Good luck skull cracking the cyclops without a bladedancer. My party is level 12 and that thing still rapes me. It just blocks skull crack half the time and wipes most of my party.
Don't hit with the skullcrack with your first character. As long as you don't have three mages with Magical Foci in your party, you should be able to hit the cyclope with someone else first. Whether that hit is blocked or not it uses up the cyclope's block attempt, which means your skullcrack will always go through. From then on, it's just a matter of making sure to mitigate the damages you take and whittling him down. Very feasible with a level 6 party without a bladedancer.
I played enough to get a little into act 2 where the game supposedly opens up and gets good before stopping. It's just not enjoyable. All the loot is banal boring shit. I was pleasantly surprised once so far while playing, when I got those relic boots. The surprise wore off rapidly when I realized how little those boots actually mattered after they leveled twice and still had basically no impact at all despite clearly being the best the game had to offer item wise. Every other drop, literally dozens upon dozens of items, was either vendor trash or a miniscule incremental upgrade. I never even got a sizable chunk of gold in one place. Or experience bonus. So why the fuck would I care to crawl around through a corridor forest fighting wolves that take 10 turns a head to kill in an ugly, slow paced combat slog?
a°) The combat is fun
b°) you rarely get the item you want, but when you do it's a complete gamechanger. This is a game where you know quickly what kind of items to shoot for, so while 99% of them are not useful with your builds, the best items are usually not relics but random drops that fit what you want.
C°) ANY upgrade change everything.
Fuck, you don't even get the satisfaction of feeling like you properly explored a place, because enemies just pop up out of thin air from spots you already explored.
Why the fuck even have a map if it doesn't matter where I've been or where I'm going, I'm just going to run into random shit and gain small increments of gold and experience over and over again anyways. Even when I killed something massively outleveling me (one of my favourite things to do in MM3-5 that gave me a real sense of triumph) rewarded me with basically nothing. A pittance of xp and a shit item not worth equipping that sold for about as much as the potions I burned would have. It wasn't a tactical or exciting fight either. Just potion spam to win a war of attrition through healing magic.
Wat. You want an awesome button too?
Compare this to playing through MM3-5. Just clearing the shittiest entry level dungeon will probably reward me with a weapon that doubles my damage output for a character. Exploring even moderately will give me chunks of loot or huge exp rewards that massively outstrip what you'd expect from them on occasion. Fighting past exceptional enemies would often grant access to loot stashes that utterly dwarfed anything you'd found before, or barrels with permanent stat bonuses that would boost a characters max hp by 60%, instead of this +1% resist to one element of magic bullshit. I was constantly excited to find out what was around the next corner playing those games. I couldn't care less for this game. Its not even worth the fucking loading time, let along the combat slog or the slow ass backtracking to town through empty fields so I can navigate the fucking maze town just to repair one fucking weapon or buy food or one spell or upgrade a single fucking skill. Fuck the pace of this game. If every item I ever found had been replaced with it's value in gold as vendor trash, it would actually improve the experience by not making me sell the shit myself. How pathetic is that.