint it with coagulated blood to try and make the game harder again. The same happened with ranged combat and ambushes, with celestial armor and those enemies that can bypass it, with all the potion-chugging, and I suspect the placement of fucking EXPERT trainers behind MQ choke points may also have had something to do with it as well. All of it ends with a mess of bad designs entangled into each other.
And? Should i attempt to recreate my Jagged Alliance 2 setup?
Uh hello? Did you look at the FUCKING NAME OF THIS FUCKING GAME?
No really, these kinds of lines are pretty telling.
Well i'm doing fine with my first and only party - Barbarian/Blademaster/Crusader/Runepriest.
Oh hey look, "I picked the cheese classes in my first party and I'm having such an easy time", quelle surprise.
So, they don't classify as random or as encounters to you?
Scripted, fixed ambush encounters are now random encounters? Wow, the length you go to sometimes.