Call me an idiot but I don't bother with huge quests mods. Someguy's mods are praised to hell and back, and yet when I began New Vegas Bounties the first quest you get (IIRC) is to go kill a dude and take his trigger finger. That you can't kill any other NPC and take their finger and present it as proof was a major letdown that made me uninstall the mod. It could have lead to interesting scenarios where you can:
- Decide not to kill the mark and he eventually tries to kill you further in the mod.
- Talk with the mark, explain him the situation, not kill him and eventually he comes back to help you at some point further in the mod.
- For evidence you can kill any NPC and get a finger from him/her. If it's a woman the questgiver will know you are lying (and will bite you in the ass later), if it's a common man he will also know you are lying, meaning you would either have to kill a raider or certain selected NPCs that could pass off as realistic outlaws. There's one NPC in Westside that is (allegedly) amazing with guns, so he would be a perfect pick.
But no: you just need to go there, kill dude, loot and return. And the dialogues weren't any better. Again, feel free to call me an idiot for dismissing an entire type of mods based on just one guy's work. But the lack of polish always, ALWAYS shows in quest mods, sooner or later.
The only game that provided a perfect framework for quest mods wasn't exploited to its full potential: Morrowind.