I'm using PRC, though I have to say that for a game that's supposedly ultramoddable, a lot of this shit is way more wonky than it has any right to be. The way you need to pseudo-memorize spells and shit from the new classes through a combination of dialogue windows and radial menus because the spellbooks bug for anything outside normal classes for example. I like the mod a lot when it works though. Stuff like restricted resting make the experience feel more like pseudo-PNP.
I stay away from all the wonky casters and the dialog menus because that's all trash, but some classes I can't live without. I *love* the monk who gains the DoT grapple and the death grapple, it's a whole new way to play a stealth class. Bonded summoner, orc war chief, werewolf are all classes I take great joy in playing.
After some time with the mod that's exactly my conclusion. It should have been more focused; implementing those things that were possible within the framework of NWN and leaving out the rest, even if that means the mod can't implement new spellbooks at all (which really sucks, but hey). As it stands, the mod is not slick enough for me to want to give it a second run - I'm thinking I'll uninstall come Shadows of Undrentide.
That's even despite the fact that my current Swashbuckler/Bladesinger is just becoming unlocked and actually fun to play, and very balanced.
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