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Neverwinter new pics - OH GAWD ITZ HEAVAN


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
The new storyline is for level 60-70 so if youa re epic it likely should be easy.

Also, all those PC gamers laughing at xboners beings crewed... the laugh is on you too. As they pulled the same shit on you but at leaST you got some warning. HAHA.


May 16, 2008
Codex 2012 Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014
so i started playing this with a friend, and 145 pages are way too many

is this very grindy? is it fun? is it challenging?


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Well, the newer content is much grindier and more challenging, and IMO the game was much more fun before Mod 6. It feels a lot less fun when it takes so much fucking work to gear and advance the guild stronghold (it was to the point that the primary reason I decided to call it quits was when I realized I was just constantly fucking pissed when I played because of gearing and guild advancement). The basic gameplay was still pretty good, the classes varied, and dungeons did take skill if you weren't an exploiter/wallet warrior and could afford best possible gear.


Nov 5, 2007
It feels a lot less fun when it takes so much fucking work to gear and advance the guild stronghold
Clicking some icons in your browser twice a day is hardly work.

As for the stronghold upgrades that was improved with this update as well. It's not like we were ever going to get to the top tier stronghold gear (making which is another pain in the ass anyway).


Nov 5, 2007
Clicking some icons in your browser twice a day is hardly work.
Wait wut? You don't have to do a daily grind for minimal mcguffin payout and slowly fill a bar anymore? Please tell us more about that!
If by daily grind you mean do one skirmish/encounter/demo for the daily bonus to get the gear, then yeah, you do. I didn't care about the campaign progression because even if you get the bar filled you still need some stupid rare items to actually unlock boons, so why bother grinding for a progression every day.
I meant the other aspects like enchantments and artifact gear.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
No, I was talking about the guild, requiring you to grind stuff in such quantities that a small guild would take forever to get to the good stuff.
Campaign wasn't so bad in the old days, the WoD stuff dropped often enough, or was pretty cheap on the AH. These days the added "difficulty" and lack of leadership potatos isn't worth the grind.

Leadership stuff.. don't know why I even bothered maxing it after they removed potatos, the last task pays shit. And I got burned by the stupid decision to make lockbox weapons better than not-maxed artifact weapons, while by the time I had them almost maxed, a new one arrived to make the current one obsolete.

I had my successful run with NWO, but when you spend more time being frustrated than playing it's time to call quits for me.


Nov 5, 2007
Well they reduced the requirements for guild upgrades as was expected, and you can now create stuff to donate to the guild with professions (including AD chests). To be honest I don't know if there is much advantage to upgrading your stronghold anymore, I think the guild boons are the only thing.
You can still make money with leadership by selling the refining stuff.


Jun 17, 2012
Did they ever improve the Foundry? I did a preliminary search elsewhere and saw nothing, but just asking here because I know some people here were pretty diehard fans of this for a while.


Dec 28, 2015
ok new expansion and like a tard I thought what the hell you know It might be good or fun in some sort of really fucked up way. now I get 500 or 502 as the only response from all perfect world addresses. all because I may have hinted or implied or just strait out stated that bankruptcy was something we should inflict upon them for the Greif they just inflicted upon us.
Mar 3, 2010
but sooner or later you'll find out that once your build is finished all there is left is mindless grind faceless mobs always using the same skills sequence.

A horse of course

but sooner or later you'll find out that once your build is finished all there is left is mindless grind faceless mobs always using the same skills sequence.

It seems very friendly to solo facerollers like me so far. How easy is it to gear up and be able to see the end-game expansion content (e.g. Shadowmantle and Icewind Dale, at least)?
Mar 3, 2010
can't be done. once you hit level 50 (or was it 45? the last 10 levels anyway) you must do team stuff, to go back to be able to solo content again you need to reach 60 (or whatever was the last level), which is exponentially retarded because that same content which let you to gear up was perfectly accessible from level 45-50-whatwasit but it's been moved across a HUMONGOUS grind you'll have to suffer and i doubt you'll survive. i didn't.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
can't be done. once you hit level 50 (or was it 45? the last 10 levels anyway) you must do team stuff, to go back to be able to solo content again you need to reach 60 (or whatever was the last level), which is exponentially retarded because that same content which let you to gear up was perfectly accessible from level 45-50-whatwasit but it's been moved across a HUMONGOUS grind you'll have to suffer and i doubt you'll survive. i didn't.
That sounds hilariously stupid. Why would they do that?


Nov 5, 2007
can't be done. once you hit level 50 (or was it 45? the last 10 levels anyway) you must do team stuff, to go back to be able to solo content again you need to reach 60 (or whatever was the last level), which is exponentially retarded because that same content which let you to gear up was perfectly accessible from level 45-50-whatwasit but it's been moved across a HUMONGOUS grind you'll have to suffer and i doubt you'll survive. i didn't.
Are you talking about 60-70? because none of what you said matches before that. And it's no longer true either, they smoothed out the progression.

Is there a Bladesinger/Swordmage yet.
No, there have been no new classes added since the paladin, and that was 2 years ago.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The grind to the new levelcap isn't even the worst, that's merely a bit tedious and it's actually soloable once you adjust to the difficulty spike it comes with. What WILL kill you is the endgame gearing, or more specifically the Artifacts. Neverwinter after Mod 6 has an absolutely *brutal* requirement to gain top notch gear. I once read someone running the maths on then statistical OPTIMAL time to reach top gear just by playing, IIRC it was something like 1054 days of playing 2 hours a day and that those two hours are absolutely perfect in performance and RNG. This is what ultimately killed the game for me, since it felt like a neverending slog to reach a goalpost that was tossed over the horizon and kept running away. Before Mod 6 gear worked perfectly well, even artifacts because then you only had accessory artifacts.

can't be done. once you hit level 50 (or was it 45? the last 10 levels anyway) you must do team stuff, to go back to be able to solo content again you need to reach 60 (or whatever was the last level), which is exponentially retarded because that same content which let you to gear up was perfectly accessible from level 45-50-whatwasit but it's been moved across a HUMONGOUS grind you'll have to suffer and i doubt you'll survive. i didn't.
That sounds hilariously stupid. Why would they do that?
Reasons Module 6 AKA Mod Fuck You seem to be twofold: First as part of increasing the level cap there seems to have been internal and/or external (there's a pretty elitist top in NW community, consisting largely of whales and exploiters who are essentially whales through that) pressure to make everything harder and more exclusive (the Guild Advancement system is the epitome of making something unreachable except for a minority who were the first and had enormous resources and manpower), and then secondly to do some more whaling for cash.


Feb 12, 2010
mexico of europe
yeah mod 6 killed it for me HARD

and after that i had no oresure to "comeback and look whats changed" until they added fishing - but since ist cryptic they did it in so retarded way and to even get to that zone would entail slogin thru grindfest that it cured me completly from any desire for d&d:nevershitfest
Mar 3, 2010
about once per week i have the thought "maybe i should reinstall neverwinter", but then "but it's crap, don't do it", and i don't.
a shame because i really wanted to like it.


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
can't be done. once you hit level 50 (or was it 45? the last 10 levels anyway) you must do team stuff, to go back to be able to solo content again you need to reach 60 (or whatever was the last level), which is exponentially retarded because that same content which let you to gear up was perfectly accessible from level 45-50-whatwasit but it's been moved across a HUMONGOUS grind you'll have to suffer and i doubt you'll survive. i didn't.
Are you talking about 60-70? because none of what you said matches before that. And it's no longer true either, they smoothed out the progression.

Is there a Bladesinger/Swordmage yet.
No, there have been no new classes added since the paladin, and that was 2 years ago.
Holy shit that was 2 years ago? It feels like I just played 1 year ago, maybe 2 years ago, but that was before the Paladin came out.

Still, I do have to say I enjoyed my first romp of the game, as a Control Wizard, repelling mobs off cliffs all the time. Can't complain about a F2P (I didn't get into endgame or anything) game's replay value either.

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